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Textures In Modern Web Design - Smashing Magazine

Textures In Modern Web Design - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement If you look around at well-designed websites in CSS galleries or any other source of design inspiration, you’ll see that texture is extremely common in modern Web design. One of the reasons it’s so popular is because of its versatility. Textures can be used in countless different ways and in a wide variety of design styles. Textures in Web design can be very subtle, so that the visitor hardly notices, or they can be a focal point of the design. When examining exemplary Web designs that employ textures, you’ll notice that textures are used in background images, headers, footers, sidebars, content areas and even fonts. One of the reasons texture is so useful to designers and so popular is because adding it to a design can be quick and easy with a program like Photoshop. Gallery: Texture in Modern Web Design Now, we’ll take a look at 50 websites in which texture has been applied to the design to improve it in some way. Textured Backgrounds Textured Headers Sidebar Texture 1. 2.

Grunge In Web Design: Samples And Best Practices | Spyre Studios With the major focus for web design lately shifting to the minimal designs, apple inspired designs and clean cut layouts, it’s about time someone stands up and showcases the awesomeness that is grunge! I guess I’ll have to be that person today :) Grunge has undoubtedly become my favorite form of design and I know Matt Brett can say the same as well. Grunge and Grids This section will kill off the doubters who say that grunge is sloppy and it can’t be controlled in web design. Building the grid allows the content to flow properly and then once you have the grid and/or wire frame built, you can start adding in the grunge elements that give the design its spunk. Ryan Dean-Corke ↓ Mindutopia ↓ Corking Design ↓ Artexpo New York ↓ Form + Function ↓ Subtle texture backgrounds This has to be one of my favorite ways of adding grunge to a website. 31Three ↓ Snook ↓ Arbent ↓ Kean Richmond ↓ Adii ↓ Room Five ↓ Matt Hamm ↓ Hand Drawn Elements LePush Mail ↓ Not Your Average Joe ↓ Casio Exilim Lab ↓ Biola Undergrad ↓

Adobe Illustrator Brushes: Best of Photoshop brushes get a lot of attention from designers and bloggers, but quality Illustrator brushes are a little bit harder to come by. In this post we’ll feature more than 40 of the best sets of free Illustrator brushes, totaling over 1,700 brushes. To improve your own skills with Illustrator, see Learn Adobe Illustrator. Brush Strokes: Multi-Colored Paint Brushes (57 brushes) Paintbrush Style Brushes Part 1 (27 brushes) Paint Brushes (15 brushes) Paintbrush Style Brushes Part 2 (27 brushes) Paintbrush Style Illustrator Brushes (33 brushes) Paint Brushes (85 brushes) Watercolor Brushes (100 brushes) Watercolor Blob Brushes (17 brushes) Delicious Watercolor Brushes (106 brushes) Delicious Watercolor Brushes (105 brushes) Illustrative Brushes (42 brushes) Paint Brushes 1 (18 brushes) Paint Brushes 2 (7 brushes) Paint Brushes 3 (19 brushes) Paint Brushes 4 (41 brushes) Ink and Watercolor Brushes (13 brushes) Artistic Brushes (90 brushes) Marker Brushes: Dry Erase Marker Brushes (101 brushes)

Le web bien avant le web : le Memex Travaillant à actualiser mes cours de référencement, je ne résiste pas à l'envie de partager avec vous quelques passages-clés de l'article visionnaire de Vannevar Bush intitulé "As we may think" (comme nous pourrions penser). Vannevar y décrit ce que sera le web. C'était en... 1945. "Imaginons un appareil de l’avenir à usage individuel, une sorte de classeur et de bibliothèque personnels et mécaniques (...) "Une étape s’avère indispensable au classement par association, dont le principe reposerait sur un système permettant à tout article d’en sélectionner immédiatement et automatiquement un autre. "Des formes entièrement nouvelles d’encyclopédies vont apparaître, prêtes à l’emploi avec un réseau de pistes fonctionnant par association les traversant, prêtes à être insérées et amplifiées dans le memex (...)" "Le memex sous la forme d'un bureau serait capable de mettre à portée de main de l'operateur les fichiers et documents relatifs à n'importe quel sujet".

