Related: Literature Reviews
The Internet has destroyed human civilization! America’s greatest writer finally weighs in “When, in the course of human events, mankind is free but everywhere he is in chains, let us pause for a moment to think about the fact that the Internet has destroyed human civilization. And by human civilization, I mean writers; and by writers, I mean ‘writers I know,’ and by writers I know, I mean ‘writers I know who I have slept with,’ and by writers I have slept with, I mean, ‘writers who I want to sleep with.’ I believe it was Henry James (or, as he was known in France, Henri Jacques) who wrote, ‘without the humanities, the Princess Cassimassima would have suffered from an excessively monochromatic pulchitrude.’ Where have all the essays gone? I put down my quill, which I always use when writing criticism of importance, lean back in my chair, and sigh. That’s why I write with a pen. “Roger!” My beleaguered manservant Roger pokes his head into my turret-study. “Sir?” I tear my sheet of writing from my typewriter and hand it to him. “Read this,” I say. He reads it, briefly. “Roger!”
Radu F. Constantinescu: Ea: Tu ești comoara mea... El: Ai de gând să mă-ngropi? Îmi dădea mâna să glumesc: Știam că femeile mai rar își ascund aurul, preferă să-l arate tuturor sub formă de cercei, inele, coliere și brățări. Au femeile multe probleme în viață, dar nu-și ascund bărbatul, dacă se mândresc cu el. Poate că le e frică să nu li-l fure altă zână, dar parcă n-are sens să-ți iei rochia viselor și să o porți doar prin casă... La noi, la bărbați, e altceva. Știi versul acela de la Cyndi Lauper? Some boys take a beautiful girl, And hide her away from the rest of the world. I wanna be the one to walk in the sun. O iubești? Oportunități își crează ea singură atunci când s-a plictisit de tine și sunt șanse mult mai mari să se plictisească atunci când faceți mereu același lucru. Se “dau” alții la ea? Foarte bine! Întoarce capete? Recunoaște că-ți place...Toți ochii aceia te scanează și pe tine. Îi cer taximetriștii numărul de telefon în loc de banii pe cursă? Chiar dacă sunt o categorie socio-profesională mai dubioasă... sunt și ei oameni. I se ofilesc aripile.
10 romans à lire absolument - Les dix incontournables de la décennie 2001-2011 Le XXIe siècle est encore jeune, mais il a déjà produit des chefs d’œuvre. Points vous en présente 10, éblouissants, qui ont enthousiasmé les lecteurs, impressionné la critique, et méritent aujourd’hui le titre de « classiques ». A l’occasion des fêtes, (re)découvrez ces... 10 romans à lire absolument Un marque-page métal offert pour tout achat de deux romans Points ! Aller directement au livre : Disgrâce, de JM Coetzee; La Route, de Cormac McCarthy; A l'abri de rien ,d'Olivier Adam; Middlesex, de Jeffrey Eugenides; La Compagnie, de Robert Littel; Les Corrections, de jonathan Franzen; Une vie française, de Jean-Paul Dubois; Les adieux à la reine, de Chantal Thomas; Extrêmement fort et incroyablement près, de Jonathan Safran Foer; Small World, de Martin Suter; Disgrâce, J. David Lurie, 52 ans, deux fois divorcé, enseigne à l’université du Cap. Né en 1940, J.M.Coetzee enseigne la littérature. « Prodigieux roman qui a sa place parmi les chefs-d’œuvre de la littérature universelle. » Le Nouvel Observateur
Subscribe to email updates and get the free Life Mastery Toolkit When you subscribe to Project Life Mastery via email, you will get free access to a toolbox of exclusive subscriber-only resources. All you have to do is enter your email address to the right to get instant access. This toolbox of resources will help you get more out of your life – to be able to reach your goals, have more motivation, be at your best, and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. I’m always adding new resources to the toolbox as well, which you will be notified of as a subscriber. These will help you live life to the fullest! My 12-Step Morning Ritual Process To Being Unstoppable Everyday (Video & Article). My 7-Step Proven Method To Creating The Life Of Your Dreams (Video, Article & Spreadsheet). How To Change Any Negative Behaviour Or Emotion Instantly (Video & Article). The 6 Steps To Emotional Mastery (Article). To get instant access to these incredible tools and resources, enter your e-mail address below:
4 Toltec Life Secrets to Expand Your Consciousness In his book The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz outlines four simple principles, or “agreements” that one can practice to radically change one’s experience and perception of the human experience. Once a doctor, Ruiz’s life took a dramatic turn when he was in a car accident and had an out-of-body experience. It was then that he realized he needed to pursue the study of the wisdom tradition passed down through his family. The wisdom tradition of his family was that of the Toltecs, an ancient Mesoamerican people who were the intellectual and cultural predecessors to the Aztecs. After 15 years of teaching and learning about methods of healing the human mind, Ruiz wrote The Four Agreements, a concise, practical guide to his most fundamental lessons. Domestication and the Dream of the Planet Ruiz opens the book with what can be thought of as the overarching conceptual framework of the book. Ruiz suggests that each of our individual lives can be thought of as a “waking dream.” 1. 2. 3. 4.
