6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person 2017, motherfuckers. Yeah! LET'S DO THIS. "Do what?" Feel free to stop reading this if your career is going great, you're thrilled with your life, and you're happy with your relationships. Via Upscalehype.com For the rest of you, I want you to try something: Name five impressive things about yourself. Note: I originally posted this in December of 2012, and to date it has drawn more than 20 million page views and been shared on Facebook more than half a million times. #6. Getty Let's say that the person you love the most has just been shot. Getty"OK, which one is the injured one?" You ask, "Are you a doctor?" The guy says, "No." You say, "But you know what you're doing, right? At this point the guy becomes annoyed. Confused, you say, "How does any of that fucking matter when my [wife/husband/best friend/parent] is lying here bleeding! Now the man becomes agitated -- why are you being shallow and selfish? Getty"I don't get it. Getty"Here's that shit you needed. #5. "Nice guy? #4.
How to Train Your Brain In our imaginations we fancy ourselves possessors of the wit and skill at repartee of a Robin Williams. Until we stand tongue-tied over cocktails. But it's not entirely a flight of fancy. It's entirely possible to think a little faster, a little smarter, a little wittier. Think of it as cross-training your brain . It's not all that difficult, insists Joel Saltzman, author of Shake That Brain . Saltzman offers some fun, simple techniques that will help flex your brain muscles. Question your assumptions . Tags: aging , alpha brain waves , antioxidants , brain , brain exercises , comedy central , conventional wisdom , creative thinking , imaginations , Memory , passive state , people watching television , repartee , robin williams , staples
The Simple Secret to Time Management: Jedi Time Tricks Imagine you were a Jedi master called Bob (your parents, whilst skilled in the ways of the force weren't the best at choosing names). The love of your life—Princess Lucia—is trapped in a burning building as you hurry to save her. You might think of Lucia as the embodiment of your dreams, your aspirations—she is your most important thing. Unfortunately, before you can reach her an army of stormtroopers open fire. We all know how a hero resolves this dilemma. And so it is with your life. The secret to mastering your time is to systematically focus on importance and suppress urgency. Look at what you spend your day doing. Say no. Unplug the TV. Kill notifications. Schedule your priorities. First things first. Less volume, more time. Ignore. One final lesson from the Jedi: they're heroes. Heroes inspire us for many reasons: they make tough decisions, they keep going and they get done what matters. How to master your time | Oliver Emberton Image remixed from Shutterstock.
Waking Up at 5 am Experiment - Conclusion Wow, it has been a month since I started my waking up at 5 am experiment, and I think it’s a good time to draw some conclusions. First, I want to say that I started this experiment to see what would have happened if I started to wake up early. As a 23 years old guy, I knew that it would have been hard, but I decided to try anyway. After all, I knew I could have quit after 30 days if I wanted to, so it was not a lifetime commitment. If you are just looking for the quick answer, yes, I’ll continue to wake up at 5 am now that the experiment is over. Keep reading if you want to find out why. Waking up Waking up at 5 am may seem difficult to do, but it’s not. Before starting this experiment, I used to sleep 8-9 hours per night, but now I get 7-8 instead, and I still feel very energetic. One thing that’s worth mentioning is that I have no problems doing high intensity activities during the day. Having said that, if I want an immediate boost of energy I would simply take a 20 minutes nap.
David Allen Explains How to Master Your To-Do List I think it depends on the type of person. Some people can find the calm and then write out their to-do lists (I envy those people). Personally, I find if I don't write down everything first before trying to meditate, my trying to meditate is a waste of my time. If I get everything out of my head first, it's much easier for me to relax. Taking inspiration from Steven Johnson's "Where the good ideas come from" I created a spark file... You can make it out of an Evernote (or alike) app You can use a Calendar app or just have a notebook...! I try to write, rather track each and everything that I do/think, in present... and at the end of the day before going to bed... It really helps me to track that -Where did I do nothing... - Any creative ideas that popped up... -Track my routine and change it according to my preferences... And much more as you go on to discover!...
