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Herbs For Skin

Herbs For Skin
Top 10 Herbs For Skin image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Elena Moiseeva - Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit The skin is not just the largest organ in your body but the most visible one as well. Scrapes, cuts, burns, acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer- just some of the most common skin conditions - which explains why several billion dollars are spent annually on cosmetic and skin care products. [1] Globally, sales exceed over $300 billion every year and in the U.S. alone, expenditures can reach $8 billion yearly. [2] Not only is healthy skin beautiful on the outside, it is also an indication of good health inside. However, you need not spend so much on commercial skin products when there are natural plant extracts and herbs available that trace their origin and use since ancient times. Calendula Also known as pot marigold, calendula has been shown to heal and regenerate skin tissue. Aloe St. Externally applied as a cream, ointment or macerated oil, St. Related:  Diseases

Du bon usage des huiles végétales (ou comment les huiles végétales sont tes amies) ! | Gloss Me Up ! Cela fait quelques semaines que je m’intéresse de plus près aux huiles végétales. Après en avoir entendu longtemps parlé sur des forums de discussion et en avoir entendu le plus grand bien par de très nombreuses personnes, j’ai fait quelques recherches sur le sujet pour trouver les huiles les plus adaptées à ma peau. Je ne suis pas un experte dans les concoctions de crèmes, de shampoings et autres sérums et pour l’instant je n’ai pas l’intention, ni la prétention de me lancer dedans pour le moment. De même, je ne te parlerai aujourd’hui uniquement des huiles végétales et non pas des huiles essentielles, qu’il ne faut pas confondre, les huiles essentielles étant à mon sens, à n’utiliser qu’avec de nombreuses précautions et surtout être très informé de leur mode d’utilisation. Ceci étant posé, je dois t’avouer que j’aime les crèmes du commerce et bien que sensible au bio, je ne suis pas fermée (bien au contraire) aux crèmes « industrielles » (Bouh, la vilaine !). Quelles huiles choisir ?

Top 13 Herbal Treatments For Toothache Top 13 Herbal Treatments For Toothache Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! 4K+ herbs background image © Africa Studio – (Note – this post is not medical advice nor substitute for a professional evaluation.) Toothache can really be unbearably painful. What’s more distressing is when it occurs at midnight and your dentist’s office is already closed. Pain in and around a tooth can really be distracting. Here are our top 13 herbal / natural home remedies for toothache: Cloves Eugenol, the principal molecular component of the oil derived from cloves, is a common ingredient in dental products – that ought to tell you something! Ginger The use of ginger root is probably one of the most common herbal remedies for toothaches that had been in use for decades now. Garlic One of the most common spices found in your kitchen, garlic also makes a very effective home remedy for toothaches. Limes and Lemons Onion Lavender and Chamomile

Le Flacon : la composition des produits cosmétiques expliquée The Best Home Remedies For Sinus Infection I was talking to my friend the other day, who complained of yet another sinus infection. Runny nose, facial pain, difficulties breathing, headaches and fatigue were marking her days as of late. Why do I get them? she pondered. Sometimes a lifestyle change is required to eliminate the substances and factors that cause the infection, such as not using chemical cleaning products or starting to meditate. Let’s have a look at how these wonderful products can help you cure uncomfortable, repetitive, tiring, suffocating, embarrassing (I’m sure I left out some unpleasant descriptive adjectives, but you get the idea) sinus infections. Inhalation with garlic If the infection is not fully blown yet, inhalations should be your first course of action to alleviate discomfort. Inhalation with apple cider vinegar Instead of fresh garlic, you can also use apple cider vinegar. Inhalation with essential oils Add honey Make sure to only use raw honey. Mix well and drink to your sinuses’ health! Neti Pot

Herbs For Migraines Top 10 Herbs For Migraines image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Africa Studio - #34744482 Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit For someone who has not experienced severe migraines, it's easy to dismiss migraines as "ordinary headaches". From the data gathered by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, over 30 million Americans suffering from migraine use prescription drugs 2.5 times more than non-sufferers just to seek relief. Feverfew Although traditionally used a "fever reducer" from where it got its unique name, feverfew is now one of the most popular migraine herbal remedies. [3] Its leaves and flowers contain the active ingredient parthenolide which inhibits brain chemicals that cause blood vessels to dilate. [1] Evidence suggesting feverfew's value in reducing frequency and severity of migraine attacks are not few. Butterbur Peppermint Ginko Biloba Cayenne Lemon Balm Valerian Rosemary Willow bark Ginger Herbs For Migraines - References:

Herbs For Asthma Top 10 Herbs For Asthma image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Africa Studio - #34744482 Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Perhaps one of the most agonizing experiences to undergo is to gasp for oxygen. Such is the reason why asthma can be a life threatening respiratory condition. Way before inhalers, tablets and other pharmaceutical medications were developed, people relied on herbs to alleviate the symptoms of asthma. There are a number of benefits that can be attained by using herbs for asthma. Herbal medicines, as the name implies, are free from synthetic components, and are composed of natural ingredients. German Chamomile (Matricaria recuita) One of the best and most effective ways to prevent asthma attacks is to use German chamomile. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) Studies have indicated that hyssop has anti-inflammatory properties on lung tissue and thus has potential as an asthma treatment. Licorice Grindelia Gingko Biloba Garlic

Antifungal Herbs Top 10 Antifungal Herbs image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Africa Studio - #34744482 Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Approximately over 1 billion people are afflicted by fungal infections annually. Several known anti-fungal treatments exist today, including incorporating special diet regimens. While scientific data on anti-fungal herbs is still somewhat modest, there is no shortage of herbs which are reported to treat yeast and fungal infections. Goldenseal This popular herb in North America gained its reputation as a cure-all for any kind of ailment due to the recommendation of a prominent doctor in the 1800's, Samuel Thompson. [2] And fighting fungi is definitely one of those. Oregano Leaf oil If you suffer from fungal infections on your nails or have fungal skin infections like dandruff and dermatitis, [4] then diluted oregano oil may be a solution. Cloves Black walnut Olive leaf extract Calendula Garlic Turmeric Tea Tree Spearmint

How to thyroid proof your diet The low thyroid epidemic (aka low nutrient diet epidemic) Thyroid problems are a growing mega-trend in America RIGHT NOW. You may have heard that your thyroid controls metabolism and works as the body’s thermostat, but what is it? It is the thyroid gland, lying in front of the throat below the Adam’s apple and just above the breastbone, which regulates the rate at which the body utilizes oxygen and controls the rate at which various organs function and the speed with which the body utilizes food,” Broda Barnes, M.D. in Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness. The following signs and symptoms can indicate your thyroid function may be low: Can’t lose weightEdemaDry skinSluggish, lack of initiativeChronic constipationPoor digestionSAD Seasonal affectiveness disorderEasily fatigued, sleepyPoor circulationCold hands and feetHair lossWaking body temperature of under 97.8 degreesHormonal imbalanceHigh cholesterol If this describes you, it might be a good time to THYROID PROOF your diet! Pin it:
