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Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. 2nd Edition.

Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. 2nd Edition.

List of SQL commands for Commonly Used Excel Operations Introduction Learning SQL after Excel couldn’t be simpler! I’ve spent more than a decade working on Excel. Yet, there is so much to learn. If you dislike coding, excel could be your rescue into data science world (to some extent). Once you understand Excel operations, learning SQL is very easy. Why can’t you use Excel for serious data science work? Now at this stage, you might ask, why can’t I use excel for all my work. For large datasets, excel is not effective. Moving to SQL would address point 1 and point 2 to some extent. If you don’t know SQL yet and have worked in Excel, you can get started right now. Related : Basics of SQL and RDBMS for Beginners List of Common Excel Operations Here is the list of commonly used excel operation. View DataSort DataFilter DataDelete RecordsAdd RecordsUpdate Data in Existing RecordShow Unique ValuesWrite an expression to generate new columnLookUp data from another tablePivot Table 1. In excel, we can view all the records directly. Syntax: Exercise: A. B.

dotEPUB - Convert Any Webpage into an ePub Document dotEPUB is a free service that allows you to convert the content of a webpage into an ePub format to read on your tablet, phone, or other ereader device. dotEPUB can be used as a browser bookmarklet in Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome. In Chrome you can also use the dotEPUB Chrome extension . With the bookmarklet or browser extension installed just click it to activate, convert the webpage, and send it to your ereader device. For bloggers, dotEPUB offers a widget that you can install to enable visitors to convert your blog posts to ePub format. I looked through the widget documentation and have to say that while the directions are clear, installing the widget might not be easy for those who get nervous opening up the source code of their blogs. The video below offers an overview of installing and using the dotEPUB bookmarklet.

1.1 Online Activity - Blended Learning Initiative Introduction This first session lays the foundation for re-designing your course by helping you develop your own blended learning strategy. In order to develop a blended strategy, you will need to understand what blended learning is, what types of blended learning models are available to use, and how those models address the problems instructors face What is blended learning? The figure below shows a spectrum of learning modalities from traditional face-to-face instruction to completely online instruction. One of the challenges with technology enhanced courses that do not replace classroom activities with online activities is what the literature refers to as "course-and-a-half syndrome" (Kaleta, Skibba, & Joosten, 2007). Challenges addressed by blended learning Blended learning models attempt to address challenges encountered in traditional face-to-face courses. Ask yourself the following questions:What are the most significant instructional challenges you face with your course?

Home Page for ISO/IEC 11179 Information Technology -- Metadata registries Last Update: 2015-11-05 ISO/IEC 11179, Information Technology -- Metadata registries (MDR) The 11179 standard is a multipart standard that includes the following parts: · Part 1: Framework · Part 2: Classification · Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes · Part 4: Formulation of data definitions · Part 5: Naming and identification principles · Part 6: Registration · Part 7: Datasets 11179-1: Framework This part of ISO/IEC 11179 introduces and discusses fundamental ideas of data elements, value domains, data element concepts, conceptual domains, and classification schemes essential to the understanding of this set of standards and provides the context for associating the individual parts of ISO/IEC 11179. Project Editor: Dan GILLMAN Edition 3 – under development: Link to ISO Project Portal Open Issues with Edition 2 are posted on the WG2 Issue Forum. Published Editions: Return to top of page. 11179-2: Classification Project Editorss: Frank FARANCE and Tae-Sul SEO Rationale for 3rd edition:

Kno Advance, transformando libros estáticos en ebooks interactivos Hace ya mucho tiempo que os presentamos Kno, la plataforma que prometía revolucionar el mundo de los libros de texto y que ha demostrado que puede ofrecer mucho al mundo académico. Una de sus principales actividades es la de alterar libros de distintas áreas para incluir enlaces ofreciendo contenido multimedia en algunas secciones, tarea que realizan internamente con una herramienta que ahora muestran al público con el nombre kno advance. Las editoriales que así lo deseen podrán subir sus libros y usar esta nueva plataforma para incluir vídeos, simulaciones, enlaces, ventanas emergentes con información adicional, archivos de audio, objetos en 3D y muchos otros componentes que los lectores podrán ejecutar durante la lectura del material. El objetivo es poder comercializar estos libros en formato digital ofreciendo mucho más que una base de datos de archivos PDF, compitiendo con Apple iBooks a la hora de crear libros interactivos y con a la hora de venderlos.

