Related: kajsi82
In a Heartbeat This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled In a Heartbeat and the theme of love. Students learn and practice expressions using the word “heart”, watch a short film trailer, predict and write a story, watch and discuss a short film, and watch and discuss a video in which elderly people give their reactions to the short film. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Practicing expressions using the word “heart”, watching a short film trailer, predicting and writing a story, watching and discussing a short film, and watch and discussing a reaction video Topic: Love Language: Vocabulary related to love Watch the film. Check out the lesson plan Remember that Individual Membership and Institutional Membership of Film English Club allow unlimited access to all 500+ Film English Club lesson plans, viewing guides and other teaching material. Subscribe We hope you enjoy this ESL lesson.
How can film help you teach or learn English? | British Council What can film and video add to the learning experience? Kieran Donaghy, who won the British Council’s TeachingEnglish blog award tells us why film is such a good resource and recommends some useful websites, in one of our top five articles of all time, illustrated by artist Jamie Johnson. Language teachers have been using films in their classes for decades, and there are a number of reasons why film is an excellent teaching and learning tool. Learning from films is motivating and enjoyable Motivation is one of the most important factors in determining successful second-language acquisition. Film provides authentic and varied language Another benefit of using film is that it provides a source of authentic and varied language. Film gives a visual context The visuality of film makes it an invaluable language teaching tool, enabling learners to understand more by interpreting the language in a full visual context. Variety and flexibility Lesson plans Allat C Lessonstream Viral ELT Film English
Interactive Books Interactive Books in 2021 - 27 février Je remercie tous les professeurs et les élèves qui, pendant dix ans, ont utilisé mes livres interactifs. Afin de pouvoir continuer à les utiliser, vous allez avoir la possibilité de les télécharger pour une installation locale. Merci de respecter ce travail qui a nécessité un certain nombre d’heures. Merci de ne pas mettre en téléchargement les fichiers zippés sur votre propre blog ou site. Merci de rediriger vos élèves vers cette page afin qu’ils puissent télécharger les fichiers zippés et lire les (...) Interactive Book - Numbers - Février 2012 Learn / Revise the numbers with this interactive book !
Английский язык для начинающих - изучить английский бесплатно Cirkbloggen Träna de fyra färdigheterna i engelska med hjälp av skönlitteratur På engelska 6 bestämde klassen och jag att vi skulle inleda med att använda skönlitteratur för att träna de fyra färdigheterna. Här kommer början på ett upplägg där jag också passar på att använda klassiker från den anglo-saxiska litteraturen eftersom ämnesplanens centrala innehåll nämner "[t]eman, motiv, form och innehåll i [...] skönlitteratur; författarskap och litterära epoker". Under de här första lektionerna tränade vi: lässtrategier (skapa förförståelse)textsamtal kring skönlitteraturarbete med ordkunskapLektion 1 Jag inleder med att fråga eleverna vad som krävs för en god horror story och skriver upp deras förslag på tavlan. Därefter skriver jag upp ett antal ord från Edgar Allans Poes novell "A Tell Tale Heart" på tavlan (mad, haunted, evil eye, caution, cunningly, midnight, mortal terror, shrieked, corpse, dismembered, police, heart) och ber eleverna fundera över vad som kanske kommer att hända i novellen. Dessa två övningar syftar till att aktivera elevernas förförståelse.
British Vs American English: 100+ Differences Illustrated Given the amount of places around the world that English is spoken, various differences are bound to emerge. Despite how much the USA and UK have in common, there are enough differences between their two versions of the English language that someone may not always understand exactly what someone from the other country is saying. Fortunately, the US State Department has created a series of useful graphics to help clear things up. Show Full Text The US and the UK's imperial histories and modern influence over the world have changed the English language forever. Even if you're a native speaker of UK or US English, there's a good chance you'll learn something new here. More info: americanenglish.state.gov (h/t: designyoutrust, demilked)
Digitala boktips Nu börjar det blir dag för mig att presentera mina idéer kring de digitala boktipsen för mina elever. Inte nog med att jag måste presentera det jag vill att de ska göra, jag måste ju även motivera varför jag vill att de ska göra det här. Under min semestervecka fick eleverna besöka vår fantastiska bibliotekarie som plockat fram massa böcker under temat Lika/Olika som hon presenterade för dem. Eleverna har börjat läsa så nu började det bli dags att låta dem få reda på vad jag vill att de ska göra med sitt läsande. Först och främst vill jag att de ska göra muntliga boktips inför klassen efter en mall som jag och mina kollegor tagit fram. Eleverna brukar göra bra ifrån sig och vid sådana här tillfällen tycker jag att det är synd att boktipsen ska stanna kvar i klassrummet. Nu är jag inge proffs än, men har i alla fall lyckats lura ut att man kan skaffa en eduinloggning som gör att filmklippen kan bli lite längre. Jag tar gärna emot tankar och funderingar kring det ni just läst So long Linda
ENGLISH 6 – Patricia Diaz Hem » LÄNKSAMLINGAR » ENGELSKA » ENGLISH 6 This is basically the level of the national exams in English 6 and what they look like: 1. Exercise matching: ”What’s the topic?” Click here for the sound file to ”What’s the topic?” Key to ”What’s the topic”. 2. Click here for the sound file to ”What’s the topic 2?” Key to ”What’s the topic 2?” 3. Click here for the sound file to ”News Items 1” Key to ”News Items 1” 4. Click here for the sound file to ”News Items 2” Key to ”News Items 2” 5. Click here for the sound file to ”Bad Lad” Key to ”Bad Lad” 1. Key to ”Book Review” 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. An example of a speaking exercise – ”Stress” Student cards Assessment directions (Gy2011) An example of a writing exercise – ”Temptations” Assessment directions (Gy2011) Assessed student texts information – E text, C text and A text. Some useful video clips: Refresh your memory about the SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT. Now let’s move on to FORMAL WRITING And now, let’s dig into some ESSAY STRUCTURE Dela det här:
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. Alla… 25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area 25 Reading Strategies That Work In Every Content Area Reading is reading. By understanding that letters make sounds, we can blend those sounds together to make whole sounds that symbolize meaning we can all exchange with one another. Without getting too Platonic about it all, reading doesn’t change simply because you’re reading a text from another content area. Only sometimes it does. Science content can often by full of jargon, research citations, and odd text features. Social Studies content can be an interesting mix of itemized information, and traditional paragraphs/imagery. Literature? This all makes reading strategies somewhat content area specific. But if you’d like to start with a basic set of strategies, you could do worse than the elegant graphic above from wiki-teacher.com. For related reading, see 50 of the best reading comprehension apps, different ways your school can promote literacy, or how reading in the 21st century is different. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
The world water crisis | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council Our bodies are as much as 60% water. All living things contain it and, like us, depend upon it for survival. Although 70% of the Earth is covered with water, a staggering number of the world’s poor lack even the most basic sanitation and access to clean water. 97% of the water on Earth is salt water. 2% is frozen in glaciers and ice caps. Only 1% is fresh water. 'Hmm, well, no bottled water, I guess. Every day, women around the world walk mile after mile to collect water for bathing, cooking, cleaning and for their families to drink. 'You can only go three days without water.' Countless hours spent searching or waiting in line. Every twenty seconds a child dies from a water-related illness like diarrhoea.
Free spelling worksheet maker, printable reading worksheet templates, with images Tools for Educators offers to use as resources for lessons, lesson plans and printable materials for classes Choose the correct word or correct spelling worksheets: Choose a picture and write in three options for the spelling or three words with one correct option. You could also write two words that apply to the object and one that doesn't. Students would select the correct words. Or here are two makers with all of the vocabulary words available: The spelling worksheet maker allows you to create spelling worksheets to print or small reading quizzes on any theme with pictures . single words, jumbled words, misspelled words , and have the students circle the correct spelling. These can handle some foreign languages as well. preschool, kindergarten and other elementary school teachers to use as young learner resources More reading and spelling worksheet makers: Once your game board has been generated, go into the 'file' menu at the top left of the browser and choose print.