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Realika Classroom Management System Don’t have a Voki Classroom account? Easily manage your students' work with class accounts. Manage Students Add and manage your students. Manage Classes & Lessons Add and manage classes and lessons. Review Vokis Easily review your students' Voki assignments in one place. Showcases Each lesson automatically creates its own Web page, where you can showcase your students' work. Support Get unlimited support from our dedicated support team (only available to Voki Classroom users). tankonyvkatalogus 10 Techy Icebreakers for The 21st Century Teacher Here are some great icebreakers you can work on using technology : 1- Self PortraitHave your students draw themselves. After they have done this, collect the papers and hang them up for the whole class to see. Now have students try to guess who the artists was for each picture. Here are the web tools to do that : 2- Video/ audio introductions Encourage students to record a short video clip in which they introduce themselves to their peers. The teacher generates a list of words related to a topic to be taught. 5- Prior Knowledge check Giving multiple choice tests or true and false quizzes before introducing a topic or reading engages students, activates a student’s prior knowledge, and will encourage the sharing of information and resources. 6- Personalize it Teacher writes the topic to be taught on the board and then talks about how the topic relates to them by using a personal reference or story. | Create your individual text art images! Matematika oktatás, korrepetálás, felkészítés - az IKT portál Timeline Creator from Read Write Think Timeline allows students to create a graphical representation of an event or process by displaying items sequentially along a line. Timelines can be organized by time of day, date, or event, and the tool allows users to create a label with short or long descriptive text. Adding an image for each label makes a timeline more visually appealing. Add, drag, and rearrange items as needed. Saving capability allows students to return to their work and make revisions, and they can share their final work via e-mail. For additional ideas on how to use this tool outside of the classroom, see Timeline in the Parent & Afterschool Resources section. Related Classroom & Professional Development Resources back to top Grades 11 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson A Blast from the Past with Nuclear Chemistry Grades 6 – 8 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Timelines and Texts: Motivating Students to Read Nonfiction Grades 3 – 12 | Student Interactive | Organizing & Summarizing Graphic Map Plot Diagram Timeline

Kompetencia feladatsorok Tudásbázis Szeretettel üdvözöljük a Fordított Osztályterem MOOC felületén! Ezt az online kurzust az Oktatási Hivatal Sulinet Osztálya hirdeti meg gyakorló pedagógusok és tanár szakos hallgatók számára, témája a fordított osztályterem módszer. A kurzus jelenleg nincs meghirdetve. Mi az a MOOC? A MOOC, Massive Open Online Course, azaz tömeges nyílt online kurzus egyre népszerűbb képzési forma világszerte. Mi az a fordított osztályterem? A fordított osztályterem egy olyan tanulásszervezési eljárás, amelyben a tradicionális oktatásból ismert formák helyet cserélnek: az ismeretátadás történik otthon és az ismeretek elmélyítése az iskolában. A kurzusról A kurzus során a résztvevők megismernek olyan technológiákat, amelyek segítségével bemutató videókat és más multimédiás anyagokat készíthetnek, és a módszerhez kapcsolódó pedagógiai mesterfogásokat is elsajátítják. Követelmények Határidők A kurzus négy héten át zajlik, a tananyagot heti rendszerességgel publikáljuk a Sulinet portálon. Inspiráció Teszt Kihívás

Tour Builder Important: As of July 2021, Google Tour Builder is no longer available. On July 15, 2021, Tour Builder was shut down and the following associated data will be deleted: Links to tours that you created or were shared with you Publicly available tours Information in the Tour Builder Gallery If you want to create new 3D maps and stories about places that matter to you, use the expanded functionality of Google Earth’s creation tools. With Google Drive, you can collaborate with others on any projects you create in Google Earth. About Tour Builder When Tour Builder launched in 2013, Google wanted to share a web-based tool that made it easy to add and share photos and videos to a sequence of locations on Earth. With Projects, you can turn our digital globe into your own storytelling canvas and collaborate with others through Google Drive. Learn about Google Earth & Google Earth Pro You can learn more with the Google Earth help center articles and frequently asked questions.

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