Ortie (Urtica dioïca) - Santé Nutrition L’ortie est certainement une des plantes favorites des herboristes. En effet, elle offre une parfaite synergie avec la plupart des autres plantes. L’ajout d’une part d’ortie à un mélange en augmentera l’efficacité. Les orties sont les seules plantes indigènes à poils urticants, elles sont donc bien connues. C’est une plante très commune, qui pousse surtout dans les fossés, les clairières et dans les décombres. Elle peut dépasser 1m50 de haut. Elle renferme des flavonoïdes, de nombreux minéraux (calcium, potassium, silicium, fer, magnésium) des acides aminés, des vitamines du groupe B. L’ortie est utile dans les cas de : Douleurs rhumatismalesTroubles du sommeilTroubles de l’appétitFatigue intellectuelle et physiqueTroubles de la miction d’origine prostatique (racine)Hyperplasie de la prostate (racine)Hydropisie et troubles rénaux Propriétés : L’ortie est un excellent dépuratif qui permet de débarrasser l’organisme de nombreux résidus toxiques. Utilisation : Mode d’emploi : Précautions :
Worth Repeating: It’s Official! Cannabinoids Kill All Types of Cancer The US Patent & Trade Office on March 7, 2013 granted GW Pharma a medical patent covering all plant-based phytocannabinoids for use in the treatment and prevention of basically all forms of human cancer. Entitled: PHYTOCANNABINOIDS IN THE TREATMENT OF CANCERUnited States Patent Application # 20130059018 Assignee: GW PharmaPublication Date: 03/07/2013 Filing Date: 03/11/2011 All phytocannabinoids? As in the plural? The back story: On 1/17/2013, the National Cancer Institute updated its Cannabis and Cannabinoids PDQ® webpage with the following new cannabis and cancer information, which just by coincidence supports the new GW Pharma pre-approved patent and lays the groundwork for GW Pharma’s future new breakout marijuana-based cancer drugs. From Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) Last Modified: 01/17/2013 Dr. Details from GW Pharma’s newly issued patent Mr.
Home Remedies for Coughs When cold and flu season hits, it’s nice to have an assortment of home remedies for coughs on hand to sooth sore throats. Most of these are suitable for coughs in adults or children. The honey, syrups and milk with butter would be most helpful for dry coughs. Home Remedy for Coughs #1 – Honey and Cinnamon Pour some honey in a small container ( I used an 8 ounce mason jar) and mix in some cinnamon to taste. Home Remedy for Coughs #2 – Lemon Lemon helps to loosen and clear phlegm. Mountain Rose Herbs stocks many of the organic herbs listed in this post at affordable prices. If you purchase through my site, I receive a small affiliate payment. Home Remedy for Coughs #3 – Elderberry Syrup I was so relieved when I discovered how to make elderberry syrup, because it was something that my youngest could take that really helped quiet his cough but didn’t make him throw up. Home Remedy for Coughs #4 – Hot Tea Home Remedy for Coughs #5 – Slippery Elm Home Remedy for Coughs #6 – Herbal Cough Syrup
Scientists Find Garlic 100x More Effective Than Antibiotics Against Food Poisoning Bacteria! Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Garlic background image – JJ Harrison – licensed via CC 3.0 A team of scientists has discovered that garlic concentrates and garlic-derived compound diallyl sulfide worked better than 2 commonly used antibiotics (erythromycin and ciprofloxacin) against bacteria that cause foodborne illness. The researchers have also published research indicating the effectiveness of diallyl sulfide against Listeria and E. This is great news for fans of natural products, because it means that adding garlic appears to be able to make other foods safer to eat. In the study, garlic was tested against Campylobacter jejuni, which causes an estimated 2.4 million cases of sickness per year in the USA alone. Garlic has been used as an antibacterial since ancient times. Nature knows best!
