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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - A Journey Through Middle-earth

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug - A Journey Through Middle-earth
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Preposterous: "Proven! Gods From Outer Space Created Us!" and the Church Agrees! WHAT?? (Shocking Videos) | Prophecy (Before It's News) 23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ 26 “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ Matthew 24:23-28 Lyn Leahz | Before It’s News | November 6, 2013 In the desert? “An alien Messiah will come for us!” Let me explain something to you. And if that wasn’t enough, he (Satan) went even further and created space aliens from other worlds—influencing Hollywood, music, and more! Space aliens are Satan’s rendition of the frightening looking cherubim from heaven. His reason is quite simple! A clip from my end times novel, Soul Deceiver, explains my ‘wheel within a wheel’ thought process quite well. Out of the blue, Walt asked, “How soon do you think the rapture of the church is going to happen?” Walt nodded, “I agree one hundred percent. Walt posed another interesting question, “Now, what do you think the rapture of the church will be like?” “I’m not sure, but I’ve always tried imagining. “It’s hard to tell.

Interactive Game of Thrones Map with Spoilers Control Alter Your Genes and Cure any Disease The new age gurus, spiritualists or visionaries talk about the power of thoughts and how it manifests into reality. But when the same theory is affirmed by someone from a scientific background, it helps bridge the gap between science and spirituality. Bruce Lipton believes that humans can control their genes by changing their environment Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, advocates the idea that we have significant control over our biology, and with our intentions and beliefs we can ‘reprogram’ or ‘control’ our genes and our lives. This challenges the traditional scientific belief that genes control life and people attribute their illnesses to genetic dysfunctions. For instance if cancer, heart failure or some other disease runs in the family, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a younger member of the family would also get those diseases, contradictory to the belief that diseases are hereditary.

Sherlock Holmes Why Permaculture Inspires and Motivates Me I want to tell you why permaculture inspires and motivates me and how I apply it in my own life, but before I do that I need to set the scene. Please bear with me. What do you feel when you read or hear that the Arctic icecap is melting faster than ever before or that clean water, a rapidly dwindling resource, is being globally privatised so that the most vulnerable people will have even less access to it? We are all exposed to these sorts of news reports every day, every time we turn on the TV or radio, or go online. Life is so precious, whether it is animal, human or entire ecosystems, so to see it inexorably damaged (and currently at such an extraordinary rate) makes me feel like a part of me is dying. Psychological insulation Do we switch off, tune out, ease ourselves out of focus in a self-constructed mythology? To deal with this, we need to develop our own sense of resilience and the capacity to find balance. Big stories are hunting for the right people to tell them

Dime qué droga tomas y te diré quién eres Por Noemí Maza Antropología de las Drogas. “El 89% de los pueblos de la Tierra toma sustancias psicoactivas potentísimas, y en el 11% restante ahí estamos nosotros, los occidentales” “Nosotros tomamos drogas de esclavos: son drogas para trabajar mucho y pensar poco. Carajillo y cubata: perfecto combinado para esclavos”. “Para mí éste fue uno de los descubrimientos más duros de mi vida, descubrir de pronto que la mayor parte de políticos consumen drogas”. Foto Riyan Babu Joseph M. ¿Qué drogas has consumido? Pues… Mira, vamos a ver, como estimulantes, café, té, cocaína, teobromina (o sea el principio activo del chocolate, del cacao), hojas de coca en bruto, diversos tipos de metamfetaminas, de síntesis naturales también. ¿Cuál es tu posición en el debate en torno a la despenalización de las drogas? Los políticos las prohíben porque es un magnífico negocio que estén prohibidas. ¿Cómo surgió tu interés por los enteógenos y la etnopsicología? Estoy en contacto con un gran maestro de budismo zen.

