ClipArt ETC: Free Educational Illustrations for Classroom Use Alphabets The Alphabets ClipArt collection offers 1,193 illustrations arranged in 43 galleries including decorative letters and numerals, complete alphabet sets, and several sign language systems. If you are looking… American History and Government The American History and Government ClipArt collection offers 2,513 illustrations arranged in 26 galleries. Ancient and Medieval History The Ancient and Medieval History ClipArt collection offers 1,456 illustrations in 18 galleries from ancient Egypt, the Middle East, Greece, Rome, and Byzantine cultures. Animals The Animals ClipArt collection offers 10,528 illustrations arranged in 96 galleries, including amphibians, birds, crustaceans, fish, insects, mammals, and reptiles. Arts and Architecture The Arts and Architecture ClipArt collection offers 6,314 illustrations in 149 galleries, including architecture, crafts design elements, drawing, heraldry, historic styles, painting, printmaking, and… Business and Industry Community Flags and Emblems Home
Académie de Poitiers Programmes de l'enseignement de spécialité "Anglais monde contemporain" publié le 24/07/2020 Parution des programmes définitifs de LLCER anglais monde contemporain applicables à la rentrée 2020 Apprendre à distance, l’occasion de développer des compétences transversales publié le 14/06/2020 Une séquence d’anglais conduite à distance permet à des élèves de première de développer et valoriser des compétences transversales. Where are the Queen's corgis? publié le 12/06/2020 Emmenez vos élèves à la découverte de Londres en aidant la reine à retrouver ses chiens préférés. Aide au choix de spécialité LLCER: comparaison des programmes de "LLCER anglais" et "LLCER anglais monde contemporain" publié le 25/05/2020 Comment choisir entre les deux enseignements de spécialité LLCER anglais et LLCER anglais monde contemporain ?
How to teach advantages and disadvantages- looking at both sides By: Alex Case |Audience: Teachers|Category: Teaching English Asking students to look at both sides and then come to a conclusion is perhaps the most common kind of essay question in EFL, including in IELTS and Cambridge exams. It can also be a good structure for presentations and more informal extended speaking activities. In addition, for debates and discussions students can try to brainstorm both advantages and disadvantages in order to be able to pick a side, predict the other side’s arguments and/ or prepare counterarguments. A lesson on advantages and disadvantages can also be a good way of getting students to look at things from other points of view, something that is a vital intercultural communication skill. Despite all these uses and how common it is to set the task of looking at both sides, very few EFL books have sections specifically on the language of advantages and disadvantages. Classroom presentation of looking at both sides Classroom practice of looking at both sides
Académie de Bordeaux Ressources Cette veille numérique a pour objectifs de mettre en avant des outils numériques proposant un accès gratuit, des démarches pédagogiques innovantes, des projets de classe, des articles ... Pour se connecter, cliquez ici. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection de ressources numériques classées par thèmes, pour y accéder, cliquez sur le bouton correspondant : Page d'accueil du portail des ressources numériques Pour faciliter votre navigation, voici quelques raccourcis : Si vous souhaitez proposer un site, un lien, ...
Using cartoons and comic strips Cartoons are powerful teaching tools and can: Tell a complex story in a few imagesProvide comment and provoke thought on events and issues in the newsGive an example of vocabulary related to current trends and fadsProvide easily identifiable characters to form the basis for sketchesShow culture in action with the ways that men or women are behaving and are expected to behaveComment on and illustrate a whole range of issues like racism, teenage relationships, sexism, ageism, family relationships. Word of warning: The language used can sometimes be too colloquial and referential for lower levels to cope with. Choose your cartoons and comic strips with care. 1. Activities for exploiting cartoons Exploring the theme of humour Take one cartoon which depicts absurd situations. Ask students to work in groups and get them to discuss: What does the cartoon mean? Their own sense of humour and national tastes in humour Use a cartoon to introduce the idea of humour and culture. Dealing with issues 2. 3.