Logiciels - Didapages: livres interactifs multimédia Didapages est un logiciel élaboré par l'association Fruits du Savoir www.fruitsdusavoir.org. Au cours de l'été 2010, Didapages a connu un profond changement. Depuis cette date, la page d'accueil du site de l'association annonce un site en travaux, mais le forum reste actif et demeure le lieu à priviligier pour poser des questions, partager son travail, et rester informé des évolutions des produits développés et disponibles. C'est donc désormais à partir du site de la socièté Didasystem www.didasystem.com que s'effectuent les téléchargements et que se trouvent les informations officielles relatives aux différents outils disponibles. Cet article présente la version gratuite de Didapages 1 (dernière version Didapages 1.2) Remarque: Didapages 1 est un ancien logiciel windows qui ne fonctionne pas sous Mac, Linux ou Windows 8. Il est fortement recommandé d'utiliser Didapages 2 ! Ressources pour l'anglais Exemples de livres sur des points de grammaire: Tutoriels et expérimentations
Home | Apartheid Museum Logiciel éducatif | Enseigner avec la BD | Bitstrips pour écoles Recycling in schools « Recycling Guide Involving teachers and children in recycling schemes and other activities to improve the environment can be a lot of fun. Educating children about the importance of recycling and the environment provides a path to a greener future. This section concentrates on recycling schemes and suggests recycling activities for the pupils. Recycling Schemes There are almost 34,000 schools in the UK and they play a vital role in dealing with waste. Paper Recycling Paper is the main form of waste created by schools, making up at least a quarter of all its rubbish.Contact your local council and ask them to provide your school with a paper-recycling bin.Set up a paper collection scheme for each classroom by making ‘paper only’ boxes for the children and teachers to put used paper in. Metal Recycling Composting Scheme Contact your local council who may be able to provide a compost bin for your school, in some cases, compost bins are provided free of charge. Educational Activities Activities For Schools
L'ici et l'ailleurs - Langues vivantes Palier 2- 2ème année Activités langagières : EOc / EOi / EE / CE / CA Notions : société Les travaux du GFA 2014/15 : «Développer les compétences linguistiques, civiques et sociales à partir d’un apprentissage coactif» 9 collègues d'Allemand, Anglais et Espagnol, de collège et lycée, ont réfléchi cette année sur cette thématique. Christine Minetto, IA IPR anglais IA-IPR référente Télécharger le dossier complet : - au format texte - au format pdf Vous pouvez retrouver tous les travaux du GFA sur cette page. Contributeurs : production collective du GFA "Développer les compétences linguistiques, civiques et sociales à partir d’un apprentissage coactif". (2014-15)
School Posters Activity Village has a huge resource of posters these days, and we seem to be adding more all the time! Many of them are perfect for the school, homeschool or childminding environment, and these posters are popular downloads. Message Posters So many useful messages! Quotation Posters A huge range of photographic and illustrated posters with inspiring quotes for children of all ages. People Who Help Us Posters There are 4 different teachers, a librarian, lunch lady, lollipop lady (school crossing patrol officer) and a caretaker in this collection of people who help us posters. School Rules Colouring Posters More like classroom behaviour than "rules", these colouring posters are a great way to involve the children in setting standards. More Useful School Posters Even the most confident early readers can get confused between "b" and "d", and for some children these letters can be a real problem. Remind children that bullying is not cool! Here's a fun printable poster of a cheerful lunch lady.
School/Class Pledges I am somebody. The me I see is the me I'll be. I can be respectful, responsible and resourceful. I can succeed. I am in school to learn. We raise our hands to speak. I make mistakes so I can learn. I pledge to show my respect by listening to others, using my hands for helping, caring about others feelings, and being responsible for what I say and do. My Promise Each day I'll do my best, And I won't do any less. My work will always please me, And I won't accept a mess. I'll colour very carefully, My writing will be neat. And I simply won't be happy 'Til my papers are complete. I'll always do my homework, And I'll try on evey test. And I won't forget my promise -- To do my very best! A Circle of Friends We've joined together as classmates as the new year begins... I am wonderful. Learner's Creed I believe in myself and my ability to do my best at all times. I will listen, I will see, I will speak, I will feel, I will think, I will reason, I will read, I will write. Ernestine Mitchell Class Promise
Freedom of Expression, Online: Outlining the First Amendment for Teenagers Overview | What are the First Amendment rights? Does freedom of speech mean you people can publish whatever they want on the Internet? In this lesson, students consider what they know about the First Amendment and a court case involving a blogger. Materials | Computers with Internet access, projector (optional). Warm-Up | Have students take the 1 for All Great First Amendment Quiz or Student Press Law Center’s Test Your Knowledge of First Amendment Law. Afterward, debrief. (Alternatively, the class can respond to our Student Opinion question “Do You Know Your First Amendment Rights?” Show students the text of the First Amendment and then hold a brief whole group discussion. Finally, turn specifically to the freedoms of speech and the press. Tell students they will now consider a court ruling about a blogger and the First Amendment. Read the entire article with your class, using the questions below. Questions | For discussion and reading comprehension: Look together at the list. Civics 1.