40 Beautiful Grunge Photoshop Tutorials - Smashing Magazine Advertisement By Jacob Gube Grunge is a popular trend that gives designs a more organic and realistic look. It also provides a stark contrast to the simplistic, polished and rigid Web 2.0 trend, opting instead for a less uniform and more elaborate form of design. We’ve discussed grunge style in modern Web design before, as well as tips and tricks to achieve the grunge look. Beautiful Grunge Photoshop Tutorials Antique Ace of Spades This tutorial shows you how to create an old, stained playing card by using Blending modes. Creating an Old-Collage-Effect Poster Create a textured, old-school collage poster by following this excellent Photoshop tutorial. Quick Grungy Poster Learn how to create a grungy poster by using smart filters and a few image adjustments. Creating a Stunning Old-World Look in Photoshop In this Photoshop tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an old-world look using stock vectors imported into Photoshop. Want to find more Photoshop tutorials? (al) It's done.

30 Amazing Free Icon Sets For Designers We at honeytechblog absolutely love freebies, be it some exciting SEO Tools , web apps or icon sets. Yes, the most singled out elements in graphic or web design are icons. Whether you are software developer, blogger, or social media chaser in web 2.0, you cannot just get away from these small, cool and extremely useful icons that make your text more readable and present the information more vibrantly. Icon sets can be used in Web applications, graphic designs and on the desktop. Well designed icons bring great impression of designers on other thus proving the quality work of the maker. Top 10 Free Icon Sets For Blogger 3D Cartoon Icons Pack Application icons Blogging Icons Set Free Hand Draw Doodle Icons Set Lovely Website Icons Pack Perfect Blog Icons Pixel Mixer Icons Smashy Alien Icon Set Lovely Website Icons Pack 2 Top 10 Free Icon Sets For Social Media Brown Social Icon Pack Adorable Twitter Icon Pack Black Inlay on Steel Social Media Icons Circular Social Media Icons CS Social Icons Siena Icons

Découvrez les récompenses et awards du Webdesign - webdesign Le webdesign est une discipline à part entière, et comme toute discipline il existe pour celle-ci différentes récompenses qui servent à valoriser les meilleurs projets. Aujourd'hui le BlogDuWebdesign vous offre un tour de ces différents awards. Il existe une multitude de récompenses pour la création de sites, l'une des plus connue est celle des FWA, mais il en existe bien d'autres, encore plus prestigieuses et difficiles d'accès. Lorsque l'on obtient ce genre de récompenses, les retombées se font directement ressentir. Dans un premier temps avec une hausse du trafic, puis dans un second temps avec l'arrivée de nouveaux contacts. Mais pour atteindre ces différents prix, il faut réaliser des projets d'une grande qualité aussi bien technique que créative. Voici un tour des différents awards qui récompensent l'univers du web et du marketing ! The Webby Awards C'est l'une des plus prestigieuse récompense que l'on peut recevoir pour la réalisation d'un site. Cannes Lions Cloi Awards Andy awards

30 Beautiful Examples of Grunge in Web Design Grunge is a stylish design trend that gives web designs a less uniform, less structured, and more organic look-and-feel. It’s characterized by textured/gritty backgrounds, uneven/torn edges, worn, faded and aged graphic elements inspired by urban and industrial architecture and scenery. It gives a way for designers to venture away from the glossy, flashy, and rigid design elements that characterize the "Web 2.0"style – a style that still dominates mainstream web design. In this collection, you’ll find 30 excellent examples of grunge in web design for your inspiration. From portfolios and fashion websites to online stores and church sites – you’ll find a variety of websites that choose to "dirty up" their web design. Cogitatur The Lippincott Von Dutch Originals Bridge55 James Lai Creative Biola Undergrad The Trian Woodburns revolution church Jared Campbell nYq Design Studio Jeremy Zevin Sarah Hyland Casio Exilim Lab The Farmer & The Chef Syc Fuk Red9ine Tattoos Xperience 08 Meagan Fisher Soma Communities

