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Herbs For Eyes

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Home Remedies for Coughs When cold and flu season hits, it’s nice to have an assortment of home remedies for coughs on hand to sooth sore throats. Most of these are suitable for coughs in adults or children. The honey, syrups and milk with butter would be most helpful for dry coughs. We’ve tried just about all of these at one point or another, depending on who’s coughing and what type of cough they have. Home Remedy for Coughs #1 – Honey and Cinnamon Pour some honey in a small container ( I used an 8 ounce mason jar) and mix in some cinnamon to taste. Home Remedy for Coughs #2 – Lemon Lemon helps to loosen and clear phlegm. Mountain Rose Herbs stocks many of the organic herbs listed in this post at affordable prices. If you purchase through my site, I receive a small affiliate payment. Home Remedy for Coughs #3 – Elderberry Syrup I was so relieved when I discovered how to make elderberry syrup, because it was something that my youngest could take that really helped quiet his cough but didn’t make him throw up.

Anticancer Foods Please Share This Page: Top 34 Anti-Cancer Foods image to repin / shareBackground pic © Liddy Hansdottir - Introduction (Note - this list originally appeared as part of the Anticancer Herbs page on this site - but due to the significant size of the page, we decided to divide them into two pages, one for "herbs" and one for "foods". Please note - the purpose of this page is not to attempt to persuade you that "these foods will cure you of cancer". The purpose of this page is simply to present as much information as possible on the subject, in order that the person interested in the possibility of anti-cancer foods may be assisted in "doing their homework". List of claimed Anticancer Foods / active components Avocado Studies have found antiproliferative and apoptosis effects of avocado on oral, prostate and other cancer cells. Anthocyanins (Berries, currants, eggplant, orange, red grapes, red wine, purple corn & more) Coffee Fish Flax Grapeseed Papaya

Homemade Natural Spicy Cider Decongestant and Expectorant When we’re sick, our body ramps things up to protect us. An increase in mucus brings an increase in antiseptic enzymes and antibodies. Our noses run to wash out some of the germs, and make it harder for others to enter. This increase in mucous, coupled with narrowed inflamed nasal passages that accompany some colds and general bugs; can make for some truly uncomfortable days and nights. If you are suffering from an illness such as a cold or sinusitis and not just allergies, chances are your chest is congested with extra mucous as well. Here to save the day (and night) is an all-natural decongestant and expectorant. Ingredients: Cayenne pepper, honey, lemon juice, ginger, apple cider vinegar. Decongestant: Thins out mucous, making it less likely you’ll get a really stuffed up nose/reduces mucous production. Expectorant: It helps “expel” the mucous by loosening it up and making it easier to cough up. Why the ingredients? You will need… Directions Tip: By Claire Goodall

How To Make Your Own Homegrown Medicinals Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Image (with permission) – Here’s a great tutorial we found for those who are just getting into herbalism and looking for a “way in” to begin the process of making things with herbs – starting with the real living plants that grow (for free!) Although store-bought herbal products such as tinctures have benefits such as a certain degree of standardization and quality control, there is much value in learning to prepare herbs yourself. First of all – it is a survival technique and therefore an incredibly useful aspect of learning survival / off-grid skills. Second, one gets to “tune in” to the plant. Working with the plants is also remarkably therapeutic. Ok here is the link:

3 Ways to Kill Mold Naturally (Page 2) A proliferation of mold and mildew can be the hallmark of hot and humid summers. I have a friend who has green mold growing on the shoes in her closet! A humidifier might be the best help for her, but there are also three natural materials that can be used as a spray to kill mold and mildew. Learn these three tricks for killing mold and mildew. Over the years I have found three natural ingredients that kill mold: Tea tree oil (an essential oil found in most health food stores), grapefruit seed extract and vinegar. Mold can be dangerous to your health, even if you aren’t allergic. 4 Reasons Why Your Damp House is Wrecking Your Health Tea Tree Treasure Nothing natural works for mold and mildew as well as this spray. 2 teaspoons tea tree oil 2 cups water Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. 20 Great Uses for Tea Tree Oil Grapefruit Seed Extract The advantage of using grapefruit seed extract instead of tea tree oil for killing mold is that it is odorless.

