Herbs For Circulation Please Share This Page: Top 10 Herbs For Circulation image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Elena Moiseeva - Fotolia.com Since blood, flowing throughout your body, provides oxygen, warmth and nutritional support to all cellular activities, it is possible to imagine what conditions may arise as a result of poor blood circulation. While poor circulation may result from conditions such as diabetes, kidney, liver or heart diseases, [1] it is reported that it can just as easily come from simple deficiencies in your diet and lifestyle - where you are not getting the proper nutrients due to unhealthy foods or even habits like smoking. [3] There are some simple herbal remedies that can be found in your kitchen, garden or local store, which have been indicated by various studies to have potential to improve circulatory health. 10 Herbs for Circulation Cayenne Pepper Ginger Hawthorn Garlic Another basic herb for improving circulation. Gingko Biloba Rosemary Cinnamon Onions Yarrow Prickly Ash
20 Ways to Boost Circulation Learn to make your body go more with the flow. Nothing slows you down quite like poor blood circulation does. If you aren’t getting enough oxygen to your cells, in an effective and efficient way, then you’ll most likely feel sluggish, look worn and tired, and perhaps even be covering a more serious problem – one that could indicate cardiovascular disease. To boost your energy levels, tone your body, and feel a whole lot like a kid again, get your life force energy flow on with these 20 natural circulation-boosting tips. Ingest Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper contains the chemical compound capsaicin, which may help to reduce cholesterol and clear arteries and blood vessels. Dry Brush Daily Dry skin brushing invigorates the skin, increasing blood supply to the areas brushed and bringing them oxygen and increased circulation. To dry brush most effectively, brush in upward, circular motions toward your heart. Take Hot-Cold C0ntrast Showers Get Regular Massages Eat Healthy Go Ginkgo Drink Water Relax
Herbs for Energy Please Share This Page: Top 10 Herbs For Energy image to repin / shareHerbs photo © Africa Studio, Athlete photo © Stefan Schurr - Fotolia.com Feeling your energy quickly being drained even before the day ends? Kicking your energy with coffee tends to strain your brain's adrenal cortex by causing it to work harder than normal to boost energy - and we all know about the "crash" effect afterwards. [2] A 2010 study has also found caffeine-based energy drinks to be typically loaded with sugar and carbohydrates and are even erroneously marketed as reversing alcohol related impairments such as motor coordination and visual reaction time, providing consumers a false sense of control. [3] [4] Whether to boost your immune system and fight infection or improve mental alertness and cognitive performance or fight signs of ageing and even depression, herbs are reported to be a natural source for restoring your energy. 10 Energy Boosting Herbs Ginseng Ginseng is a well known energy booster. Green tea Cacao
How Not to Die of Botulism After tanking up on “pruno,” a bootleg prison wine, eight maximum-security inmates at the Utah State prison in Salt Lake County tried to shake off more than just the average hangover. Their buzz faded into double vision, weakness, trouble swallowing, and vomiting. Tests confirmed that the detainees came down with botulism from their cellblock science experiment. In secret, a prison moonshiner mixed grapefruit, oranges, powdered drink mix, canned fruit, and water in a plastic bag. For the pièce de résistance, he added a baked potato filched from a meal tray weeks earlier and peeled with his fingernails. After days of fermentation and anticipation, the brewer filtered the mash through a sock, and then doled out the hooch to his fellow yardbirds. The party was short-lived. Investigators traced botulism spores to the humble spud. Botulism, the illness caused by toxin exposure, first received scientific attention in rural Germany in the late 18th century.