(2) Facebook Homemade Natural Spicy Cider Decongestant and Expectorant When we’re sick, our body ramps things up to protect us. An increase in mucus brings an increase in antiseptic enzymes and antibodies. Our noses run to wash out some of the germs, and make it harder for others to enter. This increase in mucous, coupled with narrowed inflamed nasal passages that accompany some colds and general bugs; can make for some truly uncomfortable days and nights. If you are suffering from an illness such as a cold or sinusitis and not just allergies, chances are your chest is congested with extra mucous as well. Ingredients: Cayenne pepper, honey, lemon juice, ginger, apple cider vinegar. Decongestant: Thins out mucous, making it less likely you’ll get a really stuffed up nose/reduces mucous production. Expectorant: It helps “expel” the mucous by loosening it up and making it easier to cough up. Why the ingredients? You will need… Directions Pour ¼ cup of lemon juice and ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar in pot and bring to a gentle simmer. Tip: By Claire Goodall
How To Make Your Own Homegrown Medicinals Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Image (with permission) – Commonsensehome.com Here’s a great tutorial we found for those who are just getting into herbalism and looking for a “way in” to begin the process of making things with herbs – starting with the real living plants that grow (for free!) Although store-bought herbal products such as tinctures have benefits such as a certain degree of standardization and quality control, there is much value in learning to prepare herbs yourself. First of all – it is a survival technique and therefore an incredibly useful aspect of learning survival / off-grid skills. Second, one gets to “tune in” to the plant. Working with the plants is also remarkably therapeutic. Ok here is the link:
Ginger destroys cancer more effectively than death-linked cancer drugs Share Ginger, a cousin spice of super anti-cancer substance turmeric, is known for its ability to shrink tumors. Astoundingly, it is even more effective than many cancer drugs, which have been shown to be completely ineffective and actually accelerate the death of cancer patients. Commonly consumed across the world in small doses among food and beverage products, the medicinal properties of ginger far surpass even advanced pharmaceutical inventions. The subject of one study based out of Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in mice. The anticancer properties were observed in addition to ginger’s role in reducing inflammation as well as being a rich source of life-enhancing antioxidants. It turns out that cancer drugs are not only severely ineffective at permanently shrinking tumors, but they actually make tumors larger and kill the patient more quickly. Source: Natural Society
3 Ways to Kill Mold Naturally (Page 2) A proliferation of mold and mildew can be the hallmark of hot and humid summers. I have a friend who has green mold growing on the shoes in her closet! A humidifier might be the best help for her, but there are also three natural materials that can be used as a spray to kill mold and mildew. They are all an excellent substitute for less environmentally safe bleach. Learn these three tricks for killing mold and mildew. One of these you most likely already have in your kitchen cupboard. Over the years I have found three natural ingredients that kill mold: Tea tree oil (an essential oil found in most health food stores), grapefruit seed extract and vinegar. Mold can be dangerous to your health, even if you aren’t allergic. 4 Reasons Why Your Damp House is Wrecking Your Health Tea Tree Treasure Nothing natural works for mold and mildew as well as this spray. 2 teaspoons tea tree oil 2 cups water Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. Grapefruit Seed Extract
La camomille allemande pour bien digérer Noms communs : camomille, matricaire. Nom botanique :Matricaria recutita (synonymes : Matricaria chamomilla, Chamomilla recutita), famille des astéracées ou composées. Noms anglais :german chamomile. Parties utilisées : sommités fleuries. Indications Posologie Usage interne Spasmes et inflammation du tube digestif, dyspepsie, gastroentérite, agitation nerveuse Infusion. Usage externe Inflammation de la peau ou des muqueuses Compresse, rince-bouche et gargarisme. Inflammation des voies respiratoires Inhalation. Historique Le nom de la plante est issu du grec. Diverses espèces de camomille ont fait l'objet de nombreux usages médicinaux depuis l'Antiquité. La camomille a été utilisée en Égypte ancienne pour traiter la fièvre et l’insolation. La camomille fait actuellement partie intégrante de la pharmacopée de 26 pays. Ingrédients de la camomille La camomille contient plus d’une centaine de composés incluant des terpénoïdes et des flavonoïdes. Recherches Troubles de la digestion Coliques infantiles.
