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Which fossil fuel companies are most responsible for climate change? – interactive

Which fossil fuel companies are most responsible for climate change? – interactive
Turn autoplay off Edition: <span><a href=" Beta About us Today's paper Subscribe This site uses cookies. Custom Search Which fossil fuel companies are most responsible for climate change? All but seven of the 90 companies found to have caused the climate crisis deal in oil, gas and coal – and half of the estimated emissions were produced just in the past 25 years. Hot topics © 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Send to a friend Your IP address will be logged Share Short link for this page: Contact us Meet the Environment team Report errors or inaccuracies: Letters for publication should be sent to: Close Related:  Climate CrisisPlanète : dérèglement climatique

Two degrees? Sounds nice. The reality will be rather different If we continue to emit ever-greater quantities of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, then average global temperatures will rise by 2°C over the next three decades compared to pre-industrial times. Most scientists agree that anything higher is dangerous, though many argue that even this is too much. As the battles to reach an agreement in Paris begin, and with so much at stake, it is perhaps curious that few people really understand what a 2°C rise in average temperatures will mean. When our climate changes so much from day to day, an increase of this seemingly small magnitude appears almost trivial. But it is not. Rather than thinking about how much nicer it will be to have summers that are 2°C warmer, we should think about the planet more like we think about our bodies. The average temperature of the planet today is around 15°C, one degree more than it was in 1750. The warming of the world may also change our values.

90 entreprises sont responsables de deux tiers des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre Une étude pointe les 90 entreprises qui ont produit le plus de gaz à effet de serre. Les pétroliers Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP et Shell arrivent en tête. Parmi les groupes français, Total et le cimentier Lafarge sont les entreprises qui contribuent le plus aux émissions de CO2 et de méthane. Deux tiers des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre accumulées dans l’atmosphère depuis le début de la révolution industrielle sont causées par seulement... 90 entreprises ! Les cinq premières entreprises privées sont les géants pétroliers américains Chevron (3,5 % des émissions) et ExxonMobil (3,2 %), la britannique BP (2,4 %), la néerlandaise Shell (2,1 %) et l’entreprise américaine ConocoPhillips (1,1 %). Quelles sont les compagnies qui provoquent le réchauffement climatique ? Sophie Chapelle Photo : CC Graeme Maclean

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Montreal-Protokoll Das Montrealer Protokoll über Stoffe, die zu einem Abbau der Ozonschicht führen, ist ein multilaterales Umweltabkommen und damit ein völkerrechtlich verbindlicher Vertrag des Umweltrechts. Es wurde am 16. September 1987 von den Vertragsparteien des Wiener Übereinkommens zum Schutz der Ozonschicht angenommen und ist eine Konkretisierung dieses Abkommens. Es trat am 1. Januar 1989 in Kraft. Die Staaten bekennen sich im Montrealer Protokoll zu ihrer Verpflichtung, „geeignete Maßnahmen zu treffen, um die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt vor schädlichen Auswirkungen zu schützen, die durch menschliche Tätigkeiten, welche die Ozonschicht verändern, wahrscheinlich verändern, verursacht werden oder wahrscheinlich verursacht werden“ (Präambel). Die atmosphärische Konzentration der Treibhausgase Kohlendioxid und Lachgas stieg zwischen 1979 und 2010 stetig an. Das Montrealer Protokoll beruht auf dem Vorsorgeprinzip und ist ein Meilenstein im Umwelt-Völkerrecht. Zeichenerklärung[Bearbeiten]

Zementindustrie verursacht sechs Prozent Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016, 08:06 Uhr 17 Millionen Tonnen pro Jahr – das ist die Treibhausgasfracht, mit der die Zementindustrie in Deutschland jährlich die Erde aufheizt. Weltweit trägt die Branche mit sechs Prozent zum menschengemachten Klimawandel bei: Das Institut für Feuerungs- und Kraftwerkstechnik (IFK) der Universität Stuttgart startete jetzt das Projekt "CEMCAP", mit dem Abscheide- und Speichertechnologien erprobt werden sollen, die den Treibhausgas-Ausstoß der Zementindustrie eindämmen. Denn bei der Zementproduktion lässt sich die Entstehung von Kohlendioxid nach übereinstimmender Expertenmeinung nicht vermeiden. Sehr viel Zement auf einem Haufen: Downtown Manhattan. Nur etwa ein Drittel der Treibhausgas-Emissionen durch die Zementherstellung entfällt auf die Energiebereitstellung aus meist fossilen Brennstoffen, etwa um ausreichend hohe Temperaturen für die Zementklinker-Produktion zu gewährleisten.

Land Use Decisions Impact Forest Benefits A new study by Harvard University's Harvard Forest and the Smithsonian Institution reveals that, if left unchecked, recent trends in the loss of forests to development will undermine significant land conservation gains in Massachusetts, jeopardize water quality and limit the natural landscape's ability to protect against climate change. Scientists researched and analyzed four plausible scenarios for what Massachusetts could look like in the future. The scenarios were developed by a group of forestry professionals, land-use planning and water policy experts, and conservation groups. The scenarios reflect contrasting patterns and intensities of land development, wood harvesting, conservation and agriculture. The two-year study entitled "Changes to the Land" is distinctive in its forward-looking approach and its use of sophisticated computer models to conduct a detailed acre-by-acre analysis of the entire forested landscape of Massachusetts over 50 years. Continue reading at ecoRI News.