The supreme weirdness of Miranda July: How her debut novel gives “effortless” new meaning The narrator of Miranda July’s debut novel, “The First Bad Man” is a strange, ostensibly mousy middle-aged woman named Cheryl. Cheryl works at a nonprofit that teaches self-defense to women. She attends “color therapy” for a chronic globus hystericus (lump in the throat). And that’s just the first half. The novel is festooned with many additional weirdnesses, for example, that Cheryl’s primary color therapist is involved in a long-running S&M-type role play with her other color therapist, who pretends to be his receptionist a few days out of the year. The word “effortless” is typically employed as a compliment, but there is something about July’s work that calls for a slightly more pejorative reading of the word. Like other of July’s projects that I have watched or read about, “The First Bad Man” is often goofy to the point of surrealism, and yet refuses to concede its own goofiness: “The penises were getting more abstract and unlikely—I couldn’t rein them in.
The Effect of Negative Emotions on Our Health “If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” ~ Hippocrates Your mind and body are linked, which can’t be seen, but only felt. Think of the time when your heart was racing with anticipation or fright, or that feeling in your stomach – its a result of the thoughts and emotions transferring to the physical body. Your thoughts and feelings are linked to specific parts of the body and different illnesses. I came across this emotional chart which shows the mental thought patterns that form our daily experiences. If you maintain a negative attitude, that invariably attracts negative vibrations and feelings – which disrupts your body’s natural energy flow. I was quite astounded when I read in the chart some of the pain areas for my Mom and the related thought patterns – it was very appropriate. Here’s an excerpt from the book, “Heal Your Body” by Louise L.
3 sites pour réaliser une présentation en ligne Lorsqu’on souhaite effectuer une présentation, plusieurs solutions existent. Le plus souvent, des logiciels propriétaires spécialisés sont utilisés ; s’ils permettent de créer des présentations de qualité, elles finissent par toutes se ressembler, malgré de nombreuses options intégrées. Autre inconvénient, le terminal utilisé pour présenter vos diapositives doit être capable de lire votre présentation, et le logiciel correspondant n’est pas toujours installé. Heureusement, de nombreuses alternatives en ligne existent : les outils se sont perfectionnés avec le temps, vous pouvez désormais réaliser des présentations en ligne de très bonne qualité. Seul bémol évidemment, vous devrez être connecté à Internet pour mettre au point votre présentation… et la montrer à votre public. Prezi, l’alternative pour créer une présentation en ligne Il s’agit sans doute de l’alternative la plus connue pour mettre au point des présentations en ligne. Present.me, l’idéal pour une présentation vidéo
The Happiness Project The HE Audiobook: 26 of Our Best Articles For Your Personal Evolution 3 months ago we set out to gather the best articles we’ve ever written and transform them into an audiobook. We compiled a huge stash of inspiring, thought-provoking, ego-breaking, magical content and re-created them with the mesmerizing voice of Simon from SpokenMatter.com. The result is a whopping 5-hours of audio content that transforms the way you absorb our articles. You get our best 26 articles for less than two cups of coffee. You can listen to them while commuting or use them to get your grandma interested in DMT :) They’re also DRM free so you can share them with anyone. This is our first attempt at supporting HE through original content. Click here to grab the first HE audiobook! Thank You :) Artwork by Qing Han.
David Cronenberg on The Metamorphosis From the original cover of Kafka’s Die Verwandlung, 1915. I woke up one morning recently to discover that I was a seventy-year-old man. Is this different from what happens to Gregor Samsa in The Metamorphosis? He wakes up to find that he’s become a near-human-sized beetle (probably of the scarab family, if his household’s charwoman is to be believed), and not a particularly robust specimen at that. Is Gregor’s transformation a death sentence or, in some way, a fatal diagnosis? Jeff Goldblum in Cronenberg’s The Fly, 1986. When The Fly was released in 1986, there was much conjecture that the disease that Brundle had brought on himself was a metaphor for AIDS. Langelaan’s story, first published in Playboy magazine in 1957, falls firmly within the genre of science fiction, with all the mechanics and reasonings of its scientist hero carefully, if fancifully, constructed (two used telephone booths are involved). There is none of this in The Metamorphosis.