Home Remedies for Sore Throat During the colder months I sometimes need a natural way to soothe a sore throat. Tea with honey is my favorite remedy, but when I want a quicker solution grabbing a throat lozenge from my purse or cupboard is hard to beat. The last time I shopped for throat drops I was disgusted with the ingredients - things like artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives. Those things certainly don’t sound helpful for a sore throat, cough, or any other condition. Making a simple, soothing lozenge There are many herbs that can be used to make your own throat lozenges. Marshmallow root: Useful for its mucilaginous properties and ability to soothe a sore throat. Slippery Elm Bark: This herb is soothing for an irritated throat and is helpful in reducing inflamed membranes. Honey: Honey has been used for centuries for its many healing properties. Homemade Herbal Lozenges (makes approximately 20 drops) Ingredients: Method: Dissolve ½ tsp. To Use: Allow lozenge to slowly dissolve in your mouth.

Home Remedies for Earaches Winter weather and the accompanying coughs and sniffles can all too often lead to ear pain and ear infections. Thankfully, most ear infections get better without treatment, i.e., antibiotics are not required. In fact, clinical studies have noted that the most commonly prescribed antibiotic, amoxicillin, is no more effective than a placebo. That said, they can still be pretty uncomfortable. I’ve put together a list of home remedies for earaches to help soothe aching ears. *Note: Never use eardrops or oils inside the ear if a child has ear tubes or there is a chance of eardrum perforation. Home Remedies for Earaches #1 – Heat When I was a little girl, I remember having an ear infection accompanied by the one very sore ear. Home Remedies for Earaches #2 – Onions Onions are a preferred remedy in the book Be Your Own Doctor and with some of the folks on Earth Clinic. Home Remedies for Earaches #3 – Garlic Oil There are dozens of variations of garlic in olive oil for earaches. Ingredients

The Miracle Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Photo – © Milosz Bartoszczuk – – Chia seeds have recently been “rediscovered” as an amazing nutritional resource packed with antioxidants, omega-3′s, fiver, vitamins, minerals and complete proteins. They were once used by Aztec warriors as sustenance when traveling and it was said that 1 tablespoon of the seeds could sustain a warrior for 24 hours. They also have the curious property of being able to absorb so much water that they turn into a “gel” which has been reported to assist with weight control – as they make people feel fuller even though they have not eaten as much. Chia seeds are “great stuff”… here is the link to the original full report:

4 Antiviral Herbs and How To use Them Natural Cures Not Medicine When you have a virus it is much harder to treat because antibiotics do not effect viruses. Fortunately for us,there are some anti-viral plants found in nature that we can use to treat viral infections. According to , here are 4 herbs that you can use to naturally medicate yourself if you catch a virus: 1. Lemon balm makes a very good tea, and can be drunk to combat all sorts of viral infections, such as colds and flu. 2. You can simmer slices of the root in water to make a healing decoction, or you can use the commercially-available tincture. 3. You can simmer minced garlic in chicken broth and sip it to stave off colds and flu. Related: Garlic can also be used as an antibiotic 4. Long ago, ginger was considered a “warming” herb that would prevent nausea from a “chilled stomach,” which was said to occur when large amounts of cold water were consumed in hot weather. Teas made from fresh ginger are palatable and spicy. Source:

Herbs For Depression Top 10 Herbs For Depression - image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © charlottelake - #34744482 Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Characterized by feelings of chronic sadness, melancholy and disinterest, depression is classified as a mental illness that affects sufferers in a variety of debilitating ways. As symptoms of depression are varied and complex, receiving an accurate diagnosis can be a lengthy process. St. Indigenous to Europe, St. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) (extracted from seeds of the plant Griffonia simplicifolia) Derived from tryptophan, an essential amino acid, the chemical 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is required for the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with well-being and happiness. Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Also called linseed, flaxseed has a history of use in ancient cultures as a remedy for various ailments, especially digestive disorders such as constipation. Vervain (Verbena officinalis) B Vitamins Ginkgo Biloba

