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31 Amazing Uses for Lemon Peels

31 Amazing Uses for Lemon Peels
Healthy Habits + Balanced Living = Happy Life. Don't stress about healthy living. I'll show you how to change your habits in just 15 minutes a day. I love lemons. And thanks to the internet, experimenting, and other tidbits along the way I’ve also collected a lot of things you can do with those lemon peels. Uses for Lemon Peels: Culinary Did you know that lemon peels are nutritional power houses? Lemon Peels contain a spectrum of vitamins, minerals and fiber (things like calcium, potassium, and vitamin C) that can give your menu a nutritional boost. Remember, organic will be your best best when consuming the peel to avoid eating any pesticides. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Looking for more delicious real food recipes? I’ve put together 85 incredible dishes that are full of flavor, super yummy, and good for you, too. Best part? Uses for Lemon Peels: Cleaning 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. To clean your coffee pot: Simply add your lemon peels with some ice and salt. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Related:  Tips and Tricx

20 Genius Ways To Use Citrus Peels You've Probably Never Thought Of Next time you eat an orange or a grapefruit, or squeeze a lemon or a lime, save the peels! There are so many ways to use these peels you’ll be amazed – and in this blog post we’ll reveal 20 of the best! For Food & Flavor… 1. Citrus Zest Using a fine grater or zester (such as this microplane zester) grate the citrus peels to create a fine zest. 2. You can use the zest of a lemon to make fragrant and fresh lemon pepper seasoning to add extra flavor to a number of dishes. 3. Turn your citrus peels into delicious sweet treats by candying them. 4. This is a super simple way to add citrus-y flavor to olive oil. 5. Making your own extracts is really easy using citrus peels. 6. Infusing citrus peels with grain alcohol and adding syrup is a fantastic way to make your own tasty liqueurs. 7. Add some citrus peels to your tea to give an extra citrus kick. For Home & Cleaning… 8. Vinegar is an incredible natural cleaner but has a pungent smell that not many people like. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

How to Naturally Lighten Hair Ditch the toxic hair products and learn how to naturally lighten hair! Hair dye is loaded with crazy chemicals. Henna is often used as a natural alternative to hair color, but it doesn’t really work for lightening your hair. Luckily, there are a few tricks you can use to naturally lighten hair without chemicals. All the methods below are food-based, totally natural, and actually healthy for your hair! Lemon Juice Lemon juice is hugely popular as a natural hair lightener, but beware of commercial hair products that claim to use lemon juice–they’re often full of unwanted chemicals (and precious little lemon juice!). Naturally lighten your hair with lemon juice by mixing one part lemon juice with one part water–this will reduce the acidity of the lemon juice and minimize damage to your hair. Chamomile Chamomile is an old-fashioned remedy for lightening hair naturally. Honey Olive Oil Olive oil is famous as a moisturizer, but it also contains gentle lightening agents. Grab Some Sun!

Jak zrobić domowy odświeżacz powietrza: nieszkodliwy i za grosze? Czy zastanawialiście się kiedyś co tak naprawdę wdychamy gdy rozpryskujemy w domu zakupione w drogerii gotowe odświeżacze powietrza? Ja się na tym faktem w moim „poprzednim życiu” nigdy nie zastanawiałam, wystarczyło, że ładnie pachnie, a jedynym moim problemem było zapolowanie w drogerii na nowy zapach jakiejś znanej marki i wypróbowanie reklamowanego właśnie w telewizji szałowego odświeżacza. No i tak sobie całymi latami wdychałam różne świństwa nie mając pojęcia co wdycham. Bo przecież jak ładnie pachnie to nie może być szkodliwe. Oto jakie między innymi „skarby” można znaleźć w komercyjnych odświeżaczach powietrza: – limonene (limonen) – ma działanie alergizujące – acetaldehyd – ma działanie niszczące na wątrobę – aceton – podrażnia drogi oddechowe i skórę, szkodliwy dla systemu nerwowego, nerek i wątroby – chlorometan – toksyczny gaz o działaniu odurzającym i otępiającym, prawdopodobnie taratogenny (szkodliwy dla płodu) – parfum! -soda oczyszczona – olejki eteryczne Sposób wykonania: 1.

