mourning-ceremonies It is believed that when a person dies, their spirit goes back to the Dreaming Ancestors in the land if the correct ceremonies rituals are conducted. Special dances and wailing songs are seen and heard in times of death or mourning periods. The beliefs associated with death are different from language group to language group. Some Aboriginies bury their dead some cremate them, some place the bodies on platforms or in trees or caves to conceal them.Many different practises are performed to ensure that the spirits of the dead would not cause mischief or sadness within the language group. A person's possessions and weapon's are often disposed of or buried with them during the ceremony. Many Aboriginies talk of sorry business when discussing death to avoid sacred details. If there are members in the same language group with the same name it is often changed.
ePSXe 1.7.0 full Recopilacion 2012 + plugins+bios+utilidades | Taringa! Juegos PC Bueno hacia mucho que no publicaba un nuevo post, bueno aqui les traigo esta version del emulador ePSXe esta recopilacion la hice de entre muchas versiones y por consecuente un emulador lleno de versatibilidades…les puedo asegurar que una recopilacion asi no es facil de hallar mucho menos viniendo de mediafire bueno sin mas ni mas les dejo info y el link… ePSXe Desarrollador calb, Galtor y _Demo_ Sitio web oficial Información general Última versión estable 1.7.0 24 de mayo de 2008 Género Emulador Sistema operativo Microsoft Windows y Linux Licencia Freeware En español ? ePSXe es un emulador freeware de la consola de videojuegos PlayStation que logra emular la mayoría de los videojuegos del sistema original, pudiendo ejecutar videojuegos desde el CD o bien desde una imagen del mismo. Para su uso se requiere de plugins, que son bibliotecas de software para el manejo de gráficos, la entrada de cdrom y la emulación del sonido. Su primer lanzado fue el 14 de octubre del 2000. Plugins Rumores
Culture Australia's Aboriginal culture probably represents the oldest surviving culture in the world, with the use of stone tool technology and painting with red ochre pigment dating back over 60,000 years. Australians never developed an "iron age", "bronze age", or pottery, and the terms "palaeolithic" (old stone age) and "neolithic" (new stone age) are not used in Australia, because stone technology did not progress in the same way as the rest of the world. Humankind's most ancient stone tool technology, the percussion method of chipping away at the edge of a rock to make a sharp edge for cutting, dates back 2.5 million years, and was still practiced by Aborigines until the 1960s and later. Many stone choppers and flake scrapers commonly made until the last few decades are similar to these earliest tools. These flaked tools are used to shape wooden weapons and implements. Although lacking a formal written language, for thousands of years Aborigines have recorded their culture as rock art.
Las perversiones en el cine de David Lynch | Espacio Crítico 02 Por José Andrés Solórzano becerra Comenzar este reportaje final me resulto sumamente difícil, ya que no sabía que tema elegir. Siempre me he considerado una persona idealista y con responsabilidad social, lo cual me llevo a intentar primero, tratar temas que atañen a la sociedad como la situación del Tíbet o los extraños manejos al rededor de los sindicalizados mexicanos. Sin embargo, la temática no me resultaba completamente interesante, así que decidí darle un giro totalmente nuevo a mi trabajo y dedicarlo a mi obsesión por los últimos dos años, David Lynch y su cine perverso. Recuerdo mi primer encuentro con el cine de David Lynch, yo estaba comprando películas en descuento en una tienda de autoservicio y debido a su bajo precio adquirí Por el Lado Oscuro del Camino (Lost Highway). Rápida Biografía de David Lynch: El nombre completo de este cineasta es David Kieth Lynch, el cual nació un 20 de enero de 1946 en Missoula, Montana, EUA. En 1967, Lynch recibe el premio Dr. Me gusta:
Life, Death and Mourning Life In Judaism, life is valued above almost all else. The Talmud notes that all people are descended from a single person, thus taking a single life is like destroying an entire world, and saving a single life is like saving an entire world. Of the 613 commandments, only the prohibitions against murder, idolatry, incest and adultery are so important that they cannot be violated to save a life. Because life is so valuable, we are not permitted to do anything that may hasten death, not even to prevent suffering. However, where death is imminent and certain, and the patient is suffering, Jewish law does permit one to cease artificially prolonging life. Death In Judaism, death is not a tragedy, even when it occurs early in life or through unfortunate circumstances. Mourning practices in Judaism are extensive, but they are not an expression of fear or distaste for death. Care for the Dead Respect for the dead body is a matter of paramount importance. The body must not be cremated. Mourning
Chrono Traducciones :: Ver tema - Configurar ePSXe para chrono cross La última opción no siempre es la mejor pero... Han oído hablar acerca de Pcsx2? Pos si no lo han hecho les comento que es un Emu de PS2. Se preguntarán : Por qué rayos nos recomienda un emu de Ps2 cuando Chrono Cross es de Ps1? La respuesta es sencilla. Este plugin es el más rápido que existe al momento y funciona perfectamente con Epsxe 1.7. He aquí como se configura : Primego nos bajamos el plugin gráfico de aquí: Luego lo descomprimimos y lo ponemos en la carpeta de plugins, acto seguído cargamos el emu y al ir a la opción de plugins de video debe de aparecer, GSdx, lo configuramos (No hay muchas opciones, elegímos bilinear (para mejores gráficas y donde dice "Internal resolution" escogemos Hx2 - Vx2 y asunto arreglado, a jugar se ha dicho _________________Apparently, people in video games are blind...
Social People lived day to day in family groups, banded together as hordes, and met at times of ceremony, when one to several hundred members of a single tribe came together. Members of different tribes met together at the largest ceremonies and gatherings, when there might be over 1,000 people at one gathering. Aborigines have complex social and marriage laws, based on the grouping of people within their society. They also have a complex kinship system where everyone is related to everyone else. In order to understand the complexities of their social organisation, it is best to consider it in the following way, dividing it first into three main aspects. First, the physical structuring of society in terms of numbers – family, horde, tribe, second, the religious structuring based on beliefs and customs, totems, and marriage laws, and these beliefs divide people into moieties, sections and subsections, totemic groups, and clans. The physical or geographical structuring of the society.
Perception of Depth - Brian Koberlein If you’ve ever watched a 3D movie, you’ve noticed how the image on the screen appears to have a certain depth to it. Certain objects just seem farther away. Other objects (usually pointy things) seem to leap out from the screen. You’ve also probably noticed that you have to wear a pair of glasses to watch the movie. If you take the glasses off during the movie, things look somewhat blurry. 3D movies work by projecting two movies at the same time. This trick works because (most) humans have depth perception. Depth perception is possible because a closer object exhibits a parallax shift when compared to more distant object. We can use the same effect to measure the distances of stars, using the width of Earth’s orbit. We’ve been able to use this cosmic depth perception to measure stellar distances up to about 1500 light years. But that’s a story for another time.