Chemistry News Feb. 15, 2024 — Scientists have developed a new method to measure and remove sulfate from water, potentially leading to cleaner waterways and more effective nuclear waste ... Feb. 14, 2024 — Researchers have succeeded in biomanufacturing from chemically synthesized sugar for the first time in the world. With refinement of this technology, one can envision a future society in which the ... Feb. 13, 2024 — Since the turn of the century, six new chemical elements have been discovered and subsequently added to the periodic table of elements, the very icon of chemistry. These new elements have high atomic ... Feb. 13, 2024 — The properties of supramolecular polymers are dictated by the self-assembled state of the molecules. Feb. 13, 2024 — Scientists have discovered that a known practice in information technology can also be applied to chemistry. Feb. 9, 2024 — Hydrogen stored in hydrogen boride sheets can be efficiently released electrochemically, report scientists.
Nomenclature IUPAC Bienvenue à la page de l'assistant IUPAC. Cette page et les suivantes sont destinées à vous aider dans la nomenclature des composés organiques. Le contenu de ces pages se base sur les principes essentiels de nomenclature organique repris dans l'édition 1979(1) des règles de la nomenclature IUPAC et dans le livre reprenant les recommandations de 1993(2). For those interested, an English page will be available soon. Conventions / Glossaire Vous explique entre autre l'usage de la ponctuation, des préfixes et autres parenthèses. Hydrogènes Indiqués ou Ajoutés Précise quand il est nécessaire d'indiquer les atomes d'hydrogène dans le nom. Types de nomenclature Reprend brièvement les différentes nomenclatures IUPAC en usage. Tableau des classes fonctionnelles Types de fonctions utilisés en nomenclature radico-fonctionnelle en préfixes ou en suffixes. Tableau des groupes caractéristiques Noms des groupes fonctionnels utilisés dans la nomenclature substitutive en tant que préfixes et/ou suffixes.
WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements chimie pour tous Royal Society of Chemistry | Advancing the Chemical Sciences All Nobel Prizes in Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002 "for the development of methods for identification and structure analyses of biological macromolecules" John B. Fenn and Koichi Tanaka "for their development of soft desorption ionisation methods for mass spectrometric analyses of biological macromolecules" Kurt Wüthrich "for his development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution" The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993 "for contributions to the developments of methods within DNA-based chemistry" Kary B. "for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method" Michael Smith "for his fundamental contributions to the establishment of oligonucleotide-based, site-directed mutagenesis and its development for protein studies" The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1942 No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1941 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1940 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1933 Alfred Werner Victor Grignard
WWW Chemistry Resources WWW Chemistry Resources Please note that the new Virtual Library: Chemistry site is located at WWW Chemistry Sites Academic Institutions || Non-profit Organizations || Commercial Organizations || Other Lists of Chemistry Resources and Related WWW Virtual Libraries || Special Projects || Publications ||Announcements Chemistry Software Ads || Specialty Ads || Chemical Industry Consultants Other Chemistry Services Chemistry Gopher Servers || Chemistry FTP Servers Chemistry and Biochemistry USENET News Groups Max Kopelevich // Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of California Los Angeles Chemistry Department at Brown University