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Introducción a los tejidos animales. Atlas de Histología Vegetal y Animal Un tejido (del latín texere = tejer) es un conjunto de células que cooperan para llevar a cabo una o varias funciones en un organismo. Estas células se relacionan entre sí mediante interacciones directas entre ellas o mediadas por la matriz extracelular. Distintos tejidos se asocian entre sí para formar los órganos. A pesar de que las células que forman un organismo son muy diversas en forma y función, los histólogos han clasificado tradicionalmente a los tejidos en cuatro tipos fundamentales: Tejidos epiteliales. Tejidos conectivos o conjuntivos. Tejido muscular. Tejido nervioso.

How to Make a Lava Lamp with Household Ingredients Edit Article With Vegetable Oil and WaterWith Mineral Oil & Alcohol Edited by Sondra C, Nicole Willson, Jack Herrick, Krystle and 100 others Have you ever caught yourself being hypnotized by a lava lamp? Ad Steps Method 1 of 2: With Vegetable Oil and Water 1Get a 16- or 64-oz soda or water bottle. 6Place a strong flashlight or search light under the bottle. Method 2 of 2: With Mineral Oil & Alcohol 1Get a glass container. Tips You can also add decorations like glitter, sequins, or tiny beads.If you don’t have Airborne or Alka-Seltzer, salt works as well.Lava lamps such as these are a great way to reuse empty jars such as those used for peanut butter and jelly. Warnings Do not drink the contents.Do not heat the bottle like a normal lava lamp or allow it to become heated by holding the light underneath it for too long if using plastic.

Resources, Animations, Interviews, + Tools :: DNA Learning Center We are enhancing our most popular resources by building collections around them. First up: Polymerase Chain Reaction! The DNA Learning Center has been developing multimedia animation programs since 1990. These popular programs feature some of the most common molecular processes such as PCR, sequencing, and DNA restriction. View online or download for play from your computer. Stunning three-dimensional visualizations of cellular and molecular processes. An interactive brain map that allows users to rotate the brain in three-dimensional space. Gene Screen is a fun way to learn how recessive genetic traits and diseases are inherited and find out which genetic diseases are more prevalent where your ancestors came from. Each year a select few scientists are recognized for their work by the Nobel Foundation. Join Dave Micklos, Jan Witkowski, and staff commentators for a lively discussion of DNA in the news from world-renowned Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory!

Science Made Simple :: Simple science Fantastic Fluid Flow Take a beaker of water and a beaker of golden syrup and turn them upside down. Aside from making an enormous mess, you will notice that very different things are happening to each one. The water empties quickly in an… Entrancing Vortices A vortex is a rapidly whirling spiral of fluid or gas rotating around its own centre. The Science of Sound Our hearing is one of our most important senses, necessary for basic communication, speech and awareness. Astonishing Diffusion Diffusion is the movement of something from an area of high concentration to a lower concentration. What is Thunder? Thunder is the sound that accompanies lightning during a thunderstorm. Magnificent Microscopes A microscope is an instrument that, using lenses, can be used for viewing objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Fantastic Fractals What is a fractal? Deep Diving Ketchup Sachet Confuse your Legs Toothpick Trick

Luova - KISA: Murra biotekniikan myytti! KISA: Murra biotekniikan myytti! Oletko aina ihmetellyt jonkin huhun, sanonnan tai uskomuksen todenperäisyyttä? Niin olemme mekin Luovassa. Biotekniikan teemaviikon kunniaksi Luova järjestää kaikille nuorille avoimen Murra biotekniikan myytti! -kilpailun. Kilpailu pähkinänkuoressa Kilpailu on avoin kaikille 13-19-vuotiaille Osallistuminen vain digitaalisilla tiedostoilla (esim. pdf tai kuva) Osallistumisaika 1.9.2015 – 18.10.2015 Voittajat palkitaan Voittajajien nimet ja työt julkistetaan Luovassa osallistumisajan päätyttyä Infograafit ja posterit tulee olla itse tehtyjä ja mahdollisesti käytettyihin kuviin tulee tekijällä olla täydet käyttöoikeudet Infografiikkoja voidaan käyttää Helsingin yliopiston sekä LUMA-keskus Suomi -verkoston viestinnässä Kisaan osallistutaan lähettämällä posteri tai infograafi Luovan toimistukselle sähköpostitse ( omien yhteystietojen kera. Klikkaa tästä lisätietoa kisasta Hei, Todella kiva kilpailu! — Marianne · 5 09 2015 - 09:11 · # Hei!

Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares? — Printer friendly ver It was noted earlier that ecosystems provide many services to us, for free. Although some dislike the thought of trying to put an economic value on biodiversity (some things are just priceless), there have been attempts to do so in order for people to understand the magnitude of the issue: how important the environment is to humanity and what costs and benefits there can be in doing (or not doing) something. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)17 is an organization — backed by the UN and various European governments — attempting to compile, build and make a compelling economics case for the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. In a recent report, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for National and International Policy Makers 2009, TEEB provided the following example of sectors dependent on genetic resources: In addition, it is estimated that implementing REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) could help

How flu viruses gain the ability to spread -- ScienceDaily Flu viruses come in many strains, and some are better equipped than others to spread from person to person. Scientists have now discovered that the soft palate -- the soft tissue at the back of the roof of the mouth -- plays a key role in viruses' ability to travel through the air from one person to another. The findings, described in the Sept. 23 online edition of Nature, should help scientists better understand how the flu virus evolves airborne transmissibility and assist them in monitoring the emergence of strains with potential to cause global outbreaks. Researchers from MIT and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) made the surprising finding while examining the H1N1 flu strain, which caused a 2009 pandemic that killed more than 250,000 people. The 2009 strain was very good at binding to human alpha 2-6 receptors. Airborne evolution The researchers are now trying to figure out how this reversion occurs, and why it happens in the soft palate.

Science/Nature | Map: Biodiversity hotspots Much of the Earth's species diversity is concentrated into a few relatively small areas. Twenty-five regions have been identified which together cover only 1.4% of the Earth's land surface but contain nearly half of all plant species and a third of all terrestrial vertebrate species. All are under pressure from human activities. BBC News Online looks at range of biodiversity hotspots. California Floristic Province California's extensive area and great diversity of habitats means it has a very large range of animal and plant species, which includes the world's largest redwood trees. The California Floristic Province covers 70% of the state and spreads into Oregon and northern Mexico. Over 2,000 of the plant species that grow in the province occur nowhere else in the world. At present, 9.7% of the total land area of the California Floristic Province is protected. Central America Some conservation efforts are under way, however. Caucasus Polynesia and Micronesia Atlantic Forest, Brazil Madagascar

All About The Human Genome Project (HGP) All About The Human Genome Project (HGP) The Human Genome Project (HGP) was one of the great feats of exploration in history - an inward voyage of discovery rather than an outward exploration of the planet or the cosmos; an international research effort to sequence and map all of the genes - together known as the genome - of members of our species, Homo sapiens. Completed in April 2003, the HGP gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being. In this section, you will find access to a wealth of information on the history of the HGP, its progress, cast of characters and future. A Quarter Century after the Human Genome Project's Launch: Lessons Beyond the Base Pairs October 1, 2015 marked the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project. Educational Resources Top of page General Information Research Model Organisms To view the PDFs on this page you will need Adobe Reader.