International Ground to Air Signal Codes International Ground-to-Air Signal Codes You can lay out these symbols using strips of fabric, pieces of wood, stone, or any other available material. Try to make as big a color contrast as possible between your symbol(s) and the surrounding terrain. Symbols should be at least 8 feet in height or longer. Take care when constructing these symbols so that they can't be confused. Aircraft Acknowledgements Message Understood: An aircraft will indicate that ground signals have been understood by rocking from side to side or by making green flashes with a signal lamp. Message Not Understood: An aircraft will indicate that ground signals are not understood by making a complete right-hand circuit or by making red flashes with a signal lamp. Return to Camping Corner Becky's Guiding Resource Centre Main Menu

Die populärste Trickgrafik der Klimaskeptiker | KlimaLounge Die wohl beliebteste Täuschgrafik der Klimaskeptiker ist das „world climate widget“ des US-Bloggers Anthony Watts. Wir nehmen es unter die Lupe und zeigen, wie die Grafik korrekt aussehen würde. Die sogenannten „Klimaskeptiker“ verfügen ja über ein Arsenal an irreführenden Grafiken, mit denen der Einfluss des Menschen auf das Klima heruntergespielt werden soll (zwei Beispiele). Das „world climate widget“ des US-Klimaskeptikers Anthony Watts mit unseren Erläuterungen (grün). Wie würde eine seriöse Zusammenschau von Temperatur, CO2 und Sonnenflecken aussehen? 1. 2. In unserer Grafik müssen also für eine seriöse Gegenüberstellung 100 ppm CO2 auf der rechten Achse 0,8 Grad auf der linken Achse entsprechen. Wir zeigen die Jahreswerte der berühmten CO2-Messreihe auf dem Mauna Loa in Hawaii, die 1958 begann. 3. Und so sieht das Bild dann aus: (Grafik: Prof. Die Trends der CO2- und Temperatur-Kurven stimmen erstaunlich gut überein. p.s.

About CO2 emissions from the cement industry constitute 5% (or 1.9 Gt annually) of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions[1]. In 2013, approximately 20% of global CO2 emissions from cement production originated from Europe (EU28)[2]. Given the ambitious energy and climate targets that the EU has proposed and agreed on (40% emissions reduction by 2030[3], 80-95% emissions reduction by 2050), CO2 emissions from energy-intensive industries will need to be eliminated or significantly reduced. CO2 generation is an inherent part of the cement production process, due to the calcination of the most important raw material, limestone (CaCO3 converted to CaO and CO2): about 60 % of the CO2 emissions from cement production are due to this conversion, whereas 40% come from the burning of fuels (which are to a large extent fossil) to provide heat for the clinker production. As the first project within the EU Framework Programs, CEMCAP thus focuses on the challenge of capturing CO2 from cement plants.

Ozone layer will take five more decades to fully recover Remember when the world came together to save the ozone layer — even Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher? The Montreal Protocol, a treaty that went into effect in 1989, curbed the use of CFCs and other chemicals that tear up the planet’s UV-absorbing sheath of ozone. But that was nearly a generation ago — and things still haven’t been fully patched up in the lower stratosphere. The ongoing fragility of the ozone layer reminds us how long it can take for atmospheric conditions to stabilize after we have screwed them up. In 2006, the ozone hole grew larger than ever. Prognosis for a full recovery? It’s worth remembering that the chemicals that destroyed the ozone layer can persist in the atmosphere for decades.

Six decades of U.S. tornadoes visualized in one stunning map I think it would be more terrain. Wind patterns are "disrupted" by mountains, which does not lend itself to the circumstances that lead to a tornado. Or it could also be the way the jet streams "flow" along the mountains, as opposed to into them. Terrain, climate, and a lack of Gulf moisture. You'll notice a similar but far less-defined dead spot along the most rugged of the Appalachians. The mountains just don't have enough warm moist air to create the conditions necessary for formation of tornadoes. NOTE: Even in sparsely populated areas, it's still possible to confirm bow echo rotation via Doppler Radar; however the national weather service still prefers reports from trained "Sky Warn" weather spotters on the ground. [] Hey in Hawaii we had a couple little ones, one went down a golf course and flipped a golf cart over!

Orbital forcing Orbital forcing is the effect on climate of slow changes in the tilt of the Earth's axis and shape of the orbit (see Milankovitch cycles). These orbital changes change the total amount of sunlight reaching the Earth by up to 25% at mid-latitudes (from 400 to 500 Wm−2 at latitudes of 60 degrees). In this context, the term "forcing" signifies a physical process that affects the Earth's climate. This mechanism is believed to be responsible for the timing of the ice age cycles. Overview[edit] Ice core data. It is sometimes asserted that the length of the current interglacial temperature peak will be similar to the length of the preceding interglacial peak (Sangamonian/Eem Stage), and that therefore we might be nearing the end of this warm period. Note in the graphic the strong 100,000 year periodicity of the cycles, and the striking asymmetry of the curves. The arrangements of land masses on the Earth's surface are believed to reinforce the orbital forcing effects. References[edit] Hays, J.

Exclusive: Climate Hustle’s Marc Morano Turns Down $20k Global Warming Bets From Bill Nye The Science Guy One of America’s most outspoken deniers of the link between fossil fuel burning and global warming has refused $20,000 in bets that the planet will keep getting hotter. Offering the two bets to Marc Morano, of the conservative think tank the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), is popular television science presenter Bill Nye, “the science guy”. Nye said he was willing to bet Morano that 2016 would be one of the ten hottest years on record. He also offered a bet the current decade would be the hottest on record. As DeSmog has reported, Climate Hustle features a roll call of climate science deniers and is set to rehash old myths. Showbusiness “bible” Variety magazine reported as an “exclusive” today that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was endorsing the movie - an “exclusive” based on a press release from 31 March. Nye said he had only been shown clips of the film, which will be distributed by Fathom Events. Morano told DeSmog: “I did turn down Nye's temperature bets.