15 Plants & Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections & Repair Pulmonary Damage When it comes to taking herbs as a form of treatment for illness, it seems the mainstream belief is that they are not as effective and not worth taking. While effectiveness of each herb and their use has not been studied deeply to determine how effective it can be across the population, the same could be said for most pharmaceutical drugs. Much of the time, pharmaceutical drugs attempt to mimic a compound that occurs naturally in nature (herbs) but often bring the risk of side effects. Safety is one of the most critical areas of review amongst herbs and drugs. Interestingly, pharmaceutical drugs are actually adding to the world-wide issue of declining health due to their side effects and encouragement of viral resistance. It is always useful to perform as much research as possible, or as you see fit, when it comes to both pharmaceutical drugs and herbs prior to taking them. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Jak zrobić wielkie świąteczne porządki wydając na środki czystości zaledwie 2 złocisze? Swego czasu wydawałam kilkadziesiąt złotych miesięcznie na rozmaite płyny, mleczka, pasty itd. Budżet świąteczny musiał zawierać również zwiększoną ilość pieniędzy na zakup środków czystości do wielkiego przedświątecznego sprzątania, mycia, pucowania i pozbywania się zapachów i plam. Czy można jednak zrobić wielkie świąteczne porządki niemalże bezkosztowo? O co chodzi? Możemy upiec dwie pieczenie przy jednym ogniu dysponując ilością już zaledwie 30 deko skórek po cytrynach lub pomarańczach i zrobić z tego dwa enzymatyczne preparaty: 1. uniwersalny płyn do zmywania i dezynfekcji wszelkich przedmiotów jak i kuchennych i łazienkowych powierzchni oraz 2. pastę do sanitariatów (zlewy, wanny, umywalki). Składniki: Będziemy potrzebować na 1 porcję: – 30 deko pustych skórek po wyciśniętych cytrusach – 10 deko brązowego cukru – litr wody zwykłej z kranu – 1,5-2 szklanki sody oczyszczonej (kup kilogramową pakę na Allegro albo w sklepie z odczynnikami chemicznymi za ok. 5-6 zł/kg) – mikser To wszystko.

18 Tips for How to Raise Your Consciousness Raising your consciousness means exploring and broadening your own perceptions of reality, reconnecting with others and nature, and learning how to control your own destiny by your actions and thoughts. Heightened consciousness not only increases your awareness about yourself, but also how you can have an impact on the world all around you. 1. Watch the foods that you eat. Doing some basic exercises, dancing, or any other activity that makes you move around helps by raising the endorphin levels in your brain, increasing your circulation, and makes you feel more empowered. 2. Meditation will allow you to access your higher consciousness and inner awareness. 3. Spend some time outside. 4. Sharing ideas, thoughts and experiences with like-minded people will assist you; you will pick up hints and tips as well as being able to discuss your understanding.5. Approach life with an open mind and be more tolerant of diverse beliefs, opinions and activities. 6. 7. 8. Live in the present. 9. 10.

EKO sprzatanie Archives — Zielony Zagonek Wiele osób popełnia te błędy nie zdając sobie z nich sprawy. Każdego dnia przekładamy te same przedmioty z miejsca na miejsce. Zamiast podejść do sprzątania strategicznie, my jedynie instynktownie reagujemy co sprawia, że nieustannie wydaje nam się, iż musimy sprzątać. Jednakże, często w domu mamy po prostu za dużo przedmiotów. Rozwiązanie jest na wyciągnięcie ręki – zamiast przekładać zacznij pozbywać się ich nadmiaru. Czytaj dalej... 15 Plants and Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections And Even Repair Pulmonary Damage A wave of viral and bacterial infections is sweeping across the Northern Hemisphere and people are taking longer to heal from an array of symptoms within the respiratory system. If you are resorting to conventional medicine to address these infections with antibiotics, you are not only adding to the problems associated with antibiotic resistance, but you're also doing little to address the healing mechanisms within your body to address the cause. Herbal remedies not only boost lung health, but they can heal infections and even repair lung damage. Here are 15 of the best herbs to boost lung health. The toxic breakdown of therapeutic compounds in cannabis from burning the plant are totally avoided with vaporization. Coltsfoot has been traditionally by Native Americans for thousands of years to strengthen the lungs. Licorice is one of the more widely consumed herbs in the world. Thyme is very powerful in the fight against chest congestion. Source:

