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Howstuffworks "Electronics"

TechCrunch A Smarter Planet Blog BigDog, el robot de DARPA que lanza objetos BigDog, el robot que Boston Dynamics está desarrollando desde 2008 para DARPA, acaba de dar un importante salto en sus prestaciones puesto que, gracias a un brazo mecánico, es capaz de agarrar un objeto para luego lanzarlo por los aires. Hasta la mitad del siglo XX, era bastante habitual que los ejércitos de todo el mundo recurriesen a mulas y caballos para realizar el transporte de tropas y de suministros, sobre todo, cuando había que realizar desplazamientos en zonas escarpadas y de difícil acceso para un camión o cualquier otro tipo de vehículo a motor. BigDog es un proyecto en el que DARPA (la agencia de investigación del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos) y Boston Dynamics llevan trabajando desde el año 2005 con el objetivo de desarrollar un robot que se soporta sobre cuatro patas emulando las mulas que usaban los ejércitos de antaño. Otro experimento de Boston Dynamics y DARPA que nos hace volver a pensar en la singularidad tecnológica.

The Best Online Research Apps/Sites You've Never Heard Of Is it possible to conduct research without Google? YES! In fact, it’s NECESSARY for college-level research. Google and other Internet search engines are great tools for researching the basics of any subject. However, when conducting research for accredited college courses, students need to find legitimate, trustworthy resources. By now, you’ve probably noticed that we love making lists, especially when it comes to making learning less expensive (like how we’ve found online colleges that offer laptops to its students). Artcyclopedia – If you’re looking for information on artists or art movements, Artcyclopedia is a great place to begin. BioMedCentral – BioMedCentral is an archive of over 170 biology, chemistry and medical journals. – FindArticles has the text of articles from about 500 print periodicals with coverage back to 1998, and usage is completely free of charge. INFOMINE – INFOMINE is a virtual library of Internet resources. U.S. Did you enjoy this article?

MacGyver of the Day: Instructables' Christy Canida and Eric Wilh @GeicoCaveman: Because we all must conform to your standards of beauty and what is decent. @tselby: no, it just that as a gay man my standards are little higher than that of an average hippie douche. those haircuts are just esthetically hideous. that is a fact. i personally dont care if you use a flowbee and a bowl as your method of cutting hair. but are you really going to argue that either one them has a good haircut? take your pc bullshit and stick it up your ass, im making an observation as i have every right to do. so with that being said - i'll challenge you to post some links to your projects you've shared with the world - you won't and you'll just slink back to snarking on another post, here or somewhere else. i'm @GeicoCaveman: I'll agree that the PC level here, like many "blogs" on the internet, are really high. Expendable ideals for expendable people.

The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte
