Create Scenarios
Project Management (4) A project plan takes into account the approach the team will take and helps the team and stakeholders document decisions made regarding the objective, scope, schedule, resources, and... Creating an interdisciplinary team with the right mix of skills is vital to the smooth and successful execution of any project. Website requirements are a list of necessary functions, capabilities, or characteristics related to your website and the plans for creating it. User Research (14) When reporting results from a usability test, you should focus primarily on your findings and recommendations that are differentiated by levels of severity. Task analysis is the process of learning about ordinary users by observing them in action to understand in detail how they perform their tasks and achieve their intended goals. Usability Evaluation (14) Scenarios describe the stories and context behind why a specific user or user group comes to your site. Information Architecture (4)
Scrum Developer Courses, Scrum Knowledge Assessment, Scrum Guide, Ken Schwaber - Scrum Open provides tools you can use to examine and enhance your knowledge of Scrum. The primary aim of these assessments is to provide information about an individual's or a group's level of knowledge and to thereby enable improvement. assessments are grounded in the Scrum Body of Knowledge, the Scrum Guide™, which is written and maintained by Scrum's founders, Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland. The Scrum Guide is published by and freely available at Each of's assessments is developed by Scrum thought leaders with formal input from a wide range of industry experts, and then enhanced with input from the larger Scrum community. Currently, provides four families of assessments:
Educating Teachers for Diversity
ISSUE: As the student population in American schools becomes increasingly diverse, educators must respond with school reform efforts that meet the needs of all students. They must develop culturally sensitive curricula that integrate multicultural viewpoints and histories, apply instructional strategies that encourage all students to achieve, and review school and district policies related to educational equity. Teacher education programs in particular are responsible for preparing future teachers to promote meaningful, engaged learning for all students, regardless of their race, gender, ethnic heritage, or cultural background. OVERVIEW: Voices calling for multicultural education, long in the background of American education, are growing more audible in the mainstream, and new voices are joining the chorus. Foremost among these factors is society's burgeoning demographic diversity, which is reflected in the nation's schools. Respecting Ethnic and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Center
A importância dos user stories no design de sistemas interativos « Designing for Humans
O desafio não é desenvolver, é saber o que desenvolver. User Story Atualmente, temos utilizado, aqui na Latitude14, uma técnica interessante nos nossos projetos, que veio do Agile development: os Users Stories. Ele tem nos ajudado a manter o foco na essência, nas coisas que realmente importam. User stories são descrições simples que representam uma funcionalidade. O recomendável é que essas user stories sejam escritas do ponto de vista de uma necessidade dos usuários. Elas podem ser escritas de várias formas, mas temos adotado essa: Eu, como X(perfil de usuário), desejo fazer Y(necessidade), de forma que possa Z(intenção). Em uma frase temos os 3 pilares do design de interação e do design centrado no usuário: usuário, necessidade real, motivação. Tenho percebido que as user stories tem nos ajudado em aspectos importantíssimos: Mas como isso tem acontecido? Sua ideia atual é inserir uma funcionalidade que mostre os filmes em cartaz, com horários e local de exibição. Veja como fica a user story:
Agile Teams Challenge Corporate Assumptions: Part 1
The Old Atomic Unit of Production: the Project I came up in a software industry in which the atomic unit of production capacity was The Programmer. Programmers were largely assigned, as needed, to ephemeral entities called Projects. Yes, it had a Taylorist mechanistic undertone, and often still does. Cut to scene: The Project Manager whisks into the Development Manager’s office and declaims, rather like a Hollywood casting director, “Well, you need to get us Joe and Terri for the Melathobner Project. As a film crew comes together once, against tremendous odds fought by various producers and directors, to birth a film production, so have I seen most projects run. Then, at miraculous Project conclusion, all cast and crew return to their structural silos (their true homes). Project: Wrong Atomic Unit of Production? Even if a product or system might persist for years, each of its major releases (sequels, in fact) is typically still a Project. Yes, I am Over-Simplifying
Jazz Community Site - Jazz Team Blog » Making Agile Real
The theme of Agile 2009 this year was “Making Agile Real”, and the keynote given by Alistair Cockburn is available for your watching pleasure. Although Alistair is a great speaker, during his talk I was yearning for some hints on how to map his concepts into practices. While the eternal pragmatist in me was waiting for the concrete in his talk, at the 11:50 mark he mentions the Jazz project and as an interesting example of a product that is pushing “collaboration” to a new and interesting level. While collaboration and cooperation were common themes in the talk, I’m not sure it was clear enough how teams put these things in the center of their daily lives. Before jumping into details, the one quote that resonated with me the most was that “the speed of communication is 100% related to the speed of your project“. Your Craft Highly productive teams are composed of people who want to excel at their craft. Figure 1: Recent Events Feed for a User Figure 3: Our Collaboration Artifacts
An Agile Approach to Volunteer Management « A Changemaker in the Making
An Agile Approach to Volunteer Management For the past several weeks, I have been helping a small charity solve a dilemma. Because the charity is well-recognized for their good work, they regularly attract volunteers who want to help. There are several aspects of OpenAgile that fit very well for managing volunteers: 1. This means people “volunteer” for tasks instead of doing them based on a tightly defined role or having someone tell them what to do. 2. When there is more than one volunteer, they work in a team and share the responsibility for the workload. 3. This means that all people doing the work should be able to see what tasks needs to get done, what is in progress, and what tasks are done. 4. The emphasis on learning is perhaps the most important aspect of OpenAgile that aligns with the needs of volunteer management. Like this: Like Loading...
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