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Hundreds of Science Fair Projects For Students

Hundreds of Science Fair Projects For Students
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Distance, Velocity and Time: Equations and Relationship Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? The tortoise and the hare decided to have a race. Everybody, most of all the hare, thought the hare would win the race because he hopped much faster than the tortoise plodded. We could say that the hare usually travelled at a much higher velocity than the tortoise. Velocity is the measure of the amount of distance an object covers in a given amount of time. Confident that his high typical velocity would allow him to cover the race distance in a short amount of time, the hare took a lot of breaks. Predict when a fast toy car can pass a slower toy car. A smooth, clear, level stretch of floor (two 2-meter stretches of flat Hot Wheels track is even better) Assistant 2 toy cars with adjustable speeds Tape measure Stopwatch or timer Graph paper Pencil Ruler Use your tape measure to mark off a distance of 1.5 meters from the starting line. Uniform velocity is a linear function, making them easy (and fun) to predict.

The Science Spot Math Trainer - Times Tables Get in some serious math training. Responds to your answers, so it trains your weaknesses. Train yourself to remember, don't count (the cutoff time helps with this) New Version! (Note: the old version is here.) Features of the Math Trainer Cutoff Time The Cutoff Time is there to help you! It means you only have a few seconds to answer each question. At first it seems hard, but as you start to remember you get better and better. (Without the cutoff time you can count to get each answer and never truly learn your tables.) Choose 4 seconds for best effect. Timing You can make good progress by having 3 sessions of 5 minutes every day.

Discovery Education Science Fair Central offers ideas for science fair projects and experiments for kids Elmer's Teachers Club The Scientific Method: Experimentation Testing the Greenhouse Effect Judging Purpose and Hypothesis Research Selecting a Topic Choosing a Light Bulb Filament Grade Level: 8th – 10th; Type: Physics In this experiment, you will create your own light bulb and test filaments of different thicknesses to see which keeps the bulb burning for the longest time. How can you make a light bulb burn for as long as possible? Which thickness of filaments is ideal for a burning light bulb? Ready to build your own light bulb? 3 feet of insulated copper wire Wire cutters Wire strippers 1-inch nail Glass jar with cork Picture hanging wire (“rope” of thin metal threads) Electric tape 6-volt battery Stopwatch or watch with a second hand Cut two pieces of copper wire, each 1 ½ feet long. Terms/Concepts: Filament; How does a light bulb work? References: First Place Science Fair Projects for Inquisitive Kids, by Elizabeth Snoke Harris. Keren Perles has worked as an educational writer, editor, teacher, and tutor of all ages. Disclaimer and Safety Precautions provides the Science Fair Project Ideas for informational purposes only.

Encyclopedia of Earth Science Fair Project Ideas Please ensure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. If you leave JavaScript disabled, you will only access a portion of the content we are providing. <a href="/science-fair-projects/javascript_help.php">Here's how.</a> Help Me Find a Project Use the Topic Selection Wizard tool: Answer a short questionnaire about your interests & hobbies It uses your responses to recommend ideas you will enjoy Browse the Project Ideas Index Listed below are all of the different areas of science where we offer Project Ideas. Search the Project Ideas Library Science Buddies has over 1,150 Project Ideas in over 30 areas of science. Buy Project Kits Each kit contains everything you need to do the project Available for several dozen popular Project Ideas Proceeds help support Science Buddies

How to Find Maximum Height of a Projectile Ever wanted to know how high and how fast you can kick a football? Turns out, it’s pretty easy to figure out. All you need to know is how far away from you the ball lands and how much time it spends in the air (the “hang time”). How can you find a projectile's maximum height? Given the hang time and distance traveled of a football, figure out how high it went, how fast you kicked it, and the angle at which it left the ground. Football Stopwatch Tape measure or a football field Calculator Pencil and paper Willing friend Kick the ball and, at the same time, start the stopwatch. You have calculated the speed at which you kicked the ball (in meters/second), the angle at which it launched, and how high you kicked it (in meters). The above may sound like a bunch of mathematical gobbledygook. The total time spent in the air combined with how far along the ground the ball went tells you everything you need to know about the ball’s horizontal velocity. Disclaimer and Safety Precautions

