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5 Ways To Rewire Your Brain For Meaningful Life Changes

5 Ways To Rewire Your Brain For Meaningful Life Changes
Neuroscientists have discovered the strategy for rewiring the brain. Contrary to popular approaches, this strategy involves more than just positive thinking or working hard. In fact, there are five pathways that must be activated in order to create new neural networks in the brain. First, the act of thinking sets into motion a chemical reaction in the brain that can be likened to plugging in a string of lights. Second, the more you think, feel and act the same way, the faster the lights turn on and the brighter they glow. Finally, we have trillions of brain cells, resulting in thousands (if not millions) of strings of lights correlating with our habits in all areas of our life. 1. Seeing is not required for believing. Solution: Examine your current beliefs about a desired goal. 2. Emotion is the fuel, the juice or the power behind accomplishing your intention. Solution: What emotions align with accomplishing your goal? 3. 4. 5. Change requires practicing a new habit.

The Top 9 Secrets to Prevent Eyesight Problems and Improve Vision Naturally Nutritional researchers have discovered a range of nutrients that are essential to eye health. These nutrients have been shown to protect the eyes, slow eye damage and possibly even improve vision eye function. One of the leading cause of adult blindness and vision loss in adults over sixty is macular degeneration which affects millions of Americans. The good thing is that a few simple supplements can significantly reduce eyesight issues and might even improve vision. So what are those nutrients that can prevent eyesight problems and improve vision? Lutein and zeaxanthin Lutein and its related compound, zeaxanthin, belong to the carotenoid family and are very important for vision. Antioxidants Antioxidants protect cells in our body and reduce the risk of vision loss especially in groups at higher risk. Omega 3 fatty acids Omega 3, which is found in oily fish, can help protect the eyes and maintain the vision, and should be included in any plan for eye health and retaining vision. Selenium

6 Causes Of Fatigue That Could Indicate An Underlying Problem Do you often find yourself feeling sluggish and exhausted? Maybe it’s a struggle to get out of bed every morning because you just don’t feel rested. While it’s normal to feel tired every now and then, a constant state of fatigue could indicate an underlying problem. Fatigue is one of the most common complaints that I hear in my clinic, and I find that addressing the diet, infections, and environment of my patients is the best way to reverse their fatigue and help them feel like their vibrant, happy selves again. 6 Causes of Fatigue Diet (food sensitivities, caffeine, sugar, histamine) Deficiencies (iron, B12) Infections (candida, reactivated epstein-barr, lyme disease) Hormonal imbalances (adrenal, thyroid) Environmental (stress, sleep) Toxins (mycotoxins, heavy metals) 1. A healthy diet plays a huge role in maintaining proper energy levels. 2. Iron-deficiency and B12-deficiency anemias are fairly common causes of fatigue. 3. 4. 5. 6. Photo Credit:

How To Remove Mold With Tea Tree Oil Please Share This Page: Google + stumbleupon tumblr reddit If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on herbs and natural health topics! Image – Mold is a problem in many homes and can have significant negative health effects – especially black mold. Ultimately, all mold is caused by moisture. The first step in getting rid of mold is to identify and fix the cause of dampness. Followers of this site may have read our article on tea tree essential oil and noted that is is anti-fungal. Here is the link to the simple tutorial: Important Note – if you have an extensive amount of mold, especially if it is black mold, it is advisable to contact a mold removal professional as black mold is considered a significant health hazard. If the area to be cleaned is more than 10 square feet, there is a guide from the U.S.

