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Policy: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims

Policy: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims
Science and policy have collided on contentious issues such as bee declines, nuclear power and the role of badgers in bovine tuberculosis. Calls for the closer integration of science in political decision-making have been commonplace for decades. However, there are serious problems in the application of science to policy — from energy to health and environment to education. One suggestion to improve matters is to encourage more scientists to get involved in politics. Perhaps we could teach science to politicians? In this context, we suggest that the immediate priority is to improve policy-makers' understanding of the imperfect nature of science. To this end, we suggest 20 concepts that should be part of the education of civil servants, politicians, policy advisers and journalists — and anyone else who may have to interact with science or scientists. We are not so naive as to believe that improved policy decisions will automatically follow. Differences and chance cause variation. Related:  "Modern" Psychology

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Tea and Skeletons - Lauretta Bender is perhaps best known for devising... Les 10 secrets d'une présentation réussie Vous en avez assez de voir vos collègues bailler quand ils vous écoutent faire un exposé ? Vous voulez faire des présentations professionnelles et efficaces ? Vous chercher des astuces simples pour réussir votre prochain PowerPoint ? Ne cherchez plus et lisez ce qui suit. 1. Adaptez votre message à votre auditoire : vous ne présenterez pas de la même manière votre projet à un groupe d’actionnaire qu’il faut convaincre ou à votre équipe de projet qu’il faut enthousiasmer. Une fois que vous avez compris ce que votre audience attend, présentez votre message de manière simple. C’est sur base de cela que vous allez construire votre présentation; 2. Sachez qu’il existe une multitude d’outils pour faire des présentations : PowerPoint, Keynote, Open Office Impress. mais n’hésitez pas à également tester des outils tels que Bunkr ou encore Prezi. 3. De la même manière qu’un pick-up artist qui souhaite séduire une femme doit soigner sa « pick-up line », soignez votre accroche. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Will Hall at Unitarian Church Vancouver Canada March 2012 - Transcript | Madness Radio My friend Irit Shimrat of Vancouver Canada, author of Call Me Crazy: Stories From The Mad Movement, transcribed the talk I gave at Unitarian Church in Vancouver last March. You can read the entire transcript here, thanks Irit! Will Hall, March 16 On the evening of March 16, 2012, the Adult Education Program at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver hosted the first of several events featuring Will Hall. Stephen: Welcome to an extraordinary evening and also a fabulous weekend. This year, at the Unitarian Church, we are focusing on promoting emotional, mental and physical well-being. Which leads me into introducing our evening’s speaker. [applause] Thank you so much, Stephen, for that nice introduction, and thank you, everybody, for coming out. I want to welcome all the different roles that are here. One of the things that often happens when I give talks is that people look at me and think, “Gosh, he doesn’t look schizophrenic!” [five minutes of discussion within audience] [laughter] And I did.

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