Professional Herbalist Course Payment Plan - Herbal Courses - Planetherb - Nightly Payment One, $799: Professional Herbalist Course Lessons 1-12 with the following 8 books:The Way of Herbs by Michael TierraHealing with the Herbs of Life by Lesley TierraThe Way of Ayurvedic Herbs by K.P. Khalsa and Michael TierraHerbal Medicine Makers Handbook by James GreenChinese Traditional Herbal Medicine, Vol. 1 by Michael and Lesley TierraWay of Chinese Herbs by Michael TierraPlanetary Herbology by Michael TierraTao of Nutrition by Maoshing Ni Payment Two: $750 Professional Herbalist Course Lessons 13-24 with the following three books:Herbal Medicine From the Heart of the Earth by Sharol TilgnerBotany in a Day by Thomas ElpelChinese Traditional Herbal Medicine, Vol. 2 by Michael and Lesley Tierra Payment Three: $750 Professional Herbalist Course Lessons 25-36AHG Student Membership for one year Payment Plan Detail Payment One: $799; Payment Two: $750; Payment Three $750
Cannabis is Key to Good Health When We Eat it vs. Smoke it It is no secret that our world is seeing a huge increase in poor health and cancer cases. It should come as no surprise when we look at what we eat daily, the condition of our environment and the types of body care products we use daily that contain a ton of cancer causing agents. Mainstream medicine suggests that chemotherapy and radiation are the best means to go about treating cancer, but there is a growing body of evidence to suggest there exist much better cures. Cannabinoids may very well be one of the best disease and cancer fighting treatments out there. What are cannabinoids? Cannabinoids have been proven to reduce cancer cells as they have a great impact on the rebuilding of the immune system. Cannabinoids can prevent cancer, reduce heart attacks by 66% and insulin dependent diabetes by 58%. “If you heat the plant, you will decarboxylate THC-acid and you will get high, you”ll get your 10 mg.
Easy and Effective Tonic for Thyroid Disorders I know several people that suffer from thyroid disorders, and these greatly affect their health and wellbeing. Thyroid disorders can affect your weight, mood, energy, cholesterol, bowel problems and more. The thyroid gland is one of the largest endocrine glands and is found in the neck. When I researched the subject of how to maintain the thyroid in top condition, I’ve seen that radishes and radish juice came at the top of the list regarding balancing the activity of the thyroid gland. One of the problems that I was facing when researching this subject was how much and how long to take this tonic. eHow website talks about the healthy benefits of juicing radishes, and it is mentioned there that there is no time frame for using radish juicing to cure certain ailments. eHow website say that most people continue juicing until their symptoms disappear or improve. Find here more herbal infusions to cleanse your body (colon, kidneys, liver and lungs):
Herbs For Menopause Herbs For Menopause - image to repinHerbs background photo - © viperagp - Fotolia.com Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit What Is Menopause? The term menopause is used to describe the time in a woman's life when menstruation stops naturally as the result of hormonal changes. What Causes Menopause? The onset of menopause is associated with decreases in the production of estrogen and progesterone - the hormones that regulate menstruation. What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Menopause? Menopause is said to officially begin once a woman has experienced a full year without a menstrual period. Irregular periods: During the peri-menopausal years, irregular periods are often experienced. Decreased fertility: Due to the drop in estrogen levels that occur during the peri-menopausal stage, the chances of becoming pregnant are reduced significantly. “Hot flashes”: A sudden feeling of heat in the face, neck or chest, sometimes accompanied by redness and swelling of the skin in those areas.
Knowing the Symptoms of Liver Disease Could Save your Life | Healthy News and Information by MICHELLE TOOLE Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of liver disease can save your life. As with so many illnesses and diseases, liver disease, if spotted early enough, can be arrested, and cured (providing the causes have been identified and are avoided in the future), and your liver can fully recover, growing new healthy tissue to replace any that has been damaged, just as long as the disease has not been allowed to progress too far – hence the importance of knowing the warning signs to look out for. An organ and a gland Your liver is the largest internal organ (and also the largest internal gland) that you have in your body. In a healthy adult, a normal liver will weigh somewhere between 3 to 3.5 pounds and it plays a crucial role in a number of body system functions. The functions of the liver Hepatic disease Liver disease is also sometimes referred to as hepatic disease. The causes of liver disease Liver disease can be brought about in a number of different ways. Gallstones Share:
One of the Best Herbal Medicine Courses you can do - Nightly With all the ills besetting us today, people are seeking a kinder, gentler way to heal. That's why there’s a move towards alternative methods of treating diseases and conditions. And one of the most popular is medical herbalism. Kinder and gentler Gentler than conventional pharmaceuticals, with fewer side effects, and more environmentally sensitive, herbalism has become so popular that it’s been absorbed into the mainstream. There’s a big demand for good herbalists, and the field is growing every day. Level 4 Award At the end of this course successful learners will receive a Certificate of Achievement by ABC Awards and a Learner Unit Summary. Now, you can become a herbalist in the comfort of your own home – and reap all of the income and lifestyle benefits of this fast-growing field. How? Written by practising herbalists, the herbal course contains 14 modules, offering you truly comprehensive, accurate, up-to-date information. There’s no need to buy expensive books or reference materials.
