highlight.js 50 jQuery Plugins to Take Your Website to Another Level - Code Geekz The Web is on a perpetual flux of becoming and expanding with each and every passing day ( if not every hour on the hour ), and along with its expansion newer advancements are made. Within these advancements, developers are continually working on creating bigger and better scripts by which to further enhance the end user experience by making plugins which are lighter and possess more capabilities than their predecessors. The overall key factor within these newer advanced scripts and plugins is that they are now built to be Responsive without forfeiting the functional features they once possessed – but rather to be better and lighter ( as far as file size ) so that they dont end up slowing down page loading time. With jQuery’s architecture developers are able to create a plug-in code to extend its functionality, thereby being able to produce some of the best plugins by which to allow you to take your website or any given project to an entirely new level. Enjoy The Roundup! 1. 2. 3. 5. 6.
graphisme par Geoffrey Dorne –Les 32 mythes de l'UX design Il y a des années, lorsque j’étais étudiant, beaucoup d’entre-nous voulaient créer leur petit atelier, se mettre en association de créatifs pour travailler sur de beaux projets culturels. Puis, petit à petit la tendance a été de devenir « Directeur Artistique » le fameux DA qui pense, crée et fait créer. Lorsque j’ai commencé à enseigner tous les étudiants voulaient donc devenir DA dans de grosses agences de com, de pub, etc. Puis, la tendance a encore évolué et les étudiants que j’ai eu en cours voulaient travailler dans des startups technologiques. L’acronyme UX est maintenant énormément répandu sans forcément que l’on sache que ce que cela signifie. « L’expérience utilisateur » se détermine par sa méthodologie, qui trouve des centaines de définitions mais aussi qui flirte de près avec la psychologie cognitive. Ajoutons à cela que vous pouvez librement télécharger et imprimer toutes les affiches puisqu’elles sont intégralement disponibles en PDF Yeepee !
CSSGram - filtre photo CSS What is This? For more background on CSS Image Effects, you can check out my blog series here, or watch my video from CSS Conf EU, which gives a baseline on blend modes and filters. Simply put, CSSgram is a library for editing your images with Instagram-like filters directly in CSS. We are using pseudo-elements (i.e. Browser Support This library uses CSS Filters and CSS Blend Modes. Google Chrome: 43+ Mozilla Firefox: 38+ Internet Explorer: Nope Opera: 32+ Safari: 8+ For more information, check on Can I Use. Usage There are currently 3 ways to consume this library: 1. When using CSS classes, you can simply add the class with the filter name to the element containing your image. The quickest way to do this is to link to our CDN in your <head> tag: <link rel="stylesheet" href=" If you want to work locally, do the following: For example: Available Classes 2. .viz--beautiful { @extend %aden; } Available Extends 3. Available Mixins
robflaherty/jquery-annotated-source 20 jQuery Plugins You Should Use Today - Code Geekz JQuery has come to greatly simplify JavaScript programming, and can be considered as being the backbone of web development due to its expedient and concise JavaScript Library which simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interaction toward rapid web development. JQuery Plugins can enable developers and adept users with the required set of tools in creating enriched web applications by making them multi-functional and visually stunning. There have been stellar strides within JavaScript adoption by developers and browser vendors when it comes to JQuery, and they’ve gone on to produce a multitude of JQuery Plugins which have improved web development. This is just part of the reason as to why jQuery has become one of the most preferred and utilized JavaScript libraries available. In this article I have amassed 20 jQuery Plugins that are useful and able to accomplish your development related tasks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. jQuery. 14. 15.
Optical Adjustment – Logic vs. Designers - Marvel In my early days as a designer, I relied on Photoshop or CSS to tell me whether something was right or wrong. If Photoshop indicated that two shapes were aligned, then they were aligned. If two different shapes were the same size, then that was the case. This approach seemed logical, but it was an incorrect way of working. The calculations software makes are rational, but software cannot take into account the way humans perceive shape, colour, and size — that is to say the software cannot understand the context of an object in relation to other objects, in the context of an overall visual language, or how a human would perceive the object. The irrational mind of a human needs to decide whether something looks optically correct or not, because we can see and understand a context when a computer can’t. Let’s take a look at a small number of examples of this in action. The triangle in a play icon is centre-aligned in the circle right? Colour Optical adjustments in colour are more subtle.
Colorify.js aysylu/loom Turn.js: The page flip effect in HTML5 colofilter.css To use those filters, download the colofilter.css file, add it to the head of your document : Then to use the filters, use the proper classes on your elements, and that's it! <div class="blend-blue"><img src="image.png"/><span>lorem</span></div> Examples (click the images to copy the classes): lorem Unfortunately, it will not work with IE & Edge browsers, as well as Opera Mini, and Safari (desktop & IOS ) is not supporting the hue, saturation, color, and luminosity blend modes. See compatibility for : mixblendmode filters A polyfill is on it's way! Light Table Plugin Tutorial - Jakub Arnold Blog I've been playing around with Light Table since the day its source code was released (even made a tiny Ruby plugin). First of all, Light Table is based on the BOT architecture. Which means there are three core concepts: behaviors, objects and tags. Imagine you have a button which listens on a click event and displays a notice to the user when it's clicked Using jQuery that could be as simple as the following $(".my-button").click(function() { showProgress("I'm doing some heavy lifting");}); But there are problems with this approach, especially from the Light Table's point of view. Here's an implementation in ClojureScript. (ns lt.tutorial (:require [lt.object :as object] [lt.objs.tabs :as tabs] [lt.objs.statusbar :as statusbar] [lt.objs.notifos :as notifos] [lt.util.js :as util]) (:require-macros [lt.macros :refer [behavior defui]])) From now on you should just be able to evaluate the current form under the cursor with Cmd-Enter. Next we need to define our button, using the defui macro
GitHub - BafS/Gutenberg: Modern framework to print the web correctly. SplashUp Online Photo Editor Externally SplashUp editor is almost the twin brother of the well-known Photoshop, and although it is far from opportunities of adobe product among online editors, it is one of the most versatile. Thus functionality of SplashUp online photo editor has no effect on its performance. Among the advantages of SplashUp online notice easily scalable window, drag to a convenient location to the user workspace tools, the ability to create an image from scratch, upload photos to social networks, and editing of images from a web camera, cloud services support. In addition to the convenient interface, the SplashUp photo editor pleases users by available to them opportunities, the most important of which are the availability of variety of layers and filters that are used to process images, as well as many standard tools, such as cropping, rotating, experiment with the brightness and color.