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10 ways I use Google Forms in my tablet classroom

10 ways I use Google Forms in my tablet classroom
Image courtesy of TBR Mohamed El-Ashiry takes a look at ways of using Google Forms in the classroom. I am one of Google Forms‘ biggest fans! I have many reasons to love the service, and I use it in many different ways. While there have been many other advantages, the biggest advantage of using Google Forms in my classroom is being able to give students immediate feedback. In my classroom, students have had tablets (iPads) for two years now. 1. Student self-assessment is a very powerful tool in any classroom. 2. Peer-assessment also plays a critical role in any classroom. 3. In my classes, whenever I assign the students a major assessment task, I show them them the rubric that will be used to assess their work. 4. Google Forms has been a great way of documenting student merit points and rewards for positive behaviour. 5. Teachers are required to maintain evidence of any professional development they undertake. 6. I have created several reflection forms for students to use in my classroom. Related:  ankimartnell

100 Ways To Use Google Drive In The Classroom 100 Ways To Use Google Drive In The Classroom by Students and educators have a wealth of learning and productivity tools available to them online. The Google Docs collection provides a streamlined, collaborative solution to writing papers, organizing presentations and putting together spreadsheets and reports. Ed note: This is an older post, so some of these features or links may be out of date. Keyboard Shortcuts Navigate your documents and screen a lot faster when you use these keyboard shortcuts for formatting and more. Productivity Hacks These hacks will make your Google Docs experience even more efficient and streamlined. Features & Tools Make use of features and tools like Docs Translation or CSS Editing to customize your docs and make them work for you. Collaboration One of the best things about Google Docs is that you get to share and collaborate on projects with others. Files, Folders and Filters Organization Color code folders: Color-code the names of folders.

You Can Now Edit Microsoft Office Files in Google Docs Google announced on Wednesday that Google Docs users can now edit Microsoft Office files through the cloud-based platform, a move that eliminates the limitations of making Docs a full-time home office option. Google also announced on Wednesday during its I/O Developers Conference that users can now open Word, Excel and PowerPoint files and save them in their native formats via its suite of cloud-based software. This means you'll be able to view, create and share documents, spreadsheets and presentations on both mobile devices and the desktop. Google Docs users will have ability to save and edit any type of file Google Docs users will have ability to save and edit any type of file, including old Microsoft Office files, and convert them to Google Docs. While Google Docs was available on mobile before, the Slides app is new, as is the Microsoft Office editing functions (on mobile and desktop) for the Docs, Sheets, and Slides apps. Have something to add to this story?

80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom 80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom by TeachThought Staff When you think of innovative, edgy, compelling uses of technology, Google Forms isn’t exactly the first thing that leaps to mind. While you’d probably prefer a piece of hardware that’s affordable, easy to use, and mobile that allows students to direct their own mastery of content in peer-to-peer and school-to-school learning environments, for now you just might have to settle for a spreadsheet. No, wait. Spreadsheets are simply a kind of framework, yes? And they have built-in formulas to perform calculations, visualize data, and communicate information in ways we–and students–are not used to seeing, right? So maybe a self-grading assessment? Questionnaires? See, I told you it’s not so bad.

Google Apps som lärplattform – Del 1 Mappstruktur i Drive | Fler och fler skolor börjar använda Google Apps som plattform för kommunikation och kollaboration. Om man tidigare har jobbat i någon av de mer skolanpassade lärplattformarna saknar man kanske till en början kursspecifika sidor, inlämningsmappar kopplade till klasslistor och specifika fält för omdömen t.ex. i Google Apps. Men med lite tanke bakom mappstruktur, delningar och kommentarsfunktioner kan Google Drive tillsammans med de andra Google-tjänsterna fungera som en lärplattform med många fler möjligheter. Jag har utgått från en viss förkunskap i Google Drive i detta inlägg och fokuserar på hur själva mappstrukturen skulle kunna se ut för en lärare samt arbetsgången för att både nå ut med kursmaterial och ta emot elevarbeten. Det första förslaget på mappstruktur utgår från en klass. Det andra förslaget på mappstruktur nedan utgår från en tanke om effektivisering och tidsbesparing och passar bäst när man som lärare undervisar flera klasser/undervisningsgrupper i samma kurs.

