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Ukulele Chords - King of charts

Ukulele Chords - King of charts

Ukulele The tone and volume of the instrument varies with size and construction. Ukuleles commonly come in four sizes: soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone. History[edit] Hawaii[edit] The Ukulele is commonly associated with music from Hawaii where the name roughly translates as "jumping flea,"[4] perhaps because of the movement of the player's fingers. Legend attributes it to the nickname of the Englishman Edward William Purvis, one of King Kalākaua's officers, because of his small size, fidgety manner, and playing expertise. One of the most important factors in establishing the ukulele in Hawaiian music and culture was the ardent support and promotion of the instrument by King Kalākaua. Canada[edit] Japan[edit] The ukulele came to Japan in 1929 after Hawaiian-born Yukihiko Haida returned to the country upon his father's death and introduced the instrument. United Kingdom[edit] United States (mainland)[edit] Pre–World War II[edit] Post–World War II[edit] A modern red ukulele. Post-1990 revival[edit]

Ukulele Chord Theory Keys of a Song Music is written in a key. This key might change in the song to add some interesting movement or emotional emphasis. It is therefore useful to understand how they work so that you can choose the right chords in a song and transpose music from a tricky key into something you might prefer to play like C or G. Characteristic of a Key Each key is made up of a minor or major scale. C Major C D E F G A B C G Major G A B C D E F# G B Major B C# D# E F# G# A# BF Major F G A Bb C D E Fb = Flat - It is a note dropped down by a semitone # = Sharp - It is a note raised up by a semitone. All the keys except for A minor and C major use sharps or flats - Remember the black keys on the piano? How do you know what, if any, are the sharps/flats? Enharmonic – Is it a Flat or Sharp? 1 3 5C D E F G A B CChord of C Major = C E G It is useful to know what when you play the standard chord of C Major on the Ukulele, you’re actually playing 1, 3, 5 & 8. What is a 3rd and 5th? Major: 1 3 5 Minor: 1 b3 5