Traitement automatisé des images [SPIP 1.9 et GD2] SPIP permet de faire subir aux images des effets automatisés. Ces effets ont deux vocations :— tout simplement assurer la cohérence graphique du site, en fabriquant automatiquement des éléments de navigation qui seront toujours réalisés selon les désirs du graphiste ;— créer des effets relativement spectaculaires, sans pour autant demander aux auteurs des articles de traiter les images eux-mêmes, et sans non plus interdire les évolutions graphiques du site par la suite. Par exemple : on veut, dans l’interface graphique du site public, que les logos de navigation des articles aient deux aspects : — dans tous les cas, ils sont « posés sur le sol », avec un reflet sous eux ;— au repos, ils sont en noir et blanc, assez foncés ; survolés, ils sont en couleur. Sans les automatismes qui suivent, les webmestres ont pris l’habitude de créer, à la main, deux versions de ces images, et d’installer deux logos sur le site. Avertissement lenteur Transparences L’image d’origine image_nb

Faire un lien vers un endroit précis de la page (ancre)  ? - Alsacréations Le fonctionnement classique des liens hypertexte est de pointer vers une page différente de celle en cours de consultation, pour naviguer dans le site. Il est également possible de créer un lien vers un endroit précis de la page courante, ou d'une autre page afin de positionner correctement le navigateur. Créer une ancre est facile : il suffit d'attribuer à l'élément vers lequel on veut pouvoir pointer un identifiant (avec l'attribut HTML id) et d'y associer un lien débutant par le caractère dièse #, suivi du nom de cet identifiant. Exemple : <div id="dernieres-nouvelles">... Il suffira alors de faire un lien vers cet ancre : <a href="#dernieres-nouvelles">Les dernières nouvelles</a> Liens d'évitement Pour bien comprendre l'utilisation des ancres internes, il peut être utile de travailler la question des liens d'évitement et liens d'accès rapide, qui peuvent améliorer l'accessibilité d'une page. Lien de retour en haut de page <a href="#haut">haut de page</a> <a href="#">haut de page</a>

Easy Way How To Create Forsaken Street Photo Manipulation | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials In this Photoshop tutorial you’ll learn how to create really natural forsaken street from very usual street photo. Go through these steps really carefully, because every each of them is really important for outcome result. You’ll learn here how to combine different photos together, add water in perspective, colorize your artwork to make it look good and realistic and much more. I hope you’ll enjoy this tutorial as I did and feel free to ask questions if you don’t understand something! Tutorial Details Program: Adobe photoshopVersion: CS3Difficulty: AdvancedEstimated Completion Time: 4 hours Preparation Things we’re going to use: Step 1 – Removing all the signs of life Open up the Venice street image in blank document and save it with different name. Step 2 – Applying textures to street Open up Image 1 from Cracked earth texture. Open up Algae texture and place it above cracked earth texture. Step 3 – Cutting out buildings Extract the building out of background. Do the same thing with Curves:

40 of the Best Horizontal Scrolling Websites Horizontal websites have become an underground phenomenon. A horizontal website is a lot like your artsy younger sister who dresses weirdly and doesn’t seem to acknowledge a world outside of her own imagination. Since horizontal websites are not universally embraced by the web design community, those who design in this genre must live with a hope that they are advancing design in some small way. Horizontal designs are not for every type of website. Horizontal designs are not for every type of audience. But What About Usability? Let’s face it. Usability aside, horizontal websites are here to stay. 1. This art gallery style website features clean lines and lots of negative space. 2. Keep your eye on the sheep, it leads you home. 3. Carrot Creative features smooth transition and an understated humor. 4.Charlie Gentle If you like bokeh, you’ll love the way that this site makes it multi-dimensional. 5. Another art gallery, this time with framed images and a smoothing background color. 6. 7.