How To Be Happy Back to home page click here First of all, be realistic. Nobody is happy all of the time and it is perfectly normal to have variations in moods and feelings from day to day, month to month, and even year to year. According to a study based on data from the British Household Panel Survey, overall levels of happiness decline from one's teens until one's 40s and then pick up until they peak in one's early 70s [for more data click here]. So the chances are that your happiest days are yet to come. Doesn't that make you happier? Link: 50 ways to relieve stress click here Last modified on 4 April 2014 Footnotes: (1) These are suggestions for you to pick and choose if you want to be happier than perhaps you have been. (3) Many people e-mail me to thank me for this advice. (4) These suggestions are for people who might be feeling a bit low or who are feeling fine but could be happier. If you have some ideas of your own e-mail me
28 Dignified Ways to Impress Everyone Around You post written by: Marc Chernoff Email Far more often than any of us like to admit, our actions are driven by an inner desire to impress other people. This desire is often reflected in the brand name products we use, the bars and restaurants we frequent, the houses and cars we buy and the careers we choose. But are name brand products, fancy bars, houses and cars really that impressive? Why? Consider the following questions: He drives a Porsche, but can he truly afford the car payment? You get the idea. Now take a moment and imagine a person who loves what he does for a living, smiles frequently and bleeds passion in every breath he takes. Here are 28 dignified ways to impress everyone around you. We make a living by what we get. Be authentic. Of course, the coolest thing about this list is that everything you need to impress everyone around you is already contained within you. Photo by: Khalid If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book.
25 Body Hacks to Supercharge Yourself A body hack is a usable technique that can make an improvement to improve a person's life, health or mental state. These techniques are generally learned through real-life experience and are not necessarily medically recognized. Body hacks may work for some people and not for others and the only way to find out is to give them a try. Reset Your Body Clock Shift workers and travelers may be able to fast and successfully manipulate their body clocks. The SCN may be controlled through eating habits. Dr. Saper's research found that when animals were deprived of food, their body clocks adjusted to a new pattern so they could be awake when food became available. Sleep Less Developing a polyphasic sleep schedule means sleep is distributed in regularly scheduled blocks around the clock, with the sum of all periods of sleep being less than a regular night's sleep. Become an Early Riser Get Better Sleep Solve Problems in Your Sleep Stop the Tears Stifle Inappropriate Laughter How to Cure Hiccups
Reframing Approach Anxiety Approach anxiety is a common phenomenon that occurs when we want to initiate a conversation with a new person but don’t because of fear or worry. Often times these fears and worries stem from our belief system and perspective. But once we learn how to “reframe” these situations – by looking at them from a new perspective – we can better motivate ourselves to act in more life-enhancing ways. It’s natural for many people to feel anxiety when first meeting someone new: a girl at a bar, a potential employer, a friend of a friend, or some stranger in public. Sometimes it’s harder to approach someone or initiate a conversation than it is to actually carry out the conversation once it has already started. This kind of social anxiety is known as approach anxiety. We think that we aren’t good enough or worthy of the person’s time. These are some of the most common causes of approach anxiety, but there are probably others too. Your presence is a gift. “Why should they want to talk to me? Thomas Watson
Overcoming Laziness - Ten Tips To Instantly Overcome Your Laziness | undergroundsuccess.com Have you ever felt lazy? You know you have things to do but you just can’t be bothered? These may even be important things that will help you achieve what it is you want in life, and yet slumping down on the couch in front of the tv or going back to bed seems so much more enticing. What do you do when you’re in these lazy “funks” as I call them? Last night, before I went to bed, I made a list of my top priorities for the day and I was really looking forward to waking up and getting through a number of major tasks. Yet what happened this morning? How to Instantly Overcome Your Laziness 1. When I’m feeling lazy, generally I can’t be bothered to move or get off the couch. Get up and go for a walk. 2. Just like with the ironing above, I’m guesssing you’re at home when you’re in this lazy funk. 3. 4. Review your annual goals. 5. In the past there have been several times when I’d prefer to do nothing, or something unproductive, rather than being positive and moving forwards. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.