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Math Simulations

Math Simulations

Simulaciones de móviles con velocidad constante y razonamiento matemático en Primaria. Desde, se ofrece un nuevo recurso educativo digital. En la concepción teórica e implementación técnica de esta aplicación subyace el enfoque de "educación matemática realista", basada en la resolución de problemas (o retos). Toma como base teórica los trabajos de Vigostky, quien sostiene que el aprendizaje no está supeditado al desarrollo, sino que éste puede ser potenciado por las prácticas de enseñanza (tradicionalmente no se tratan en Primaria problemas de móviles sino que se postponen para Secundaria y, además, se resuelven de manera algebraica, haciendo uso de las ecuaciones. Aquí, en cambio, se utiliza fundamentalmente la experimentación -simulación-, el razonamiento numérico proporcional que todo alumno tiene en mayor o menor grado, las operaciones básicas y métodos aritméticos y gráfico-geométricos).

Grid Paper PDFs Free Online Graph Paper / Grid Paper PDFs Downloadable and very printable, I find these PDFs extremely useful. Tip number one! Though I do return the correct header for a PDF, sometimes Explorer gets confused when downloading... So if you're running Windows, you may need to right-click a link and choose "Save link to disk". Tip number two! Some people may need to turn off the option in Adobe's Acrobat reader "shrink to fit" which may resize the grid slightly to fit your printer's printable area. Tip number three! If you want the hexes aligned with the other edge of the paper, just make your paper size "11 x 8.5" and print the result in landscape mode! Translations Belorussian (provided by Ucallweconn weblog) Other | Taking codebreaking, mathematics, intrigue and strategy into the classroom and beyond The Enigma Project is a presentation about the history and mathematics of codes and code breaking, from ancient Greece to the present, including a demonstration of a genuine WWII enigma machine. Then later, in the workshops, it is the student's turn to be the codebreakers! Cryptography is one of the most interesting, inspiring and exotic applications of mathematics. The Enigma Project travels throughout the United Kingdom and abroad, visiting over 100 schools and organisations, and reaching over 12,000 people of all ages every year. The Enigma Project is part of the Millennium Mathematics Project at the University of Cambridge, aimed at inspiring students in maths, science, and history through codes and code breaking. "I think cryptography is an excellent way of getting young people interested in Maths, Science and History and seeing a genuine WW2 Enigma machine really brings the mathematics of code breaking to life."

Mathway: Math Problem Solver
