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Project, Third Edition

Project, Third Edition
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Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables Grammar-Quizzes › More › Writing Aids › Spelling Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables Summary of Lessons Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables (for beginners) Workbook for native and non-native speakers. Page Activities Identify the key word sound in pictures. Complete the word in the sentence/paragraph. Keys to Spelling: Sounds and Syllables Workbook Pages(Download and Print) Introduction to Speller (345KB PDF) Lesson 1—Long a as in "cake" /keɪk/ (1.6MB PDF) Lesson 2—Short a as in "cat" /kæt/ (1.6MB PDF) Lesson 3—Long e as in "tea" /ti/ (1.7MBPDF) Lesson 4—Short e as in "bed" /bɛd/ (1.2MB PDF) Lesson 5—Long i as in "pie" /paɪ/ (4.11MB PDF) Lesson 6—Short i as in "pig" /pɪg/ (1.85MB PDF) Lesson 7—Long o as in "home" /hom/ (1.6MB PDF) Lesson 8—Short o as in "hotdog" /ˈhɒtˌdɔg / (2.4MB PDF) Lesson 9 – Long u as in "blue" /blu/ (1.6 MB PDF) Lesson 10 – Short u as in "sun" /sʌn/ (1.65 MB PDF) Lesson 11 – Lax u as in "book" /bʊk/ (1.1 MB PDF) Lesson 12—Diphthong oi as in "toys" /tɔɪz/ Images

Modal Verbs Exercise 1 1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He be exhausted after such a long flight. He prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. we pull over at the next rest stop? 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. you always say the first thing that pops into your head? 20. Vedoque - Educational games and other learning software Editorial Oxford Surprise!, Inglés de 4º Nivel de Educación Primaria, de Editorial Oxford, contiene actividades interactivas complementarias al material didáctico de este nivel. Pulsa sobre la imagen para acceder a la aplicación. Online Tense Exercises - English Grammar English Grammar Online Exercises and Downloadable Worksheets Tenses This section is all about English tenses. Levels of Difficulty : Elementary Intermediate Advanced Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect Present Perfect - Past Tense Past Perfect Tense Future Tense All Tenses Irregular Verbs Further Exercises Online Exercises Grammar Vocabulary Listening Advanced Worksheets Writing More Links English News Articles

Faulty Pronoun Reference © 2006, 2000 Margaret L. Benner All rights reserved. Before you can begin to study pronoun case, you must first know what a pronoun is and what the personal pronouns are. A pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun. Example: If we reverse the original sentence, it reads: The nouns’ positions have been reversed, but the forms stay the same. Note what happens, however, if we substitute pronouns for the nouns. The original pronouns used for the first example (Joe loves Martha. and He loves her.) Correct pronoun case requires different forms of personal pronouns for different jobs in sentences. The personal pronouns have 3 cases: Corresponding forms are given below. You should study these pronouns and know which ones belong to which case. Usually, using correct pronoun case is perfectly natural. You would not make these errors: Personal Pronouns as Subjects It is rather simple to use the correct subject pronoun under simple subject circumstances. Examples: Personal Pronouns as Subjective Complements

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