Turn your flash drive into a portable PC survival kit
If you're using your flash drive as a vehicle for simple file transfers, you’re missing out on one of the single-best roles one of these wee data buckets can fulfill. Indeed, hardcore enthusiasts know that simple flash drives are perfect portable repositories for all the software that can breathe life into an otherwise ailing PC. All the web apps in the world won’t help you when your PC breaks down or falls prey to a particularly nasty piece of malware and refuses connect to the Internet. A properly loaded USB drive, on the other hand, can be a machine saver. And when your grandma calls with a dire PC emergency, you'll be glad to have an always-ready "ninja drive" to slip into your pocket as you run out the door. In this article we’ll show you how to load out a USB drive with everything you need in case of a PC emergency. PortableApps PortableApps maintains a list of hundreds “portable” versions of popular free programs, designed to work without installation. Chrome Portable Malwarebytes
Famous Paradoxes - Examples and Definition
What is a Paradox A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself or a situation which seems to defy logic. That's a simple definition of paradox. Often premises can be proven false which rectifies the contradiction. On this page you can find several good paradox examples to tease your mind. Paradox Examples 1. This is a well known paradox written by the great stoical logician Chrysippos. A Cretan sails to Greece and says to some Greek men who are standing upon the shore: "All Cretans are liars." If someone says "I always lie", are they telling the truth? 2. This version of a famous paradox was presented by English mathematician P. Back side: THE SENTENCE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS CARD IS TRUE. Face side: THE SENTENCE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS CARD IS FALSE. 3. Analogue paradox to the 'liar paradox' formulated by English logician, philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell. 4. My Favorite Sophisms 1. A slim crocodile living in the Nile took a child. 2. 3. Think about these
You Are Not So Smart
30 Best Quotes in Pictures of the Week – Aug 5th to Aug 11th
1. ”Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour…..” – Albert Einstein 2. ”When you can’t smoke” – Rory Sutherland 3. ”Death does not concern us…” – Epicurus 4. ”I think it’s better to have ideas.” – Chris Rock 5. ”You gotta be able to smile…” 6. ”Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle…” – Buddha 7. 8. ”Some things are best left unsaid.” – Red 9. ”However vast the darkness we must supply our own light” -Stanley Kubrick 10. ”It Takes Courage…” – E.E.Cummings 11. ”The world has enough for everyone’s need…” Mahatma Gandhi 12. ”I’m a f*cking unicorn, and f*ck anybody who say I’m not”-Tyler, The Creator 13. ”It is the mark of an educated mind…” – Aristotle 14. ”The two most important days in your life…” – Mark Twain 15. ”Be humble, for you are made of earth, be noble, for you are made of stars” – Serbian proverb 16. 17. ”Mutual Weirdness” – Dr. 18. ”There is only one god…” – Syrio Forel 19. ”The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows” – Rocky Balboa 23. 25. 26. 28.
Lateral Thinking Problems - Semantics
Lateral thinking problems that require you to pay close attention to the exact wording of the problem. 1. A woman gave natural birth to two sons who were born on the same hour of the same day of the same month of the same year. But they were not twins and she had no access to a time machine. How could this be? Solution: They were two of a set of triplets (or quadruplets, etc.) 2. Solution: The water in the river only came up to the man's chest. 3. Hint: The truck driver was not in reverse, nor was he in any particular emergency. Solution: The truck driver was walking. 4. Hint: This really could happen, and probably does in some form or other. Solution: The man is a philanthropist who bought great quantities of rice to sell to poor people at prices they could afford. 5. Solution: Because he would earn three times as much money!
Sabine is a YouTube user who, during a visit to family living in South Korea in April of this year, was given a DVD by a man and a woman claiming to be North Korean “defectors”, and was asked to translate the film so it could be posted on the internet and reach a wider audience. What the DVD turned out to be was something much more than Sabine, or anyone else, probably would’ve imagined, and something that certainly has found a widespread audience on the internet over the last month or so – it was a film called “PROPAGANDA”, a documentary about capitalism, imperialism, mass manipulation of western culture for the purpose of commodification, and how it permeates every aspect of the lives of blissfully ignorant, borderline zombie masses. And jesus, is it on the fucking money. From the video’s description - North Korea in the 1980s The movie opens: “This is a film about psychological warfare. And in the real world, in case you haven’t realized, everything is propaganda. Table of Contents:
1. If the enemy is in range, so are you. 2. Incoming fire has the right of way. 3. Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire. 4. There is always a way. 5. Back to Rainbow Humor Page
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour la définition de la zététique comme partie des mathématiques, voir Algèbre nouvelle. La zététique est définie comme « l'art du doute » par Henri Broch[1]. La zététique est présentée comme « l'étude rationnelle des phénomènes présentés comme paranormaux, des pseudosciences et des thérapies étranges ». La zététique est destinée aux théories scientifiquement réfutables, c'est-à-dire respectant le critère de discrimination de Popper (1902-1994). La zététique se réclame aussi du scepticisme scientifique, et plus généralement de la démarche de doute cartésien qu'elle décrit comme nécessaire en science comme en philosophie. Origine du mot[modifier | modifier le code] « Zététique » vient de l’adjectif grec ζητητικός, zētētikós « qui aime chercher », « qui recherche », lequel est issu du verbe ζητῶ, « chercher ». Elle a pour objectif de contribuer à la formation, chez chaque individu, d'une capacité d'appropriation critique du savoir humain.