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Python fr:Table des Matières Aptana Studio — Advanced Python 0.3 documentation Aptana Studio is an IDE - integrated development environment - based on the Eclipse framework. It provides powerful tools for exploring, understanding, and refactoring your code. Because Aptana Studio is Eclipse + a plugin, in class I may refer to “Aptana” and “Eclipse” interchangeably. Aptana’s Python support was formerly a separate Eclipse plugin called PyDev. Workspace¶ When it starts up, Aptana will ask you what folder you want to use as a workspace. Instead use ~/workspace, the standard Eclipse workspace path. Harmless libjpeg Error¶ The first time you start Apatana Studio, you will get a frightening-looking error message, complaining that is missing. Click OK, and Eclipse will ask if you want to exit. This bug can be avoided entirely by installing libjpeg62: $ sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 However this is not strictly necessary, as the bug does not damage anything, and appears only the first time a new Apatana installation is run. Installing Eclipse Plugins¶ Vwrapper¶

agiliq/Django-parsley codelike So you've decided to learn Python. Maybe you've already taken a look at the Python site. But where to begin? So, I'd like to help you getting started with Python quickly. Which Python Version? Perhaps you've noticed already: There are two slightly incompatible Python versions out there: 2.7: The 2.x line has been in active use for years. Which one to start with, then? you want to use certain libraries right now and they don't work under 3.x don't know which libraries you need, but it might be lots of different want to work with a web framework. Go with Python 3.2, if: you want to use the language for one specific task and the library you need is already ported to Python just want to learn the language itself and there's no immediate requirement for 3rd party libraries. When in doubt, pick whichever one - it won't be difficult to switch later. Where's the documentation? The Python Tutorial (2.7 or 3.2). Books Online Of course, there are also many printed books.

Labs Codecademy Labs is a place for you to program in Ruby, Python, and JavaScript online without downloading a code editor or IDE. Share your programs with friends and use your knowledge from Codecademy lessons! Want to learn more about these languages? Create an account Click on a code snippet to copy it into your code editor What is Codecademy Labs? Right now, Labs is a really easy way for you to play with Ruby, Python, and JS without needing to download an editor. What are some cool features of Codecademy Labs? It works offline - see what happens when you turn off your internet access in the middle of a session You can share your code snippets with friends and save your session You can download the code you've worked on to play with it on your desktop It works on your iPhone and iPad! What if I don't know how to use one of the languages? Use Codecademy to learn them! Who can we thank for this awesomeness? I have more questions! Enter Evaluate the entered command. Shift+Enter Tab Indent. Shift+Tab Up

sanokore/UI-Input-Validator Python for Newbies – Part1 « An alien’s viewpoint Python for Newbies – Part1 January 26, 2011 Posted by rm42 in Computers, Python. trackback Python is a computer programming language created initially by Guido Van Rossum, who released it to the world as an “Open Source” “Free”program. There are many computer programming languages in existence. If you are using Linux, Python should already be installed, most likely with the right version for this tutorial. Python programs run with the aid of an “interpreter”. The interpreter can be run directly in what is called the “Interactive Command Line”. Most Python programs, however, are written with some type of text editor, saved as plain text files with a .py extension, and run as an independent process. First of all, what is a “program”? Lets enter Python’s interactive mode by opening the Terminal application (or Command Prompt) and enter the following command: python Now, let’s do our first program as it is traditionally done: >>> print "Hello World" Hello World Variables What is a variable?

Les docstrings en Python | Sam & Max Du fait de la nature du tuto, exceptionellement je ne respecterai pas le nouveau format de rédaction. Mais y aura quand même de la zik : Une des mes fonctionnalités favorites en Python est son mécanisme de documentation du code : les doctrings. Principe La docstring est une chaîne de caractères que l’on n’assigne pas, et qui est placée à un endroit spécifique du code pour décrire ce dernier. La docstring la plus courante est placée sous une fonction. def ajouter(a, b): return a + b Et voici une fonction AVEC docstring : def ajouter(a, b): """ Ajoute deux nombres l'un à l'autre et retourne le résultat. """ return a + b La chaîne de caractère doit être placée juste en dessous de la signature de la fonction. Écrire des docstrings offrent de nombreux avantages : Usage Si vous avez une fonction ainsi faite : Alors dans un shell, toute personne qui va utiliser votre fonction pourra faire : #! On peut aussi documenter une classe et ses méthodes : Bonnes pratiques L’anglais est votre ami. Bref. Usage avancé

