100+ Free Bootstrap HTML5 Templates For Responsive Sites
Either you are developing website frontend or backend, a framework for HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript is an awesome tool can cut down your site developing process into simple built-in frontend framework powered components. Which will initially save your site developing labour, time and hassle to provide tight support for all modern browsers, viewing devices, and compatibility with modern technologies. Sounds crazy, right? The CSS frameworks are powerful and extremely helpful, allow you to create mighty and powerful websites after making a couple of pre-built components inclusion and make your website ready for production within a single day. Throughout my entire web design & development career, I built many of free HTML5 business templates from the scratch without using frontend frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, Semantic UI, and UIkit. Free Bootstrap Templates 2016 for Next Responsive HTML5 Sites 1. Demo Download 2. Demo Download 3. Demo Download 4. Demo Download 5. Demo Download 6. 7. 08.
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CSS Documentation | Unsemantic
This page describes how to use the default CSS, assuming that you are using it "out of the box." If you want to roll your own class names using Unsemantic's mixins, check out the Sass documentation. You can see the compiled, responsive CSS file here: Mobile and Desktop breakpoint unsemantic-grid-responsive.css Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop breakpoints unsemantic-grid-responsive-tablet.css If you're using Unsemantic with Adapt.js, there are several CSS files. Essentially, they're comprised of code from the responsive CSS file, but are split out separately without @media queries. If you don't need to support IE7 in your project, there are versions of the CSS without the extra code. Responsive Adapt.js Viewport In order to force the page to scale to the viewport width, HTML files that accompany Unsemantic use a <meta> tag… An alternative method would be to use JavaScript to dynamically account for potential page sizing weirdness… Grid Classes Mobile & Hidden Classes
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10 Free Responsive Bootstrap Templates For 2016 | Almsaeed Studio
There are so many awesome developers and designers out there who have created amazing free resources using Bootstrap. We wanted to help spread the word and share their work with our readers. So, we compiled a list of free frontend templates that we thought are beautiful and worth sharing. Reminder: please respect the license that these amazing free templates come with. You can find the license information on the links provided to the template's original source. 1. Cardio is one of my favorite lightweight templates by Tympanus.net. 2. Evento is an event advertising template by Shape Bootstrap. 3. Photography, as the name suggests, is a template for the great photographers out there. 4. As a fan of flat design, this is a template that I personally like a lot. 5. Solid is a multipurpose template by Black Tie. 6. Appi by Black Tie is a great app advertising template. 7. 8. Corlate is yet another awesome multipurpose template by Shape Bootstrap. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. Edited August, 3 2016.
LESS compiler in PHP - lessphp
New: lessphp 0.4.0, compiles Bootstrap 3, breaking changes, see Changelog (August 9th 2013) About lessphp is a compiler for LESS written in PHP. The entire compiler comes in a single includable class, but an additional command line interface to the compiler is included. For an overview of the syntax take a look at the lessphp documentation. Follow the author on twitter for updates: @moonscript. Demo Use the live demo to test the compiler using your own code, or click through the example buttons to see various parts of the language. Edit me ↴ CSS comes here, click compile to build. Quick Start The typical flow of lessphp is to create a new instance of lessc, configure it how you like, then tell it to compile something using one built in compile methods. The compile method compiles a string of LESS code to CSS. The compileFile method reads and compiles a file. echo $less->compileFile("input.less"); $less->checkedCompile("input.less", "output.css"); Documentation Plugins Issues Comments
45+ Useful Tools for Choosing the Right Color Palette - TrendLeaks
Color is one of the most decisive elements in any kind of design and the color palette used have a huge effect on the mood of the viewers. Experienced designers know exactly what colors to use for waking up certain emotions and feelings in people. One of the initial steps when designing websites and creating graphic designs is to choose the right color palette. This will work as the foundation for coloring any design element during the work, which is why, creating a cool color up front palette may be a bit challenging. One of the popular ways to get started is to look for color inspiration e.g. in stripe patterns and colorful websites or simply use a color tool. Finding the right tool to help you choose the right color palette is however not that easy. Luckily, there are many different tools for choosing the right color palette. Colorotate – MORE INFO Fast and intuitive color editing for the Apple iPad. Kuler – MORE INFO Color Scheme Design – MORE INFO Colour Lovers – MORE INFO