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Original Linkage

Original Linkage
Related:  Creativity

OLD CHUM Chancellor Design Inc. + BLOG Freddy Nietzsche Mr CUP we make money not art OK Great The Nabokov Collection The Eye by Vladimir Nabokov, designed by John Gall Every so often, a dream project lands on your desk. Here's one: redesign Vladimir Nabokov's book covers. All twenty-one of them. Let me rephrase. Every so often the most daunting project of your entire life arrives on your desk. Here's who I asked: Chip Kidd, Carol Carson, Jason Fulford and Tamara Shopsin, Megan Wilson and Duncan Hannah, Rodrigo Corral, Martin Venezky, Charles Wilkin, Helen Yentus and Jason Booher, Peter Mendelsund, Sam Potts, Dave Eggers, Paul Sahre, Stephen Doyle, Carin Goldberg, Michael Bierut, Barbara de Wilde, and Marian Bantjes.

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The Strange Attractor