Homemade Vitamin C Medicago Sativa, Pea family Some folks would say “alfalfa is only fit for livestock,” but you might be surprised to discover that alfalfa was cultivated for medicinal purposes long before it was grown for fodder. Alfalfa has been used for centuries to treat jaundice, arthritis, muscle problems, and kidney disorders. The Native Americans used it to promote blood clotting and to increase energy and bone strength. Alfalfa Lore The first mention of alfalfa was found in old text written by the emperor of China in 2939 BC. Alfalfa Success Story Chainsaw Roy, a friend of mine who lives down the road, continually tells me how great alfalfa is and how it saved his life. When Roy was in his late sixties his knees got so bad that he could hardly walk and his doctor told him that they were going to have to put disks and steel pins in his knees. Alfalfa Flowers Prices of Alfalfa Soar Should I Eat Alfalfa by the Bale? An entire bale is too much for a human to consume. Sprouting Alfalfa Bryan Shillington
Herbs For Liver Top 10 Herbs For Liver Health image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Africa Studio - Fotolia.com #34744482 Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit The liver is an organ often overlooked or underestimated. Many people take all sorts of medications to treat various kinds of ailments without considering their effects on the liver. It is good to know that many natural herbs that remedy other health conditions are considered "liver-friendly". Milk thistle Dandelion In a scientific study, leaf extracts of dandelion leaves were fed to the mice for a month to investigate their hepaprotective effects. Licorice The American Cancer Society mentions licorice as a potent herbal remedy to treat liver diseases like hepatitis and cancer among others because of the chemical glycyrrhizin it contains. [6] Another study reports the benefits of licorice is linked to interferon production which is responsible for the plant's ability to protect the liver from harmful poisons. [1] Artichoke Turmeric
Herbs For Circulation Top 10 Herbs For Circulation image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Elena Moiseeva - Fotolia.com Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Since blood, flowing throughout your body, provides oxygen, warmth and nutritional support to all cellular activities, it is possible to imagine what conditions may arise as a result of poor blood circulation. While poor circulation may result from conditions such as diabetes, kidney, liver or heart diseases, [1] it is reported that it can just as easily come from simple deficiencies in your diet and lifestyle - where you are not getting the proper nutrients due to unhealthy foods or even habits like smoking. [3] There are some simple herbal remedies that can be found in your kitchen, garden or local store, which have been indicated by various studies to have potential to improve circulatory health. Cayenne Pepper Ginger Hawthorn Garlic Another basic herb for improving circulation. Gingko Biloba Rosemary Cinnamon Onions Yarrow Prickly Ash
10-Year-Old Reverses “Incurable” Autoimmune Disease with Simple Diet Changes: “I’m Off All These Stupid Medications…and I Feel Great!” Isabel overcame a supposedly “incurable” disease through dietary changes and supplements. When Dr. Mark Hyman first saw Isabel, 10 years old at the time, she had a severe case of an autoimmune disease, classified as a mixed connective tissue disease. The MCTD diagnosis includes rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus eyrthematosus, and other similar diseases with extremely debilitating side effects that can drastically reduce quality of life. The disease is deemed to be incurable. As shown in the picture above, the disease affected her whole body from top to bottom: blood vessels, white and red blood cells, liver, and muscles. And just like with the case of pop singer Selena Gomez’s lupus treatment, Isabel was recommended to take a chemotherapy drug to suppress the activity of her immune system daily. Refusing to accept that as her fate, she was brought to Dr. What Dr. “I can ride my horse again, I’m off all these stupid medications, and…I feel great!” Autoimmune Diseases in America Dr. Dr.