How To Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web: by Sayer Ji The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree. Pomegranate Found To Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Progression A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis. Mice with a genetic susceptibility towards spontaneous coronary artery blockages were given pomegranate extract via their drinking water for two weeks, beginning at three weeks of age. Remarkably, the researchers also found that pomegranate extract treatment resulted in the following beneficial effects:

The Power of Peppermint: 15 Health Benefits Revealed by Sayer Ji A favorite herbal medicine of the ancients, peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 BC. Modern scientific investigations have now confirmed that this remarkable plant has over a dozen healing properties. In our continuing effort to educate folks to the vast array of healing agents found in the natural world around us, we are excited to feature peppermint, a member of the aromatic mint family that you may already have squirreled away somewhere in your kitchen cupboard. The ancients certainly were aware of the mint family’s medicinal value, having been used as herbal medicines in ancient Egypt, Greek and Rome thousands of years ago. Today, modern scientific investigations are revealing an abundance of potential health benefits associated with the use of different components of the peppermint plant, including aromatherapeutic, topical and internal applications. Resources [i] A.

3 Superfoods You Should Know (But Probably Don't) Superfoods — the word just conjures up those wonderful health foods that seem to have mystical powers. Well, if they don’t, they SHOULD! Supefoods are just that – they're SUPER! They typically pack a big punch in a somewhat small dose; think goji berries, cacao, bee pollen and spirulina. These are things you definitely don’t want to consume by the cupful! While health food stores are filled with various “new” superfoods, don’t think for a minute this is some sort of fad. 1. While every raw foodist touts the taste and benefits of nutritional yeast, there's another yeast that once held the crown as the most nutrient-rich and beneficial. Why you need to try it: This healthy yeast strain — Saccharomyces cerevisiae — is commonly recommended by holistic practitioners to fight against candida overgrowth. 2. Who can beat this sugary sweet, thick, tar-like substance? 3. To your blender add: Photo Credit:

8 Best Superfoods To Boost Your Mood & Energy Levels Discovering superfoods has changed my life and was one of my first steps towards my recovery from eating disorders, and becoming healthier and happier. Now, I have them every day and that's helping me to stay healthy and have great energy. But what are superfoods, exactly? Superfoods are basically foods that are much richer in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, electrolytes and phytonutrients, but also much poorer in calories than any other usual foods. Here are my 8 favorite superfoods to boost you mood and energy levels: 1. Maca is a root that comes from Peru. Maca is amazing for balancing hormones and is beneficial to both women (relief of PMS symptoms and menopause) and men (enhanced fertility). Maca is rich is calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, vit B1, B2, C, E and iron. I usually add maca powder to my breakfast muesli, smoothies, juices, chocolate, desserts, etc. Try adding maca into your diet and notice the benefits. 2. YES, chocolate is a superfood! 3. 4. (Amazing isn't it?) 5.

My Top 9 Superfoods For Looking Good, Feeling Great & Losing Weight What’s so amazing about the leafys is that calorie for calorie, they deliver more nutrients than just about any other food on the planet. Loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, leafy greens stock your body with the artillery needed to fight off potential killers like heart disease and cancer. Simply put: leafys benefit virtually every cell you’ve got! My favorite leafy greens are kale, spinach, Swiss chard, mustard, and dandelion greens because they’re nutritious AND delicious. You can toss them into virtually anything to boost nutrition, but be sure to give them a good rinse first. For an easy added boost, try greens powder in your smoothies.

3 Steps To Recover After Getting Glutened If you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease you know all too well about accidentally ingesting gluten — otherwise known as getting “glutened.” The outward manifestation of getting glutened may be different for everyone, and can cause a variety of symptoms such as brain fog, diarrhea, constipation, headache, rash, weakness, joint pain, swelling, vomiting, and fatigue. However, inside your gut the effects are essentially the same; gluten is wreaking havoc. Gluten is perceived as a toxin that causes inflammation and damage to the intestines. Ridding yourself of this toxin, reducing inflammation and healing your gut from the damage are essential to recovering as quickly as possible. 3 Steps To Recover After Getting Glutened 1. The three tips below will help you do that promptly and effectively. Digestive Enzymes. Binding agents. Hydration. 2. Inflammation occurs naturally in our body when there has been an insult or injury to it. Omega-3 fatty acids. 3. Probiotics. L-Glutamine.