Cassini spacecraft obtains best views of Saturn hexagon ( —NASA's Cassini spacecraft has obtained the highest-resolution movie yet of a unique six-sided jet stream, known as the hexagon, around Saturn's north pole. This is the first hexagon movie of its kind, using color filters, and the first to show a complete view of the top of Saturn down to about 70 degrees latitude. Spanning about 20,000 miles (30,000 kilometers) across, the hexagon is a wavy jet stream of 200-mile-per-hour winds (about 322 kilometers per hour) with a massive, rotating storm at the center. There is no weather feature exactly, consistently like this anywhere else in the solar system. "The hexagon is just a current of air, and weather features out there that share similarities to this are notoriously turbulent and unstable," said Andrew Ingersoll, a Cassini imaging team member at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Weather patterns on Earth are interrupted when they encounter friction from landforms or ice caps.

What do I need to know about buying land for Living off the Grid? | offgridjourney Shirley Shay Lemoine Hi! I have a question and didn’t know if to post or just ask you directly and you could maybe post for me if you allow that? It’s okay if not. I would just really appreciate the feedback of other more experienced homesteaders. My husband and I are fairly new to the concept of off-grid living and homesteading. When I say “new” i mean we have been seriously entertaining the idea for about seven months. Good soil for gardening Mild winters (some snow is okay) Not too close to the New Madrid fault Not a lot of tornado activity (I can deal with hurricanes but tornadoes petrify me!) Any other feedback or advice as to other things to consider would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance and God bless! Dear Shirley, I would say you are really on the right path. You can use the terrain to determine your building materials. If you planned to build with shipping containers, the further you are from a port, the more they cost. Do you smoke? Can you build? David Webster

The Gift of Cats Linda George, ContributorWaking Times Life is becoming more complex by the day. We can all see and feel this complexity, this hijacking of our minds and our bodies – through the mainstream media’s incessant and insidious propaganda; through the steady invasion of toxins in our environment; the poisoning of our food, water and air. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that there is an agenda – the evidence is irrefutable – and it is about our enslavement. One of the items on the agenda is to separate us from nature. Clearly then, we need to wake up and smell the roses. We know we come from the stars, from civilisations that were seeded in other parts of the universe. Connecting with nature is perhaps the only way to heal the wound of our humanness – because the wound constellates around our separateness. But even as we work our way through the psychological baggage of our shared trauma, and find some healing through our relationships, we cannot escape the insanity around us.

MASSIVE WARNING To Earth: They Are Coming! Extremely Disturbing Message Received Tonight! (Includes Video) | Prophecy (Before It's News) Lyn Leahz | Before It’s News | 11-4-2013 I received this comment tonight on my post HERE. It seems this “Daniel” is very knowledgeable. It sounds like we are also being set up for an alien Messiah, just as Tom Horn and Cris Putnam (Exo-Vaticana, Petrus Romanus) have warned us. His message is indeed very disturbing. I do want to make VERY CLEAR that I feel Daniel is demon possessed or maybe he is a human hybrid. It is as follows: I have posted at Beforeitsnews under different usernames. I told you all ISON would be redirected and it was. I told you all there is nothing to fear from these ships. They planned to ride out the cataclysm while the average joe american met his death. Your problem is you in the USA especially have a very corrupt leadership who only cares about themselves, their power and control. You have taken the technology we gave you for good purposes and turned them in to weapons you are not ready for and are using them for death. Look at Fukashima. Daniel

Meditations on Ego and Enlightenment Wiki Image Eric Allen BellGlobal One TV Over a long enough period of time, the survival rate for your body is zero. Contained within the body is the brain and one of the functions of the brain is the ego. The ego is the self concept of the brain-body organism and it does not like what was just said one bit. And there are different states of consciousness than just ego. On the journey, to confuse yourself with being the dog that runs alongside you, is to be lost in a profound hallucination. Demonization of the ego is the result of ignorance. Smashing the ego makes about as much sense as removing an eye or cutting off your arm. In the human state we experience the full range of human emotions. There are teachers, teachings, books, seminars – so much available to tell you who you are. When we are not misidentified with the ego, belief systems lose their importance as one turns to an inner voice, the voice of the Soul. So what is Enlightenment? That which does not evolve – dies. Peace,
