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Antique Farm Tools - Introduction (home-page)

Antique Farm Tools - Introduction (home-page)

How To Sharpen Tools: The Family Handyman Sharpening your tools Years ago, I drove by a storefront with a hand-painted plywood sign. It read “Tool Sharpening.” Curious, I gathered a boxful of dull old handsaws and circular saw blades in my garage and carried them up to the store with the hope of getting them sharpened. Inside I saw a lean old fellow with wisps of gray hair curling from the backside of an old hunting cap. A week later when I walked into the store, he asked me what my name was and started rummaging through a pile of bags and boxes. The next day I gathered my garden tools and brought them down to the same shop. A moment passed, then he looked me in the eye and said, “Why don’t you do it yourself?” That afternoon changed forever how I look at tools. Do It All with Three Simple Tools A Grinding Wheel, a Mill File and a Sharpening Stone You can sharpen most garden tools with a simple 10-in. mill bastard file (Photo 5). A grinding wheel (shown in Photo 4) is good only for removing larger amounts of steel. 1 of 7 2 of 7

1920 Semoir Gougis 1920 Semoir Gougis Constructeur à Auneau en Eure et Loir Semoir en ligne à 8 socs et avant-train, tiré par un attelage à un cheval et conduit à l'avant par un charretier. Une boîte de vitesse assure la densité souhaitée, par un changement d'engrenages. Exposé au COMPA à Chartres An Ax to Grind: A Practical Ax Manual, 9923-2823-MTDC, Getting the Hang of It (continued) Sharpening "Putting your nose to the grindstone" implies tedious, repetitious, and unending work. You will find that sharpening a dull or abused ax is indeed tedious and repetitious, but to do it right you have to do it slowly (Figure 62). Along the way, you'll learn the value of patience, and appreciate the differences in steel tempering and ax quality as you sharpen different axes. Best of all, you will appreciate the usefulness of a razor-sharp ax, and the importance of doing everything you can to keep it sharp. Figure 62-The right way and wrong way to use a grinding wheel (drawings by Frederic H. Never use an electric high-speed dry bench grinder to sharpen your ax. If you don't have a pedal grindstone, your options are limited to a file and whetstone. Fit your file with a guard to protect your hands (Figure 64). Figure 64--File guards help keep your fingers away from the sharpened ax blade. Clamp the ax to the bench at a comfortable height (Figure 65).

Traits en Savoie - Semoir Chevalier:4 ème partie.Sur le terrain. Avant d’en venir au terrain, quelques avancées depuis le dernier article. Nous avons retrouvé plusieurs semoirs en France ou en Suisse. En France dans le Pays de Gex et en Suisse à Genève ou dans le canton de Vaud. Le musée de Chiblins (canton de Vaud) possède dans sa réserve de Satigny (canton de Genève)... ...un semoir à restaurer de 1873. Et il doit en resté un au "Musée du blé et du pain" à Echallens (canton de Vaud). Des deux semoirs que nous avons pu voir à Ornex... ...le mieux conservé date... 1907. Le second,très abimé,... ...fut construit en 1871. Nous avons également pu voir la mécanique d’un semoir de 1879. Mais il ne subsiste de cette machine que quelques pièces éparses. Trois autres semoirs ont été répertoriés sur le Pays de Gex. Un de 1882,un non marqué (oubli ou réparation ???) Ces deux derniers modèles font apparaitre des modifications, en particulier sur les roues,ce qui laisse supposer une proximité de fabrication. Nous n’avons pas encore pu faire de photos de ces machines.

Global Village Construction Set The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost set of blueprints that enables fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts. The name, GVCS, has been coined for the first time in 2008 - at a lecture at the University of Missouri, Columbia - see UM Presentation. The above paragraph is a brief summary, but the goals of the GVCS are much larger. Currently there are several, outstanding, unconscionable aspects of civilization: continuing ecocide, war, consumerism, poverty, poor distribution of wealth or access, ignorance - see Pressing World Issues. At the core, OSE's work requires human evolution for a transition from a proprietary, military economy - to a collaborative economy. With great power comes great responsibility. When exactly do we say that the Global Village Construction Set is complete - that we have succeeded? Can't see the video below? Want to know more? edit edit See Also

The Museum Of Old Techniques For almost every electronic device or oil driven machine there used to be a low-tech alternative that was powered by human muscles, water or wind. The Museum of Old Techniques aims to collect and study these historical alternatives to modern day machinery. Why, you may ask? To quote the Museum: "Evolution doesn't necessarily mean progress, what we consider to be primitive solutions are often not primitive at all". We could not have said it better ourselves. The website of the MOT contains, among other things, some 2,000 simple drawings of hand tools (ordered by shape, and by profession) and a collection of illustrated trade catalogues (up until 1950, in French). A somewhat related publication is Edward H. Knight's book contains not only early electric equipment and steam driven machinery, but also human and animal powered machines.

Here's the drill: You can use it as a chisel initially and cut a square hole the width of the tip, remove that, then tap and turn, tap and turn. I used a branch to hit the top with. You don't want to POUND it into the wood as the tool may not break but will be hard to turn. Be patient, periodically work it out of the wood while turning and remove some of the chips. Incidentally, as you may notice this is actually a exposed root (on a guava tree- fairly hard wood) but for some reason, I couldn't get some of the pictures to stay oriented correctly so it looks like a branch or trunk...which I guess is Ok because it may have more uses going into a vertical surface.... The root is about 4" thick but I was able to make it through in less than 5 minutes. If you don't need to go through but just want to sink it into a trunk to use it as a hanger or lifting point, that would work too.

DIY Vibration Polisher So, if your thinking about making this project I would only advise you try it if you already have or have access to the more expensive parts that you will need (motor, springs, hardware). If you had to buy everything new you would just be better off buying a cheep commercially made machine. But if you think you can make it on the cheep and you need a project to take up a weekend, than go for it! To make the vibration Polisher you will need: Automotive valve springs X4 new or used. Drilled gum rubber carboy stopper x4 about $5. total "J" Bolts with nuts and washers x16, 3/8" to 1/2" carriage bolts with nuts and washers X4, length of all thread rod at least a couple inches longer than your bowl is tall x1, and miscellaneous wood screws, nuts, bolts and washers. total $10. Some scrap plywood. total $0.00 A decent size motor. Plastic bole with lid. x1 total $0.00 Automotive funnel. x1 total $1.00 Total cost for me was about $25.00 not including the polishing medium witch was another $25.00
