A $5 Fake Brick Pizza Oven Hack
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Bulk Food Cheap: LDS Storehouses
One of my readers had sent me an email last week wanting to know where to find the storehouses run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or the Mormon church as we’re sometimes called) in order to buy bulk food for long-term food storage. I thought I’d answer this question in a blog post so that all can benefit from it. I’ll also provide some insight into what they are, what you can find there, and of course where you can find them. What is an LDS Storehouse? For those not familiar with the storehouses, I thought I’d explain what they are and what their purpose is. The LDS storehouses (or Bishop’s Storehouse as we call them) were established as part of the welfare system set up by the Church which aims at providing assistance to needy families and individuals within (as well as outside) the Church. Funding for the welfare program (which includes the storehouses) is provided by donations from Church members. What Can You Find at the Storehouse?