dse 4.0.0-RC1 DSE - Simplified "bulk" insert/update/delete for Django. Version : 4.0.0 - Release Candidate #2Author : Thomas Weholt <>License : Modified BSD.Status : BetaUrl : DSE is available for one reason - to insert/update/delete lots of data -- as fast as possible.DSE vs Django ORM: typical speed gain is around 5x-10X for updates, 3X+ for inserts.DSE is aware of default values specified in your Django models and will use those if no value is given for a field in an insert statement.DSE caches SQL-statements, both inserts, updates and delete, and executes them when a specified number of statements has been prepared or when it`s told manually to flush cached statements to the database. The actual sql execution is done using DB API cursor.executemany and this is much faster than executing SQL-statements in sequence and way faster than using the Django ORM.DSE uses a dictionary to specify what fields to work on. You got a model like: Using dse: NB!

Python Multimedia Book & eBook eBook: €20.99 Formats: €17.84 save 15%! Print + free eBook + free PacktLib access to the book: €55.98 Print cover: €34.99 €34.99 save 37%! Free Shipping! UK, US, Europe and selected countries in Asia. Overview Table of Contents Author Support Sample Chapters Use Python Imaging Library for digital image processing.Create exciting 2D cartoon characters using Pyglet multimedia frameworkCreate GUI-based audio and video players using QT Phonon framework.Get to grips with the primer on GStreamer multimedia framework and use this API for audio and video processing. Book Details Language : EnglishPaperback : 292 pages [ 235mm x 191mm ]Release Date : August 2010ISBN : 1849510164ISBN 13 : 9781849510165Author(s) : Ninad SathayeTopics and Technologies : All Books, Other, Beginner's Guides, Open Source, Python Ninad Sathaye Ninad has more than 6 years of experience in software design and development. Sorry, we don't have any reviews for this title yet. Code Downloads Submit Errata Errata Frequently bought together

BulreZo : Système de bulletins scolaires à hautes performances First of all, you need a instance of Ghost web client: from ghost import Ghost ghost = Ghost() Ghost provide a method that open web page the following way: page, resources =' This method returns a tuple of main resource (web page) and all loaded resources (such as CSS files, javascripts, images...). All those resources are backed as HttpResource objects. At the moment Httpresource objects provide the following attributes: url: The resource url. http_status: The HTTP response status code. headers: The response headers as a dict. Executing javascripts inside webkit frame is one of the most interesting features provided by Ghost: result, resources = ghost.evaluate( "document.getElementById('my-input').getAttribute('value');") The return value is a tuple of: last javascript last statement result. loaded resources (e.g.: when an XHR is fired up). As many other Ghost methods, you can pass an extra parameter that tells Ghost you expect a page loading: Fill a field

Python from Scratch: Object Oriented Programming Welcome back to lesson four in our Python from Scratch series. This tutorial will assume some prior knowledge of variables, data types, functions and print output. If you're not up to date, check out the previous three articles in the series to catch up. Today, we're going to be delving into the subject of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Prefer a Screencast? Transcription What is Object Oriented Programming? Python is primarily designed as an object-oriented programming language – but what does ‘object oriented’ actually mean? There are a variety of definitions for the term, and you could talk for literally hours trying to explain the complicated ins and outs, nuances and differences in implementations, but I’ll try to give a quick overview. Broadly, object oriented programming is the concept that, in programming, the objects that we’re manipulating are more important than the logic needed to manipulate those objects. OOP puts objects at the center of the process. Getting Started class pet:

Ressources Python Ressources didactiques Gérard Swinnen Vous trouverez ci-dessous : en téléchargement libre, les versions numériques de l'ouvrage "Apprendre à programmer avec Python" de Gérard Swinnen (troisième et cinquième éditions), anciennement publié aux éditions O'Reilly et dorénavant édité chez Eyrolles (ISBN 978-2-212-13434-6) ; le code source des exemples et exercices proposés dans le livre ;Les diapositives et le code source des exemples présentés par G.Swinnen au colloque "Libr'East of Paris" (IUT de Marne-la-vallée) les 23 & 24 Avril 2004 ;Les diapositives de la conférence sur Python présentée à l'IUT de Vannes (Université de Bretagne Sud), le 15 Avril 2005 ;La traduction du livre en hongrois (+ lien vers le site web du traducteur).La traduction du livre en arabe (+ lien vers le site web des traducteurs). Les deux dernières éditions traitent de la version 3 de Python. Au sommaire : Préface. *** Traduction hongroise *** Merci infiniment, Péter ! *** Traduction arabe *** ... Téléchargements
