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“Assange (Wikileaks) Condemns Australian Threat To Free Speech: Falsehood Must Be Repudiated Not Punished” “Assange (Wikileaks) Condemns Australian Threat To Free Speech: Falsehood Must Be Repudiated Not Punished” By Dr Gideon Polya 30 October, Freedom of speech is crucial for democracy, for unimpaired scholarly research and for rational risk management that keeps society safe. But what about hate speech, racial vilification or speech likely to cause dangerous public disorder? Abuses of freedom of speech can involve lying by commission and lying by omission. Endless examples can be given of lying by omission but the biggest lie by Mainstream media is non-reportage of the Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide in which, since 1990 alone, 12 million Muslims have died war-related deaths due to US Alliance violence or US Alliance-imposed deprivation, the breakdown being 4.6 million (Iraq), 5.6 million (Afghanistan), 0.1 million (Palestine) and 2.2 million (Somalia) (see “Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide: ).

LeakSource WikiLeaks