DISCOVERY: A Simulation of Early American Colonization - Interact Simulations Divided into separate "colonies," teams of students face problems typical of life in 17th-century America and try to ensure the success of their settlements. After deciding on cargo and using map skills to cross the sea and select their sites, students—playing such roles as colony leaders, bankers, mappers, traders, and recorders—are pressed to make decisions concerning the division of labor, the role of government, and defense against possible Indian attack. Interaction among the colonies results in trading, alliances, and sometimes conflict, while Fate Cards affect each colony's success or failure. The wealthiest colony after 15 rounds of play wins. The simulation may run for as many as 19 class periods, but can be truncated greatly depending on class skill level and time available. Common Core correlations

Science Fair Project Ideas Please ensure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. If you leave JavaScript disabled, you will only access a portion of the content we are providing. <a href="/help/javascript">Here's how.</a> Help Me Find a Project Use the Topic Selection Wizard tool: Answer a short questionnaire about your interests & hobbies It uses your responses to recommend ideas you will enjoy Browse Projects by Topic Listed below are all of the different areas of science where we offer Project Ideas. Search the Project Ideas Library Science Buddies has over 1,150 Project Ideas in over 30 areas of science. Browse Projects by Grade Level

A Plasma Ball! What is it and How Does it Work? Grade Level: 6th - 9th; Type: Physics To determine what a plasma ball is and how it works. What is plasma? What are ions? What are inert gases? What is the Tesla coil and how is it used? The student will acquire basic information on the phenomenon called plasma and the applications of this unique coil. This science fair experiment also serves to acquaint students with the essential processes of sciencing such as the importance of the use of a control, of identifying dependent and independent variables, of data collection, of pictorial and or graphic presentation of data and of being able to make better judgments as to the validity and reliability of their findings. Plasma ball (available at toy stores) fluorescent light tube (available from local hardware store), a wooden stool or wooden chair (not metal) a few pennies and a multimeter (borrowed from the school`s physics lab). Chart of Observations Does the electric field look like afield around a point charge? References: Eisenkraft,A.

The World Factbook People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily. If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. If you know of an imminent threat to a location inside the U.S., immediately contact your local law enforcement or FBI Field Office. For threats outside the U.S., contact CIA or go to a U.S. Embassy or Consulate and ask for the information to be passed to a U.S. official. Please know, CIA does not engage in law enforcement. In addition to the options below, individuals contact CIA in a variety of creative ways. If you feel it is safe, consider providing these details with your submission: Your full name Biographic details, such as a photograph of yourself, and a copy of the biographic page of your passport How you got the information you want to share with CIA How to contact you, including your home address and phone number

H O R I S O N T -- 8 / 1 9 9 8 -- D E T S E M B E R - Mida lühemat aega Päike end näitab, seda hoolsam tuleks tema energia püüdmisega olla. Soovitaksin üht tegevust, mis külmale ilmale vaatamata vahest meelitab uksest välja astuma. Mõõdame ära, kui suur see meie täht ikkagi on. Vajalikud abivahendid: pappkast, nööpnõel, joonlaud, valge paberileht, kleeplint. Vajalikud eelteadmised: Päikese kaugus maakerast on 150 miljonit kilomeetrit valgus levib sirgjooneliselt nii Päikeselt Maale kui läbi nööpnõelaaugu sarnaste kolmnurkade vastavate külgede suhted on võrdsed. Joon. 1. 6. Joon. 2. Jooniselt 2 nähtub, et Päikese kujutise (laik paberil) läbimõõt (d) on Päikese läbimõõdust (D) niisama arv kordi väiksem, kui on kasti pikkus (l) väiksem Päikese kaugusest (L). Kasutades tavalist toiduainete pakkimise kasti, saime järgmised mõõtmistulemused: laigu läbimõõtd = 3 mm, kasti pikkus l = 32 cm = 320 mm. Teades, et maakera läbimõõt on ligikaudu 12 800 km, saame teada, et Päikese läbimõõt on Maa omast 14 000 000 : 12 800 = 109 korda suurem.