How to thyroid proof your diet The low thyroid epidemic (aka low nutrient diet epidemic) Thyroid problems are a growing mega-trend in America RIGHT NOW. You may have heard that your thyroid controls metabolism and works as the body’s thermostat, but what is it? It is the thyroid gland, lying in front of the throat below the Adam’s apple and just above the breastbone, which regulates the rate at which the body utilizes oxygen and controls the rate at which various organs function and the speed with which the body utilizes food,” Broda Barnes, M.D. in Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness. The following signs and symptoms can indicate your thyroid function may be low: Can’t lose weightEdemaDry skinSluggish, lack of initiativeChronic constipationPoor digestionSAD Seasonal affectiveness disorderEasily fatigued, sleepyPoor circulationCold hands and feetHair lossWaking body temperature of under 97.8 degreesHormonal imbalanceHigh cholesterol If this describes you, it might be a good time to THYROID PROOF your diet! Pin it:

Herbs For Fibromyalgia Top 10 Herbs For Fibromyalgia image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Jag_cz - Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit The challenge with fibromyalgia is that it is not only characterized by chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain but is also a syndrome that is accompanied by fatigue, sleeplessness, joint stiffness and even psychological conditions like depression and anxiety. [1] While the exact origin of this central nervous system disorder remains unknown, many clinical treatments involve therapeutic and pharmacologic interventions. Chamomile Valerian Like chamomile, valerian is also an herbal relaxant. St. While no specific study has claimed St. Ginko Biloba In 2002, British scientists conducted an open, uncontrolled study to evaluate the effects of coenzyme 10 combined with Ginko biloba extract in volunteer subjects with clinically diagnosed fibromyalgia syndrome. Cayenne Red Clover Passionflower Ginseng Griffonia Simplicifolia Kava kava

Herbs For Hair Growth Top 10 Herbs For Hair Growth image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Elena Moiseeva - Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Baldness, thinning hair, receding hairline - whatever you want to call it, hair loss is a concern many experience particularly during mid to late adulthood. Other factors mentioned by the American Academy of Dermatology include improper hair care like poor diet; health disorders like anaemia and thyroid conditions; treatments like chemotherapy and certain medications; and innate conditions like alopecia and menopause. [1] Your hair is not just a part of your head or body but has become a symbol of beauty, health and status, making it aptly called your 'crowning glory'. So rather than spending much on harsh mixed chemicals or turning to drastic solutions like expensive hair transplants or drug therapies to stimulate hair growth, why not give herbal remedies a try for a more natural, cheaper, gentler and safer approach? Aloe vera Horsetail

Comment Utiliser les Plantes Médicinales Bienvenue sur MR-GINSENG.COM ! Mon site qui Référence les Plantes Médicinales et Compléments Alimentaires, que j’ai créé il y a maintenant plus de 4 ans. ——————— VOIR => LISTE DES PLANTES MÉDICINALES – MR-GINSENG.COM <=Le classement officiel du site avec l’ensemble des plantes médicinales, compléments alimentaires et informations classées par grandes catégories. Qui est Mr Ginseng ? Mon histoire de santé : Après avoir eu plusieurs problèmes de santé dont des angines à répétitions, une mononucléose et une fatigue constante, je me suis intéressé de prêt aux remèdes traditionnels (plus particulièrement la phytothérapie), car la médecine moderne comportait des limites à mes problèmes que je ne pouvais accepter. Je souhaitais guérir, sans effets secondaires que peuvent procurer les médicaments comme la diarrhée ou une fragilisation importante de certains organes. Le Rôle des Plantes Médicinales Le Rôle des Racines, Écorces, Graines, Feuilles, Fleurs, Champignons… Contacter Mr Ginseng
