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Aggregation Is Not Curation - There Is A Big Difference

Aggregation Is Not Curation - There Is A Big Difference
Posted by Tom Foremski - November 2, 2010 Curation is becoming an increasingly important term and for good reason: the online world is increasingly messy, muddled and full of blind alleys. Search used to be the best way to navigate online but today it is only one part of an Internet user's dashboard. Finding things is fine if you know what to look for, but search is increasingly less effective in judging the quality of links, or putting those links into a context. Blekko, the recently launched search engine tries to provide a context for search terms but it's still not curation but aggregation So what is curation? Here is my definition: Curation is a person or persons, engaged in the act of choosing and presenting things related to a specific topic and context. An example of curation: the San Francisco De Young museums is exhibiting post-impressionist masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay's permanent collection. Curation is about choosing what's in a collection. - Pearltrees is dynamic.

Quantum Art and Poetry Video The relativity and probability of Time. Quantum Atom Theory is a theory on the dynamics of Light and Time that forms the geometry of spacetime. In this theory the individual atoms are creating their own Time by the emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation (light). The atoms bound together forming their own spacetime geometry therefore the observer as a group of atoms is also creating their own spacetime geometry relative to their position and momentum. Therefore the observer is the only true reference frame and we have relativity. Time is a measurement and a variable because we have Lorentz factor and the Lorentz contraction of space that changes the geometry of spacetime. In this theory we only need three dimensions and one variable of time. We have Quantum Entanglement because light has spherical symmetry and therefore photons will have opposite spin when they are on opposite sides of the light sphere. Euler Identity is at the heart of Quantum Atom Theory.

Curation - The Third Web Frontier Posted by Guest Writer - January 8, 2011 Here is a guest article by Partice Lamothe - CEO of Pearltrees (Pearltrees is a consulting client of SVW.) This is a lightly edited version of "La troisième frontière du Web" that appeared in the magazine OWNI - Digital Journalism - March 2010. The article argues that the founding pricinciples of the Internet are only now being implemented and that the next frontier is in organizing, or curating, the Internet. By Patrice Lamothe Everyone realizes that the web is entering a new phase in its development. One indication of this transition is the proliferation of attempts to explain the changes that are occurring. Although these explanations are both pertinent and intriguing, none of them offers an analytical matrix for assessing the developments that are now underway. The "real time web," for example, is one of the clearest and most influential trends right now. In contrast, other explanations are far too broad to serve any useful purpose.

20 plateformes de curation à expérimenter Curator, curation... Néologisme, buzzword ou simple phénomène marketing, un constat est à faire : de plus en plus de plateformes dédiées à cette activité se développent sur le web. Outils qui, au-delà de leur utilité pour formaliser, classer et diffuser une veille, se révèlent aussi intéressant à observer dans une problématique de gestion de la réputation en ligne. Si le « curator » fait de la veille, et que de plus il sait/peut la médiatiser, alors les outils qu'il utilise peuvent (doivent ?) Et même si (nous sommes bien d'accord) ces plateformes rappellent étrangement certaines de bookmarking, qu'elles sont pour la plupart étroitement liées à Twitter et qu'elles surfent sur une terminologie nouvelle (mais des usages bien réels), leurs éditeurs les dénomment d'eux-même : plateformes de curation. Quel(s) intérêt(s) pour la gestion de la réputation en ligne ? ==> Tout d'abord formaliser et médiatiser une veille sur un sujet précis. Les plateformes humaines Chripstory Keepstream

