Reviews of Paulo Freire's Books Some notes to consider before reading the reviews: 1. Although the most popular and influential book written by Freire is arguably (1970), it is pertinent to note that his thought evolved during the following three decades. Hence, to understand Freire's lifetime contribution to education, it is better to look at his entire production rather than only at . In fact, in (1994), Freire revisited , and critically examined its main arguments a quarter-century later. As Freire reflected during the 1990s on his own evolution and the general coherence of his work, "If I was the same that I was 40 years ago, I would be profoundly disappointed. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Educa çã o e atualidade brasileira (1958, 2001) (Portuguese and Spanish) (1 review) Education as a Practice of Freedom (1967, 1974) Cultural action for freedom (1968, 1970) (1 review) Pedagogy of the oppressed (1968, 1970) (6 reviews) Extension or communication? The political literacy process (1970) Educação e mudança. With A. With D. With I.
Index des auteurs Recherche par auteur Results of future of FLOSSE - FLOSSE Posse Phew. We are back from the joint conference of "Towards Open eEurope – Challenges for Teacher Education" and ESPs "Learning goes mobile". Our workshop had 12 participants from all around Europe: Belgium, Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Finland, Germany, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The total amount of educational professionals in both conferences was around 200. Half of our workshop was held in Vantaa at Palmenia continuity education centre and half at the 2800 passenger Silja Serenade ferry from Helsinki to Stockholm. The participants had to work as researchers of three future scenarios describing the world in year 2010 (see the attached PDF documents): Learner CommunitiesCustomized LearningCollaboration Both me and Timo thought that our workshop was a great success. I think my objective was fulfilled. One thing they noticed was that they are all very different people coming from very different cultures. Some other things experienced during the ride:
TECFA Seed :: Socio-constructivism for the masses Appel à communications - Conférence JETCSIC à Paris le 6 juillet 17eme Journee d’étude sur le Traitement Cognitif des Systèmes d’Information Complexes – JETCSICLIEU : Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Laboratoire PACO (EA 4431), Nanterre DATE : Vendredi 6 juillet 2012 L'objectif de cette journée d'étude est de faire un point sur un domaine de recherche en pleine expansion au sein des sciences cognitives : le traitement (conception, utilisation et compréhension) des systèmes d'information complexes (SIC). Les SIC désignent des systèmes comportant un volume important d'informations textuelles, imagées, vidéos et/ou sonores, utilisées dans le cadre de tâches complexes : recherche d'informations, résolution de problèmes, conception, apprentissage, simulation. Publié: 16 Mar 2012 - 11:12Lire la suite de 'Appel à communications - Conférence JETCSIC à Paris le 6 juillet' (1 Lire la suite...)
networkedlearning » digital literacy and how it affects teaching and learning practices A critique originally written for the Knowledge Tree. Published again in the December 2005 edition of the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.Slides Abstract In this critique the author considers how digital literacy affects teaching practices in Australian education. Consideration is given to understandings of digital literacy, the impact of open source software and the place of content within the worldwide rapid publishing and networked learning revolution (Web 2.0). Participatory action research is suggested as an approach to developing awareness of new models for online learning, improving digital literacy skills and enabling networked learning practices in Australian education. Introduction What is digital literacy It is commonly held that having an ability to read and write impacts considerably on a person's potential to communicate and learn. Issues affecting digital literacy in Australian education Conclusion: Useful Links References .
Virtual University Open Educational Resources Open content for higher education Session 2 – Discussion summary Perspectives of the providers and issues related to provision 31 October - 11 November 2005 This is a summary of the second session of the forum organized by UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) on Open Educational Resources: Open Content for Higher Education. The objective of the second session was to support reflection on the provision of Open Educational Resources (OER) and some of the related issues by: During the first week, four examples of institutional OER initiatives were presented by the following discussants: These institutions were selected to illustrate different lines of OER development in differing institutional settings and each was described in the Background Note for the session (including key issues, challenges and rationales). Faculty involvement is one of the major challenges confronted by institutions involved in OER development. Costs and funding
Teacher gleans federal kudos for bookless classroom View 2 photos » Jerry Mangus, a 5th and 6th-grade math teacher at Plymouth Elementary School in Taylorsville, received the No Child Left Behind Act Maerican Star of Teaching Award on November 2, 2005. Laura Seitz, Deseret Morning News TAYLORSVILLE — Jerry Mangus' textbook-less teaching has dazzled the U.S. Mangus, who teaches fifth- and sixth-grade math at Plymouth Elementary, uses only computers to teach fractions and other numerical concepts to kids. For his efforts, the federal education department on Wednesday bestowed Mangus with its No Child Left Behind Act American Star of Teaching Award. "He's someone who has gone far and above," said Carolyn Snowbarger, director of the department's Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative, who presented the award. The award comes with a plaque signed by U.S. "This is an amazing pat on the back," Mangus said. Mangus, who teaches in the Granite School District, fell into bookless teaching a few years ago. "I thought, 'Wow!' That is, when the power's out.
Worldandnation: 'Revolution' in education learning a hard reality The for-profit corporation brought in to help failing schools in Philadelphia changed the way the schools worked, but students' improvement seems negligible. By ANITA KUMAR Published November 27, 2005 PHILADELPHIA - In Room 202 of Anderson Elementary School, Claire Burris asks the three rows of squirming first-graders to identify the drawing on the large card she holds up. "A pig," the dozen students say in unison. And what sound comes from the first letter? "Pa, Pa, Pa," they say. The drawings keep coming as the students - some of the worst readers in one of America's worst school districts - begin to learn their letters and later, it is hoped, to read. The classroom teacher sits quietly at her desk watching Burris, occasionally taking notes - refining her own skills by observing the school's reading coach. Edison - a for-profit business hired almost four years ago to manage two dozen of the lowest-performing schools in the district - is striving to radically change education in America.
Dave’s Educational Blog » Blog Archive » Edtechtalk - ‘Managing’ a Community of Practice Some initial comments… Kind of a funny thing to say isn’t it? Managing a community of practice… but that is exactly what I’m going to be doing over the next 14 months. Edtechtalk is an organic community that has grown from a single, live, interactive webcast in June 2005 to 12 mostly-weekly shows with bunches of listeners and, most importantly, each with their own small dedicated community. Those shows are one of the central parts of my learning as an educator, as a social community worker and as a tech dude. We currently support a dedicated server, mostly paid for by a couple of members of the organization and has been, over our existence, mostly been paid for under the fine auspices of worldbridges. Base Premises I don’t have alot of time. Initial Decision Making – The Blob The edtechtalk blob is a group skype chat that ‘anyone’ would be allowed to join. Edtechtalk Management Team – The Backup Team I’m going to pick the interim management team. Goals Still here?