Resources about online education Grade Change: Tracking Online Education in the United States The 2013 Survey of Online Learning conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group reveals the number of higher education students taking at least one online course has now surpassed 7.1 million. The 6.1 percent growth rate, although the lowest for a decade, still represents over 400,000 additional students taking at least one online course. While the rate of growth in online enrollments has moderated over the past several years, it still greatly exceeds the growth in overall higher education enrollments, said study co-author I. Some key report findings include: Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States The tenth annual survey, a collaborative effort between the Babson Survey Research Group and the College Board, is the leading barometer of online learning in the United States. The report is available in multiple formats: Going the Distance: Online Education in the United States, 2011

The Difference Between Big Data and a Lot of Data Bernard Marr The term “big data” has been around for a while now, but I still come across people who make the same basic mistake when someone asks them to explain what exactly it is. The problem, as I have pointed out in the past, is due to the name. Big data was never meant to be purely about the size of the data. Right from the start, when the first attempts were made to codify the “rules” of big data, this was the case. Gartner’s famous “3 V’s” of big data were, in fact, minted to make this very point. So, from the beginning, big data should have more accurately been labelled “big, fast and varied data” – although of course that doesn’t sound so catchy! So, the problem is this: When clients approach me to work with them, they often say, “We already do big data.” What they have is a lot of data. “Variety” in particular is a very important element of big data. A lot of data, on their own, are worthless. There’s nothing at all wrong with collecting a lot of data.

Herramientas gratuitas para crear e-books y libros interactivos Los e-books o libros digitales han ganado gran relevancia hoy en día, incluso hay quienes se atreven a asegurar que tarde o temprano terminaran reemplazando a los tradicionales libros físicos que encontramos en las bibliotecas tradicionales, entonces debemos buscar la manera de ponernos al día y aprender como elaborar este tipo de archivos. El Internet es el principal responsable de la gran popularidad que tienen los e-books actualmente, en la red podemos encontrar una gran cantidad de sitios para descargar libros gratis y empresas como Amazon han logrado convertir es mercado en un negocio bastante rentable que cada vez genera mas ingresos gracias las ventajas del comercio electrónico. iBooks Author: Esta aplicación es exclusiva para sistemas Mac OS X y nos permite elaborar e-books para posteriormente disfrutar en el iPad. MyEbook: Permite crear libros interactivos fácilmente para luego compartirlos o venderlos. Fuente: UnaDocenaDe

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Motivating People to Learn Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Ph.D., psychologist and author of the book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, describes what schools and parents can do to promote optimal learning experiences. 1. What's the best way to motivate people to learn? Generally, we are motivated by two different reasons. We either do some things for what we call extrinsic reasons. Namely, you work for forty hours a week so you can get a paycheck at the end. Now, flow is a type of intrinsic motivation, that is, there you do what you're doing primarily because you like what you're doing. Back to top 2. The flow experience is when a person is completely involved in what he or she is doing, when the concentration is very high, when the person knows moment by moment what the next steps should be, like if you are playing tennis, you know where you want the ball to go, if you are playing a musical instrument you know what notes you want to play, every millisecond, almost. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a 8.

5 Tribes of Machine Learning – Questions and Answers Leading researcher Pedro Domingos answers questions on 5 tribes of Machine Learning, Master Algorithm, No Free Lunch Theorem, Unsupervised Learning, Ensemble methods, 360-degree recommender, and more. By Gregory Piatetsky, @kdnuggets. On Nov 24 I moderated ACM Webinar with Pedro Domingos. Pedro, one of the leading researchers in Machine Learning and Data Science, expounded on his excellent book, "The Master Algorithm" where he explained the approaches of 5 tribes of Machine Learning: symbolists, Connectionists, Evolutionaries, Bayesians, and Analogizers, and how those methods can be combined in search of the master algorithm for Machine Learning that will revolutionize our world. Over 1,500 people attended the webinar. After introducing Pedro I was prepared to relax and enjoy the presentation, but my role as a moderator turned out unexpectedly intense, when lots of questions - which I had to read and quickly prioritize - started coming in after only a few minutes. PD: Certainly.

Get IRS Tax Transcript (Filing Comformation) Español | 中文 | 한국어 | TiếngViệt | Pусский Alert: The online Get Transcript service is currently unavailable. You may still order transcripts using the Get Transcript by Mail service. You can get a transcript by mail to view your tax account transactions or line-by-line tax return information for a specific tax year. To use Get Transcript by Mail, you need your Social Security number (SSN) or your Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), date of birth, and address from your latest tax return. JAWS Users Session Expiration Warning If this application remains idle for 15 minutes, it displays a session expiration warning message in a popup or new browser window, allowing you to extend your session. The IRS never sends email requesting that you obtain or access your transcripts.

Anna Karenina principle The Anna Karenina principle states that a deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms an endeavor to failure. Consequently, a successful endeavor (subject to this principle) is one for which every possible deficiency has been avoided. The name of the principle derives from Leo Tolstoy's 1877 novel Anna Karenina, which begins: All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. In other words: happy families share a common set of attributes which lead to happiness, while any of a variety of attributes can cause an unhappy family. In statistics, the term Anna Karenina principle is used to describe significance tests: there are any number of ways in which a dataset may violate the null hypothesis and only one in which all the assumptions are satisfied. Examples[edit] Failed domestication[edit] Ecological risk assessment[edit] Ecologist Dwayne Moore describes applications of the Anna Karenina principle in ecology: Aristotle's version[edit] See also[edit]