Aromatyzowane octy - niezbędne do prac domowych Bardzo wszystkich przepraszam, że ostatnio tak mało jest mnie na Zielonym Zagonku, jednakże mam tyle spraw do załatwienia zanim dzidziuś przyjdzie na świat, że nie wiem, w co ręce włożyć. W każdym razie, dziś poddam wam pomysł na to, co zrobić z ziołami, owocami cytrusowymi, czy też kwiatami, które lubimy. Aromatyzowane octy do użytku domowego Do ich sporządzenia można użyć np. lipę, miętę, szałwię, skórki cytryny, melisę, różę, lilię, czy też przekwitającą już lawendę. Ile roślin? Aromatyzowane octy można przechowywać rok czasu. Aromatyzowane octy – do czego? Ocet można rozcieńczyć w proporcji 1:1 z wodą i użyć do: mycia okienmycia podłógmycia i odkażania blatówjako środek do mycia mebli, nawet tych drewnianych (uprzednio jednak należy sprawdzić na niewielkiej powierzchni ewentualną reakcję politury, czy wosku), Nierozcieńczony ocet można użyć: Ocet ma naprawdę bardzo dużo różnych zastosowań, ponadto, jak sugerują japońskie badania, im cieplejszy ocet tym lepiej działa. Udostępnij wpis

Why I Refused To Get A Flu Shot Most people don’t hesitate when offered a flu shot. It doesn’t seem to bother them or worry them at all. I prefer to know exactly what's going into my body. Recently I was notified that in order to continue teaching my nutrition workshops in a local hospital’s wellness center, I'd be required to receive one of their free flu shots. I was given two options to decline: medical or religious reasons. So I chose to file a spiritual declination. After submitting my formal refusal of the flu shot, I was notified that I can no longer teach my public nutrition classes at the Wellness Center during flu season because I don’t belong to a church that has a written doctrine against flu vaccines. I continue to offer my holistic nutrition classes at several other locations in town, and I feel that I did the right thing by refusing a flu shot. 1. The label on the vaccination clearly states that the vaccine doesn’t prevent the flu. 2. 3. It seems unfair that I could attend my classes but I cannot teach them.

20 Plants That Naturally Repel Fleas and Other Insects Summer is over, but that does not mean that you and your pets are free from fleas and other insects. If you are living in one of the countries with an all-year round flea or insect problem, then read on – I have some important information for you. In this guide, we will discuss some of the most effective flea repelling plants. The good news regarding this is that many of the plants not only repel fleas, they are also effective on mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and other household and garden pests. Before we delve into my list of the top 20 flea repelling plants, let us discuss the history of botanical pesticides. History of botanical flea and bug repellents Way before synthetic bug repellents were formulated for controlling indoor and outdoor pests, the earliest pesticides used in farms were developed at home by farmers and home plant growers. Which flea repelling plants can you grow at home? Here are the top 20 insect and flea repelling plants

This Little Weed is one of the Most Useful Medicines on the Planet You’ve stepped on it, ignored it, and tried to eradicate it from your lawn. However, this innocuous little weed is one of the most useful medicines on the planet, just begging to be harvested. There are two major types of plantain in BC, Canada: Lance and Broadleaf. Plantain has often been the go-to remedy for hikers plagued by mosquitos. Plantain is renowned for its healing effect on the digestive system. Because plantain is a gentle expectorant and high in silica, an infusion can be helpful for lung problems, coughs, and colds. Plantain is almost a panacea for the human body, treating everything from all menstrual difficulties, all digestive issues, to nearly all skin complaints, and even arthritis. Resources: - Prescription for Herbal Healing: 2nd Edition – Phyllis A. Jess Smith is a healer and raw wildcrafter living in the Fraser Valley, BC Canada. Source:
