Alaska School Library Handbook / FrontPage lis724 / FrontPage This class wiki is designed for students in LIS724 - Media Services and Production - in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Dominican University in River Forest, IL. Since the idea of a wiki is to encourage participation from the global community, we invite you to add links to increase the value of this resource. You will have to create a PBWiki account to do this. Thanks! These are the main topics we study in this class: *Standards *Creating Web Pages *Definitions - WEDNESDAY **WebQuests *PowerPoint *Digital Storytelling *Media Literacy *Creating Tutorials *Images and Design Principles *Web Tools *Wikis, Blogs, and Podcasts *Professional Development *Copyright *Miscellaneous Link to my LIS773 - School Libraries wiki Chris Balsano Adjunct Instructor Dominican University River Forest, IL
Creating Successful Research Skills Assignments Main Content Purpose of Creating Assignments to Teach Research Skills Many students never develop good research skills during their years at Penn. These students are often unaware of research tools or don't understand the expectations of scholarly disciplines. What is a Research Skills Assignment? The most common research skills assignment is the research paper or project, which helps students learn to synthesize, analyze and interpret information using appropriate disciplinary content and methodology. Research skills assignments help students answer the following sorts of questions: What is a scholarly article? These are not remedial skills! Tips on Creating Library Research Skills Assignments Set Clear Goals Be clear about what the assignments are meant to accomplish. Make Assignments Relevant and Content Oriented Successful assignments require students to work with information that is significant to them. Timing is Everything Consider how your assignment relates to the class as a whole.
School Library Management Resources for School Librarians - Index Policy Manuals and Other Management Tools How to set up a school library for Non-librarians What Do I Do With All of These Books? - A guide for a non-librarian. Up to Top Handbooks and Guidelines for Students and Faculty Policies Manual - Plainville School, Rainsville, AL. Volunteers Grandview Elementary School Volunteer Info - This is for adult volunteers. Ideas for New Media Specialists The 12 Most Important Things to Do . . . in the First Week of Your New Job - By Carrie Marting and Julie Marie Frye in the Knowledge Quest Blog. This site is maintained by Linda Bertland, retired school librarian, Philadelphia, PA. informationfluency » home Using Primary Sources - Teachers Primary sources are the raw materials of history — original documents and objects which were created at the time under study. They are different from secondary sources, accounts or interpretations of events created by someone without firsthand experience. Examining primary sources gives students a powerful sense of history and the complexity of the past. Helping students analyze primary sources can also guide them toward higher-order thinking and better critical thinking and analysis skills. Before you begin: Choose at least two or three primary sources that support the learning objectives and are accessible to students. 1. Draw on students’ prior knowledge of the topic. Ask students to closely observe each primary source. Who created this primary source? Help students see key details. What do you see that you didn’t expect? Encourage students to think about their personal response to the source. What feelings and thoughts does the primary source trigger in you? 2. 3. Top
Visual Literacy: An E-Learning Tutorial on Visualization for Communication, Engineering and Business Why Use Primary Sources? Primary sources provide a window into the past—unfiltered access to the record of artistic, social, scientific and political thought and achievement during the specific period under study, produced by people who lived during that period. Bringing young people into close contact with these unique, often profoundly personal, documents and objects can give them a very real sense of what it was like to be alive during a long-past era. 1. Engage students Primary sources help students relate in a personal way to events of the past and promote a deeper understanding of history as a series of human events.Because primary sources are snippets of history, they encourage students to seek additional evidence through research.First-person accounts of events helps make them more real, fostering active reading and response. 2. Many state standards support teaching with primary sources, which require students to be both critical and analytical as they read and examine documents and objects. 3. Top
Cool Sites for Middle School Students Online Fun and Games FunBrain - Games for math, reading, and other stuff. Online Games for Kids - From Scholastic. Orisinal - Good games here. Fun and Games GameFAQ's - Information about games for lots of systems. Cheats for all platforms Game Spot - Tips, cheats, games for downloading, and news and reviews. Hobbies and Collections Comic Book Resources - News, locations of comic book shops, and lots of links to comic web sites. Music Pets Healthy Pets - Lots of information here on topics like housebreaking your puppy to feeding your bird. Sports Entertainment - TV and Movies Groups in Your Town The Boy Scouts of America - A super group for making friends and having fun. Sites for Teens Teen Division of the Internet Public Library - Links to sports, entertainment, and information on personal problems. Other Cool Sites Balloon HQ - This site will tell you how to twist balloons to make those neat figures. This site is maintained by Linda Bertland, retired school librarian.
Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center Sustainable Teaching | Use the Impossible to Fail Quiz to Give Students Instant Remediation Does your gut (and your assessment) tell you some students didn’t get it the first time you taught it? Would you like to give students remediation exclusively for concepts they don’t understand? Isn’t it impossible to deliver precise remediation to each student in your classroom? The solution to these challenges is the Impossible to Fail Quiz. I had the opportunity to learn about this tool from Chris Aviles at EdCamp New Jersey. The Impossible to Fail Quiz uses two components of Google Forms that had previously been unexplored frontiers for me: “Go to page based on answer” and inserting page breaks. The quiz is impossible to fail because it directs students to a review video when they incorrectly answer a question. Start by opening Google Drive and creating a new Google Form: Follow the pattern of adding a page break and a question for as many questions as you want. Now it is time to add the magic of the Impossible to Fail Quiz: videos! Now return to your multiple choice questions.
Not So Distant Future | technology, libraries, and schools