The many incredible health benefits of coffee enemas (NaturalNews) A common saying in natural health is that "Death begins in the colon." Enemas have been a key tool to cleanse the colon by many cultures all around the world throughout history. Organic coffee beans were originally cultivated and used as a powerful liver cleanser by native American tribes. There are many incredible health benefits of doing coffee enemas. The ancient Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Chinese and Sumerians have all used colon cleansing techniques such as enemas to improve their health. In the U.S., up until the 20th Century, enemas were known to be one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Life in the 21st century is extremely challenging to our liver and colon. When food sits in the colon it rots and putrefies and releases toxins into the bloodstream that make their way to the liver. Colon therapies and enemas help to remove the toxic mucoid plaque around the colon walls and the elimination of parasites in the gut. Sources for this article:
Home Remedies for Earaches Winter weather and the accompanying coughs and sniffles can all too often lead to ear pain and ear infections. Thankfully, most ear infections get better without treatment, i.e., antibiotics are not required. In fact, clinical studies have noted that the most commonly prescribed antibiotic, amoxicillin, is no more effective than a placebo. That said, they can still be pretty uncomfortable. I’ve put together a list of home remedies for earaches to help soothe aching ears. *Note: Never use eardrops or oils inside the ear if a child has ear tubes or there is a chance of eardrum perforation. Home Remedies for Earaches #1 – Heat When I was a little girl, I remember having an ear infection accompanied by the one very sore ear. Home Remedies for Earaches #2 – Onions Onions are a preferred remedy in the book Be Your Own Doctor and with some of the folks on Earth Clinic. Home Remedies for Earaches #3 – Garlic Oil There are dozens of variations of garlic in olive oil for earaches. Ingredients
CAMOMILLE romaine - Les Plantes de La Lorien Les Plantes de La Lorien Retour à la liste des plantes CAMOMILLE romaineChamaemelum nobile Noms vernaculaires : Anthémis odorant, Anthémis noble, Camomille odorante, Camomille noble, Camomèle… • Anglais : Sweet chamomile, English chamomile, Perennial chamomile, Roman chamomile… • Allemand : Edle Spornkamille, Römische Kamille, Römische Hundskamille… • Italien : Camomilla romana… Présentation Famille : Composées • C’est une pante vivace (la Camomille allemande est annuelle), rustique, à feuilles persistantes. Le parfum pénétrant de la Camomille leur rappelant l’odeur de la Pomme, les Grecs sont à l’origine de son nom, de “khamai” : “à terre”, et “mêlon” : “pomme”. Ses robustes tiges se couchent sur les sols gravillonneux qu’elle apprécie, avant de se redresser pour nous offrir ses fleurs jaunes à ligules blanches. Cueillette • Vous pourrez récolter les fleurs de Camomille de juin à septembre, après évaporation de la rosée. • Récoltez les capitules dès leur ouverture et faites les sécher rapidement à l’ombre.
Milk Thistle Protects Against Chemotherapy Toxicity, Prevents Cancer by Mike Barrett Used for nearly 2,000 years as a natural herbal remedy for various ailments, including those related to the liver and kidneys, milk thistle is a highly underrated natural remedy that everyone should know about. The plant is well-known for it’s abilities to promote liver health by strengthening liver cell membranes and helping the organ to flush out toxins, but it seems that it seems that one of it’s amazing beneficial properties is going a bit unrecognized – milk thistle’s ability to fight and prevent cancer. Milk Thistle as a Cancer Remedy, Protects Against Chemo’s Toxic Effects In 2007, research published in Integrative Cancer Therapies reviewed numerous clinical studies suggesting milk thistle’s positive effects on cancer. The University of Maryland Medical Center states: “Early laboratory studies also suggest that silymarin and other active substances in milk thistle may have anticancer effects. Adding Milk Thistle to the Natural Remedies List Additional Sources Webmd