Decker Marketing » Filling the Big Content Gap In social strategy there is always something missing and something to improve. But there’s one area where I see a big gap. First, the good news. Then, there’s the analytics. But then, once the listening and analysis is going, brands have the biggest challenge with content. There are two ways to solve this, not mutually exlusive. People are already out there talking about topics, brands, and people at an exponentially increasing rate. Let’s face it, we value the unbiased, relevant, and raw voice of our fellow ‘man’. Pourquoi la curation va faire partie des prochains grands usages du web ? Sous titre: En tout cas, pour les anciens producteurs de contenus. Avant : l’histoire du 2.0 Je vais vous raconter rapidement l’histoire de ce qu’on a appelé le 2.0, du côté du créateur de contenu. Avant produire du contenu était techniquement difficile. Il existait déjà des plateformes de création et d’édition de contenus (le Wiki n’est pas réellement né à l’époque du 2.0) mais elles ne permettaient pas à chacun de devenir producteur de contenu. Puis des plateformes sont arrivés, les plateformes de blog (WordPress, Typepad, blogger, over-blog, skyblog, …), les plateformes de photo (Flickr, Picassa,…), les plateformes vidéo (Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo,…), les plateformes de partage de documents plus récemment (Slideshare, Scribd,…). Toutes ces sortes de plateformes permettaient aux gens qui avaient quelques choses à dire, qui pensaient avoir quelques choses à dire, qui avaient envie de partager quelque chose, de l’intime, une passion, en ont eu la possibilité. Qu’est-ce que la curation ?

Real-Time News Curation - The Complete Guide Part 3: Types And Real-World Examples Part III: Curation Types and Real-World Examples There exists many types of curation, and many ways to interpret what curation really is. As I have attempted to illustrate in Part II of this guide, in my own view, aggregation is automated and it is not the same as curation. As I wrote, "aggregation is automated, curation is manual". This does not mean that curation does not need or can do altogether away of any form of automated aggregation or social-based filtering. That is, curation for me, is by definition human-based. 1. 2. 3. 4. But I also do recognize I am venturing in some uncharted new grounds and I am therefore open to question and evaluate my own above viewpoints also from other perspectives. "I believe that there is a role for trusted curators of news, people who have unique access or unique insight, who can get to news more quickly than anybody else, or dive into it more deeply. Types of Curation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1) Curated News Summaries and Lists of Links FeedMyApp Wikio

Twitter: Digital Content Curator During Mike Masnick’s terrific keynote during mesh, something that grabbed my attention was something he said about Twitter becoming a tool to receive curated content. For example, he’s following someone who’s an expert on copyright, and provides a steady stream of interesting information on stories related to the topic. Masnick’s take on Twitter resonated with me because it’s exactly where I see the real power of Twitter. While Twitter is certainly great way to connect with people, it’s been a personal online game-changer as a way to access great content that I would have never likely seen. In many ways, Twitter has become a way to build an effective and interesting team of personal content curators, who comb the Web for interesting, insightful, valuable and entertaining content. Then, my curators deliver this great content in a streamlined package (aka Twitter). Twitter’s role as a content curator affects how I use Twitter. More: You can see Masnick’s keynote on meshTV.

Content vs. Aggregation vs. Curation Abnormal Returns The discussion surrounding the merits of so-called web aggregators went to another level this week as some Internet heavies weighed in on the debate We first discussed the nature of content curation in piece entitled: Creating order out of aggregation. This provides some useful background on this debate. The pressures on the mainstream media are acute. Since the debate over content vs. aggregation usually resides in the mainstream media the breakdown of players is typically pretty simplistic: Content creators=good;Aggregrators=bad;Curators=somewhere in between. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at the issues involved, the debate is much more complex than that. Steve Rosenbaum at Silicon Alley Insider talked with Gideon Gartner on the topic of aggregation and curation. The word curation may seem to be a synonym for aggregation, but in fact it’s a double for “intelligent aggregation”. So, is curation a business or a hobby? <a href="

3 Storytelling Hacks | Curation Tools Here are three curation tools I've been using to help tell stories online. I'm still figuring some of them out, but I'm sharing them them here for your feedback and insight. Make Your Story a Scoop: Scoop It is one of a handful of curation tools to emerge from the Web 2.0 fire hose they're designed to mitigate. Here's my work-related example. Send a Video Snippet: BlipSnips is a sophisticated option for deep linking to YouTube videos. Crowdsource a Story with Flickr: Flickr allows you to crowdsource your story. After posting my content to the group, I searched for photos tagged with relevant keywords like “Facebook + sign” and “social media + retail". Transmedia Meal vs. To avoid getting mired in the various tips, tools and hacks designed to help us publish content, even the ones above, use transmedia storytelling to take a more holistic view of your content and how it supports your goals. Less really is more. Sunday Paper uploaded by Brendan Lynch