Kaizena · Give Great Feedback 5 Things You Did Not Know About Google Forms Google Forms allows you to create pages so that all of the questions are not all on one screen. In some circumstances the questions do not apply for every student. If students answer no they are not participating in a sport the section of questions about which sports the student participates in can be skipped. If you are using a Google Form as a formative assessment quiz you can direct students to a page with instruction on the topic if they get the question wrong or go to the next question if they get the question correct. Start by creating all of your pages. For Multiple Choice questions there is an option to “Go to page based on answer.” When students finish filling out a Google Form the default message is “Your response has been recorded.” If some of the fields of your Google Form are highly likely to have a specific answer or if you reuse your Form it can be handy to pre-select some of the answers in Form. The option to “Get pre-filled URL” is located under the “Responses” menu.

Google Docs: Mark As Graded - Teacher Tech When assessing student work done in Google Docs it can be a challenge to know which student documents you have looked at and which ones you still need to look over. When looking in my Google Drive folder with student work I need a system for looking at the titles of the files in Google Drive to see what the status is. Karen Hogan (Click Here) came up with a system for modifying the title of the document to append it with “Graded” or another status. I have been playing around with Google Apps Script this week. Currently this is a script that is bound to the document. Try out the script by going to In order for this script to be installed on student documents it needs to be part of the template you provide students. Copy Document Make a copy of the template and delete all the text on the page. Share Document Distribute the template to the students through Google Classroom as “Make a copy for each student.”

Connected Learning to the Max with Google+ Connected Learning to the Max with Google+ Presented at ISTE 2014, Atlanta, GA Tuesday, July 1, 8:30 am - 9:30 am EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) Building/Room: GWCC B407 Presenters: Charlene Chausis -- Creativity & Innovation Specialist, Aptakisic Jr. Session description: Google+ is all the rage in social media. Join this demonstration of Google+ Streams, Circles, Communities, and Hangouts. Connected Learning to the Max with Google+ Connected Learning to the Max with Google+ Google Classroom - Grade the Folder - Teacher Tech Something I am very curious about is if kids at the front or the end of the alphabet have an advantage when it comes to digital grading. Let’s be honest, we do not grade the top of stack of papers the same as the bottom. The stack of papers was not in any particular order though. I usually do not have time to give feedback to all students in one sitting. After making a copy of the template, go to Google Drive and locate the “Classroom” folder. The folder id is the sequence of numbers and letters in the URL after the “ Locate “Grade the folder” in the Add-On menu. This will open up a sidebar. This will prompt you for the folder ID. The bottom button in the sidebar will randomize the document list. A link to each document is in column C. Column A is where you can indicate the status of the document “graded,” “reviewed,” “incomplete,” “see teacher,” etc… Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2015

The New Collaborative Classroom Experience The learning experience needs to be dynamic and personalized. Chalkup was created to make for a more collaborative experience in the classroom - and to actually get students more involved in their learning. We've made some great updates today to make it even easier for classes to come together as a community of learners. It's all about collaboration. Working together can be the key to a more successful class. All-new designUp-votes and comment repliesView the “Trending” Class DiscussionsCreate a Real-Time Class PollNew Quote and Collaboration DiscussionsMark responses “Solved” by Instructors with badges in Question discussions. Beautiful new assignments design. Chalkup is the simplest way to create, share and discuss assignments, but now assignments have an all-new design. We also added lots of small improvements based on some great user feedback! Check out the new features!

Google Drive Fler och fler skolor börjar använda Google Apps som plattform för kommunikation och kollaboration. Om man tidigare har jobbat i någon av de mer skolanpassade lärplattformarna saknar man kanske till en början kursspecifika sidor, inlämningsmappar kopplade till klasslistor och specifika fält för omdömen t.ex. i Google Apps. Men med lite tanke bakom mappstruktur, delningar och kommentarsfunktioner kan Google Drive tillsammans med de andra Google-tjänsterna fungera som en lärplattform med många fler möjligheter. Jag har utgått från en viss förkunskap i Google Drive i detta inlägg och fokuserar på hur själva mappstrukturen skulle kunna se ut för en lärare samt arbetsgången för att både nå ut med kursmaterial och ta emot elevarbeten. Det första förslaget på mappstruktur utgår från en klass. Det andra förslaget på mappstruktur nedan utgår från en tanke om effektivisering och tidsbesparing och passar bäst när man som lärare undervisar flera klasser/undervisningsgrupper i samma kurs.
