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The Museum Of Old Techniques

The Museum Of Old Techniques
For almost every electronic device or oil driven machine there used to be a low-tech alternative that was powered by human muscles, water or wind. The Museum of Old Techniques aims to collect and study these historical alternatives to modern day machinery. Why, you may ask? To quote the Museum: "Evolution doesn't necessarily mean progress, what we consider to be primitive solutions are often not primitive at all". We could not have said it better ourselves. A somewhat related publication is Edward H. Knight's book contains not only early electric equipment and steam driven machinery, but also human and animal powered machines.

Traits en Savoie - Semoir Chevalier:4 ème partie.Sur le terrain. Avant d’en venir au terrain, quelques avancées depuis le dernier article. Nous avons retrouvé plusieurs semoirs en France ou en Suisse. En France dans le Pays de Gex et en Suisse à Genève ou dans le canton de Vaud. Le musée de Chiblins (canton de Vaud) possède dans sa réserve de Satigny (canton de Genève)... ...un semoir à restaurer de 1873. Et il doit en resté un au "Musée du blé et du pain" à Echallens (canton de Vaud). Des deux semoirs que nous avons pu voir à Ornex... ...le mieux conservé date... 1907. Le second,très abimé,... ...fut construit en 1871. Nous avons également pu voir la mécanique d’un semoir de 1879. Mais il ne subsiste de cette machine que quelques pièces éparses. Trois autres semoirs ont été répertoriés sur le Pays de Gex. Un de 1882,un non marqué (oubli ou réparation ???) Ces deux derniers modèles font apparaitre des modifications, en particulier sur les roues,ce qui laisse supposer une proximité de fabrication. Nous n’avons pas encore pu faire de photos de ces machines.

How to Identify Your Passions Passion is the fuel that can power you toward the realization of your dreams. To live a truly satisfying and purposeful life you need to know what your passions are so you can fill your day with them. Have you found your passions in life or are you still searching? Many people struggle to connect with their deepest core passions. It has become increasingly common for people to feel like they can’t really identify their passions or that they don’t know how to incorporate their passions into their daily life. Could that be true for you? If you want to discover your passions, the following questions will get you started. Many people wonder, “How do I know what my passions are?” 1) Does it make you feel good about yourself? 2) Would you do it for free? 3) Do you lose all track of time when you do it? 4) Do you talk about it to anyone who will listen? 5) Are you delighted to teach it to others? 6) Would you like to spend more of your time doing it? Your passions are waiting!

1920 Semoir Gougis 1920 Semoir Gougis Constructeur à Auneau en Eure et Loir Semoir en ligne à 8 socs et avant-train, tiré par un attelage à un cheval et conduit à l'avant par un charretier. Exposé au COMPA à Chartres MacGyver The Map Of Native American Tribes You've Never Seen Before : Code Switch Aaron Carapella, a self-taught mapmaker in Warner, Okla., has designed a map of Native American tribes showing their locations before first contact with Europeans. Hansi Lo Wang/NPR hide caption itoggle caption Hansi Lo Wang/NPR Aaron Carapella, a self-taught mapmaker in Warner, Okla., has designed a map of Native American tribes showing their locations before first contact with Europeans. Hansi Lo Wang/NPR Finding an address on a map can be taken for granted in the age of GPS and smartphones. Aaron Carapella, a self-taught mapmaker in Warner, Okla., has pinpointed the locations and original names of hundreds of American Indian nations before their first contact with Europeans. As a teenager, Carapella says he could never get his hands on a continental U.S. map like this, depicting more than 600 tribes — many now forgotten and lost to history. Carapella has designed maps of Canada and the continental U.S. showing the original locations and names of Native American tribes.

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