The Bully by Roger Dean Kiser "Tony. TONY THE BULL." I mumbled, as I swung myself around on my stool and faced in his direction. "The bully of my seventh grade geography class," I thought. How many times that sorry guy had made fun of my big ears in front of the girls in my class? How many times this sorry son-of-a-gun had laughed at me because I had no parents and had to live in an orphanage? He raised his hand and waved at me. "Jesus. All of a sudden I heard the sound of dishes breaking so I spun around to see what had happened. As Tony rolled by me, being pushed by his wife, I looked up and I smiled. "Roger" he said, as he nodded his head forward. "Tony" I responded, as I nodded my head, in return. I watched as they went out of the door and slowly made their way to a large van which had a wheelchair loader located in the side door of the vehicle. I sat and watched as his wife tried, over and over, to get the ramp to come down. "What's the problem?" "Darn thing sticks once in a while," said Tony. "OK. "You remember.
For Teachers In this section I've been compiling a list of links to blogposts by myself and by others related to professional development. I've divide them into three broad categorises: THEORY: Skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking), Systems (pronunciation, grammar, lexis), Principles; PRACTICE:Skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking), Systems (pronunciation, grammar, lexis) , Exams and OTHER. This is a very subjective list of posts I've come across in the last couple of months. I'm sure there are some really valuable ones that are not here, but should be. So if you have any suggestions, please do let me know. 1. a) listening some great advice for teachers tired with course book listening tasks by eflrecipes how to TEACH rather than TEST listening, and how to make your listening lessons more process-oriented: Let's bring back the TAPEs b) reading how to choose authentic materials and what to do with them by Rachel Roberts on elt-resourceful.com c) speaking d) writing 2. a) pronunciation
Food | mousepotato87 These activities are part of the sequence we are studying at the moment. They are based on oral comprehension. 1) listen to the following conversations and match the pictures and the dialogues. dialogue 2) Listen again and write the numbers of the photos in the correct order on your worksheet. Here is a colour copy of the photos : 3) Then you must answer the questions of the following webquest. American breakfast WQ 4) How do you understand this conversation? Click on that link, and then on « Listen to the dialogue ». You must do all the exercises related to this dialogue! 5) The next activity will tell you how to pronounce all these new words. Here is the list : Cereal / Oatmeal / toast / donuts / muffins / bagels / scrambled eggs / fried eggs / omelet / bacon / sausages / syrup / French toast / fried bread pancakes / waffles / orange juice “Good morning ! Waiters
Annales bac & sujets type Bac 1- Évaluer, grilles, Eduscol 2- Annales 3- Trois sujets types Thématique : L’évolution des mentalités, de la condition féminine et des structures familiales, « les effets du progrès sur le fonctionnement des sociétés (nouvelles libertés, nouvelles contraintes et nouvelles aliénations) » B.O. spécial n° 9 du 30 septembre 2010 Problématique : Dans quelle mesure et jusqu’à quel point les récents progrès vers plus d’égalité entre hommes et femmes (salaires, emplois, tâches domestiques et éducation des enfants) se traduisent-ils par une évolution de l’inconscient collectif et des schémas familiaux ? Pièce jointe: ⇒ce-ee-type bac-L'idée de progrès⇐ - 37Ko ⇒ce-ee-type-bac-L'idée de progrès⇐ - 359Ko Conception Christophe Goarant - lycée Fulbert, Chartres Thématique : Vivre, travailler ou étudier à l'étranger Une société peut être abordée du double point de vue de sa cohésion et de son ouverture, ce qui amène à s'interroger sur son inscription dans le monde. Supports retenus : 1. 2. Supports retenus : 1.
English Language PDFs Here's a list of all the PDFs on the site, for easy downloading! (Click here to jump to the PDFs of grammar explanations) Irregular Verbs Present Simple Form (with the verb 'be'): Present Simple Form (with all verbs except 'be'): Present Continuous Form Present Simple or Present Continuous? Present Perfect Simple Form Past Simple or Present Perfect? Present Perfect Continuous Form Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous? Past Simple Form (with the verb 'be'): Past Simple Form (with all verbs except 'be'): Past Continuous Form Past Perfect Simple Form: Past Perfect or Past Simple? Choose the Past Perfect or Past Simple Exercise 1 Future Simple Form: Future Simple or Present Simple? Choose the Future Simple or Present Simple Exercise 1 Will or be going to? Choose the Future Simple (Will) or 'Be Going To' Exercise 1