Microsoft Windows & Office Activation & WinXP Windows Genuine Advantage(WGA) Tool: CRACKED Наборы обновлений - Dmitry's blog Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3 Наборы обновлений, Новости | Пакет обновления 3 (SP3) содержит последние обновления для выпуска 2007 набора приложений Microsoft Office, в том числе приложений Microsoft Office Project, Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer, Microsoft Office Visio и Visual Web Developer. Поскольку Office пакеты обновления являются накопительными, нет необходимости устанавливать пакет обновления 1 или пакет обновления 2, перед установкой пакета обновления 3. Загрузить Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3 русский или выбрать локализацию здесь. Пакет обновления 1 (SP1) для Windows 7 Наборы обновлений | Пакет обновления 1 (SP1) для Windows 7 помогает сохранять максимальный уровень поддержки настольных компьютеров. Далее
I thought I'd share the details of how I successfully managed a "non-standard" installation of Boot Camp in 10.5. Basically, I wanted three partitions on my startup drive: System, Users and Windows. (I don't want a debate on the merits of partitioning; it works for me, and the one time I didn't do it, I lost a ton of stuff due to 10.1 weirdness). ... Despite already has perfect and reliable Windows 7 activation crack based on royalty-OEM mechanism, hackers have managed to come out with a new activation crack method as an alternative to BIOS loader and OEM BIOS mod, which effectively bypass the activation requirement of the installed Windows 7 system, by removing and disabling Windows Activation Technologies (WAT). The hack works to “activate” Windows 7 by bypassing activation altogether, and thus does not require any product key. Previously in Windows Vista, the attempt to permenantly bypass Windows Vista activation by stopping activation grace period countdown timer has been unsuccessful and foiled by Microsoft with anti-crack update. For example, the commands that been used to restrict access to Windows Activation Technologies (WAT) system files are: takeown /F %WINDIR%\System32\sppcomapi.dll icacls %WINDIR%\System32\sppcomapi.dll /deny *S-1-1-0:F Currently, two leading Windows 7 non-loader crack is RemoveWAT and Chew-WGA. RemoveWAT
An eloquent manifestation of apathy, irreverence, and ennui. After reading a lot about various evil ISPs and other such fun I decided it would be good to have a self-controlled VPN server out there for when I am using a device of mine on a network I’m not so sure about. I could pay someone else for this, sure, but I already have a server “out there” that’s not being used to its fullest capabilities and I’m pretty handy with the Linux and the vi so … why not? Using a recent Ubuntu, I did the following: apt-get install pptpd /etc/pptpd.conf: localip remoteip /etc/ppp/chap-secrets: [username] * [password] * /etc/ppp/options.pptpd: ms-dns ms-dns /etc/sysctl.conf: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 sysctl -p ufw default allow ufw enable ufw allow [things you use, like ssh, http, https, pptp(!) I’ve tested it with both my MacBook Pro and my iPhone and it works like a charm (traceroutes and routing tables confirm usage). Context matters.
Driver Dumper(Dr. Free Data Backup) is a new tool that allows users to backup partition or whole hard drive in the exact same state to any external or internal drive. Sometimes a need arises where we have to backup the content of an old drive and shift it to a newer drive. In such cases we need to clone the old drive and make an exact duplicate of it in a newer drive. Driver Dumper performs a low level copying where the magnetic pattern of an entire disk remains intact. The usage is simple, first select the partition or hard drive that you want to clone(including free space and reserved space) and then select the target destination where you want to save it, then hit Start Clone. When you select the Source, some partitions and hard disk will be grayed out in Target destination if there is not enough space. Download Drive Dumper It works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Advertisement