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10 Pros And Cons Of A Flipped Classroom

10 Pros And Cons Of A Flipped Classroom
10 Pros And Cons Of A Flipped Classroom by Mike Acedo Many of us can recall instances in our lives where we found ourselves idly sitting in a classroom, eyes glazed over, half listening to our teacher as they lectured in front of the room. These scenes are all too familiar in today’s schools, as the traditional model of learning has primarily revolved around a teacher-centered classroom, where instructors focus on conveying information, assigning work, and leaving it to the students to master the material. The main goal of a flipped classroom is to enhance student learning and achievement by reversing the traditional model of a classroom, focusing class time on student understanding rather than on lecture. There are numerous potential advantages to this style of learning. The Pros 1. In a flipped classroom, it is possible for students to have increased input and control over their own learning. 2. 3. 4. 5. utside the classroom doing homework. The Cons 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conclusion Related:  Flipped classroom

Classe Inversée | Enseigner avec TNT Pour lire mon rapport sur mes classes inversées, cliquez ICI (pdf, 3 Mo)Une liste d’articles sur la classe inversée, compilée par Pédagogie Universitaire La classe inversée, c’est quoi ? C’est une façon différente d’enseigner et d’apprendre. Comparativement à une classe traditionnelle, la prise de note se fait à l’extérieur de la classe (à la maison, à la bibliothèque, dans le métro, bref, n’importe quel endroit où des capsules vidéo présentant la théorie peuvent être visionnées) et le temps de classe libéré est utilisé pour approfondir, appliquer et assimiler les notions. Puisque le professeur n’a plus à « présenter » la matière, il est disponible pour accompagner, motiver et soutenir les élèves dans leur apprentissage. Cette façon de faire est utilisée aux États-Unis au niveau primaire, secondaire, collégial et universitaire depuis 2007. La classe inversée en image En vidéo La classe inversée, c’est quoi ? Et voici certains trucs pour inverser sa classe avec succès Comment ? Liens utiles

gary bonifacio and me Digital technology | Toolkit What is it? The use of digital technologies to support learning. Approaches in this area are very varied, but a simple split can be made between 1) Programmes for students, where learners use technology in problem solving or more open-ended learning and 2) Technology for teachers such as interactive whiteboards or learning platforms. How effective is it? Overall, studies consistently find that digital technology is associated with moderate learning gains (on average an additional four months); however, there is considerable variation in impact. There is some evidence that it is more effective with younger learners and studies suggest that individualising learning with technology (one-to-one laptop provision, or individual use of drill and practice) may not be as helpful as small group learning or collaborative use of technology. How secure is the evidence? There is extensive evidence across age groups and for most areas of the curriculum which shows positive impact on learning.

Why It's Time To Rethink (And Question) Homework The concept of homework as we have known it in the past is changing rapidly, since it often distorts the overall picture of learning. Flipped classrooms, the ability to use the same technology and tools both in and out of the classroom, and personalized learning are making ripples in the education world. And while most of us think about these things and how they apply to the classroom and what we do there, we don’t always talk about how that changes what we have our students doing at home (aside from perhaps discussions on flipped classrooms). Here are a few questions to ask yourself about your students and homework: If a student does their homework, does that make them a ‘better’ student than one that does not?Does completed homework assignment indicate that a student has learned the material? Keeping those things in mind, I always think back to when I was teaching university students in 1st and 2nd semester French courses. Alterna-Homework Questions To Ask About Homework

Marcel Lebrun : Flipped Classrooms et classes inversées ... Ca flippe quoi au juste ? Dans ce blog, nous avons déjà eu l’occasion maintes fois de vous parler des dispositifs hybrides et des Flipped Classrooms, les classes inversées. Voici quelques billets préliminaires à notre sujet : 5 facettes pour construire un dispositif hybride : du concret ! Après une introduction à la notion de dispositif hybride pour enseigner et apprendre, nous donnons quelques conseils concrets “pour enseigner et pour favoriser l’apprentissage en ligne” basés sur les 5 facettes de “notre” modèle pragmatique d’apprentissage. J’illustre ce modèle dans un autre billet “J’enseigne moins, ils apprennent mieux“. Dispositif Hybride, flipped classroom … suite Dans un précédent billet, je définissais la notion d’hybridation … pour être bref, un mélange fertile d’enseignement et d’apprentissage traditionnels et d’enseignement et d’apprentissage à distance. Et finalement : J’enseigne moins, ils apprennent mieux … Un point de synthèse The Flipped Classroom IS : The Flipped Classroom is NOT : Mes Flips à moi

