Etude-Blender - Les Add-ons Les Add-Ons Dans les préférences utilisateur se trouve tout un tas d'Add-ons (greffons ou suppléments) qui permettent d'importer et de paramétrer un tas d'objets incroyables! Pour les activer il faudra aller dans "Users Preferences" et dans l'onglet "Add-Ons", ensuite on coche celui que l'on désire utiliser. Add Mesh: 3D Function Surfaces Des surfaces avec la fonction mathématique éditable. Add Mesh: BoltFactory Un petit atelier de création de boulons d'écrous et de vis en tout genre. Add Curves: Curveaceous Galor Curveaceous Galor, comporte un tas de formes basiques et ajustables. Add Mesh: Extras Add-ons extra. Add Mesh: Gears Plus besoin de s'embêter avec le modificateur array pour la création d'engrenage (Gears) Add Mesh: Gemstones Création rapide de Diamants et de gems. Add Mesh: ANT Landscape Création rapide de paysage. Add Mesh: Pipe Joints La panoplie parfaite du plombier numérique. Add Mesh: Regular Solids Des formes assez étranges... Add Mesh: Twisted Torus Un tore tordu.
OpenClassRoom : Débutez dans la 3D avec Blender Depuis quelques années maintenant, la 3D a envahi notre quotidien : au cinéma (effets spéciaux, cinéma d'animation) à la télévision (publicité..), dans les jeux vidéo... elle est partout ! Mais alors, comment on fait de la 3D ? Est-ce difficile, réservé aux professionnels ? Contrairement à certaines idées reçues, la 3D est accessible à tous, il vous faut seulement un cours pour vous guider pas à pas : ce tutoriel est là pour ça ! . Au cours de ce tutoriel, vous découvrirez les différents domaines de l'imagerie de synthèse : modélisation d'un objet, mise en couleurs (matériaux et textures), éclairage, rendu, animation...tout cela avec un logiciel gratuit (et libre de surcroît) : Blender 3D. Parés pour l'expérience 3D ? Exemples de créations réalisées avec Blender Ce cours vous plaît ? Si vous avez aimé ce cours, vous pouvez retrouver le livre "Débutez dans la 3D avec Blender" en vente sur le Site du Zéro, en librairie et dans les boutiques en ligne.
The Cycles Shader Encyclopedia Find Cycles Nodes a little confusing? You’re not alone. Whilst Cycles Nodes offer almost you limitless control over a materials, many users struggle to understand it’s labyrinth of options. Which is why this article dares to do the impossible: explain every Cycles shader in easy to understand, plain English. Enjoy! -Greg Zaal What it does: Receives light and diffuses it with zero visible reflections. Use it for: Non-reflective surfaces like paper or walls. Properties Roughness You may have played with this obscure little slider and stared at your screen in confusion wondering why nothing is changing. Roughness adds very subtle, microscopic levels of roughness to the surface. Where would you use this? What it does: Reflects lights and the environment Use it for: Adding reflections to any object This very common shader is commonly in combination with the diffuse shader (using the Mix Shader, discussed later) to create some very common materials like plastic, metals, ceramics and wood: Anisotropy
Download FaceBuilder for Blender How to remove FaceBuilder add-on from Blender? You need to open the add-ons preferences pane, find FaceBuilder, click the "remove" button and relaunch Blender. How to update FaceBuilder add-on (v2021.3 and earlier)? To update the add-on you need to reinstall it. I have installed it but cannot see it anywhere/it doesn't work First, it's always good to review the installation instructions from our guide.Anyway, if you have installed something and it doesn't work it's better to remove it first and relaunch Blender. Which files I need to download to install FaceBuilder for Blender? What is KeenTools Core Library? Due to Blender license limitations we have to ship our core library separately.Luckily, our add-on is able to download the core library almost automatically, but if the machine where you want to install FaceBuilder for Blender is not connected to the Internet, then you need to download not only the add-on itself but also KeenTools Core. Can I use FaceBuilder with Blender 2.79 or older?
Blender Encyclopedia: Modifiers There’s too many settings and functions in Blender to remember what each one does. And Google searches often raise more questions than they answer! Introducing the Blender 101 series! The series where we focus on a specific area of blender and show you what each function does. First up… by Anderson Baptisa Ahh the ever growing modifier panel. Which is why I’ve spent the last month, trying out every single modifier and creating examples for each… So let’s tackle each one (starting from left to right). The Modify group Mesh Cache What it does: Applies animations from external files to your objects. Why use it? To transfer a completely rigged character to another 3D application, bake an animation to disk and then play the results (like importing a realflow animation into Blender), or for re-using animations across other meshes like a stadium crowd for example. Watch a tutorial on this. UV Project Dynamically changes the UV coordinates to an object. Why use it? Watch a tutorial on this. UV Warp Array Bevel
Blender Encyclopedia: Modifiers There’s too many settings and functions in Blender to remember what each one does. And Google searches often raise more questions than they answer! Introducing the Blender 101 series! The series where we focus on a specific area of blender and show you what each function does. First up… by Anderson Baptisa Ahh the ever growing modifier panel. Which is why I’ve spent the last month, trying out every single modifier and creating examples for each… So let’s tackle each one (starting from left to right). The Modify group Mesh Cache What it does: Applies animations from external files to your objects. Why use it? To transfer a completely rigged character to another 3D application, bake an animation to disk and then play the results (like importing a realflow animation into Blender), or for re-using animations across other meshes like a stadium crowd for example. Watch a tutorial on this. UV Project Dynamically changes the UV coordinates to an object. Why use it? Watch a tutorial on this. UV Warp Array Bevel
News - The Blender Clan Building A Basic Low Poly Character Rig In Blender In this tutorial you will learn how to build a basic rigging system for a low poly character using Blender. Though blender has a Auto-Rigging system called Rigify for bipeds, one must first know how to set up an armature from scratch with Inverse Kinematics controls. You will also learn how to skin the armature to a model and paint weights. For the purpose of this tutorial I have used a base model which can be purchased on 3docean. Open a new file and import the base model (File > Import.) Press Shift+A and add an Armature Object. To make the armature visible in shaded view mode, click on the Armatures Tab, in the Display Panel turn on X ray. Press 3 on the Numpad to get into the sideview. Rotate it 90 degrees so that the tip of the bone is inside the body. Now before going further we must understand the direction of rotation for the bones in human body. This means if we rotate or move the lower bone, its child will also be affected. Now we'll get back to our armature. 1.
Votre design 3D devient réalité avec l'impression 3D Autodesk Maya Tips and TricksComputer Graphics Daryl is going to reveal his Maya Tips and Tricks in Animation, Dynamics & Effects, Modeling, and Rendering in Maya. This includes new features introduced in Maya 2015 such as Bifrost & Xgen. Ranging from basic features to advanced techniques, Daryl will provide tips on how you can be more efficient when working in Maya. with some new ideas on how to work more efficiently and effectively in Maya 2015. Autodesk Maya 45 Maya Tips and Tricks in 45 Minutes: Maya Camera Animation Tips and Tricks Maya Dynamics Tips and Tricks Maya Rigging Tips and Tricks Maya Render Layers Render Passes and Post Maya Lighting & Rendering: Cheats & Tricks