Money as You Grow – Kids and Money – President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability With Tech Tools, How Should Teachers Tackle Multitasking In Class? Important research compiled on the effects of students multitasking while learning shows that they are losing depth of learning, getting mentally fatigued, and are weakening their ability to transfer what they have learned to other subjects and situations. Educators as well as students have noticed how schoolwork suffers when attention is split between homework and a buzzing smartphone. Many students, like Alex Sifuentes, who admit to multitasking while studying, know the consequences well. Parents also see a big difference in their kids’ studying habits. “Devices that once were just an entertainment tool are also becoming our educational and work tools.” But for many, the solution isn’t simply to do away with the gadgets — mostly because they’re the same tools that actually help do the work, and it can be confusing for young adults to distinguish the difference between work and everything else. “Look, it’s not going away. “Look, it’s not going away. How will students stay focused?

6 Tips To Use Google Hangouts For Synchronous Learning There are a variety of advantages associated with synchronous learning, such as increased collaboration and immediate feedback for learners, just to mention a few. To get all of the benefits you have to know which eLearning tools will help you enhance your synchronous learning strategy. In this article, I will share 6 Google Hangouts Tips for synchronous learning that will help you utilize all of the features that Google Hangouts has to offer you. Synchronous learning used to be strictly for traditional classroom environments and on-site training. Finding affordable and user-friendly ways to create a fun and powerful eLearning experience for learners in real-time used to be one of the key challenges of synchronous learning. Integrate live class discussions into your eLearning course. Looking for additional tips on how to create a synchronous learning strategy?

Quand les "Flipped Classrooms" font tilt ! Quand les "Flipped Classrooms" font tilt ! Marcel Lebrun, Le Grain asbl, 5 Novembre 2013 Il y eut les logiciels éducatifs, les cédéroms, les sites Web, le Web 2.0 … Voici à présent quelques nouveaux concepts qui fleurissent dans les journaux, les revues: plateformes d’eLearning, MOOC, Flipped Classrooms… Nous nous intéresserons principalement au dernier, un concept charnière entre les savoirs-ressources dorénavant partout et en tout temps disponibles et les impératifs de l’accompagnement des apprentissages orientés compétences, devenir socioprofessionnel et contextes mouvants. 1. Le concept, ou en tout cas l’appellation de Flipped Classrooms, est apparu vers 2007 quand deux enseignants en chimie dans l’équivalent de notre niveau secondaire, Jonathan Bergman et Aaron Sams ont découvert le potentiel de vidéos (PowerPoint commentés, Screencast, Podcast …). Elles constituent une rupture par rapport aux formes traditionnelles d’enseignement en auditoire. La classe inversée est: 2. Il propose:

25 Sites For Creating Interesting Quote Images If you’ve used Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, or just about any other social network then you’ve probably seen some interesting quotes presented in the form of a splashy and colorful image. You may have thought “I wish I had the time and graphic design expertise to create something nifty like that! My students and friends would love it.” Well, the long wait is over. Below is a useful list of more than two dozen (and growing) sites that let you easily create interesting quote images. These can be useful for presentations or project-based learning in just about any classroom. For example, you can have students find a favorite quote, create an innovative image out of that quote, and then stand up and explain why that quote matters to them. An example I made on PicMonkey for this post: However you use your quotes, check out this fabulous list from Denise Wakeman and try out some of them for yourself.

What is blended learning? | Education Evangelist I was asked recently, ‘what on earth is blended learning’? So I thought I’d jot down my thoughts with some linked references. Blended learning is when learning takes place in a number of different ways, normally with a mix of face to face interaction between teacher and student and elements which the student undertakes independently, usually through electronic means. These might be where students: access the modules of work in electronic document formatreceive formative feedback on assessment through digital meanshave opportunities to learn from each other collaborativelycan submit summative assessments electronically There are numerous ways in which the learner can participate in a blended learning environment. This post will go through some of the ways in which you can do this and whilst clearly not exhaustive, these ideas may help to give ideas for other ways you can develop blended learning in to your curriculum. Accessing modules of work electronically Further reading:

Flipped-Learning Toolkit: Overcoming Common Hurdles Editor's Note: This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, Managing Director of and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network. Flipping your classroom is a great way to move from "sage on the stage" to "guide on the side." But that shift can also bring about a number of other complications. For instance: What if students can't access the internet at home? What if students simply don't know how to watch an educational video? The answers to these questions are in the video above. Meanwhile, the rest of this post will delve into one of these questions in more detail: What happens if students don't know how to watch an educational video? Watching vs. To answer this question, there is a word that I would like to take out of the vocabulary of flipped classroom teachers. Rather . . . We want them to interact with the video content. Low Tech 1. 2. High Tech 1. There has been an error with the video. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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