Overheating : AMUSEMENT The Top 100 Photography Blogs Learning the art of photography is exciting, especially because so many resources are available to beginner photographers online and off. Some of the best of these resources are blogs, and they highlight gear, techniques, inspiration, and more that can help you learn to be a better photographer. Read on to discover 100 of the best photography blogs out there. General For general interest photography, be sure to check out these blogs. Resources Get the help you need through these blogs that highlight useful resources for photographers. News Stay up to date on the latest in photography with the help of these blogs. Photoblogs If you’re in search of pure eye candy, these blogs will get you your fix. Photo Genres These blogs cater to a specific genre of photography. Tips & Learning Improve your photography with the tips and learning resources found on these blogs. Photographer Profiles Get a look into the lives and work of active photographers through these blogs. Gear Business Photoshop
Mexico’s Narco Cultura: Glorifing Drug War Death and Destruction There’s something bothering Edgar Quintero, lead singer of the Mexican-American band Buknas de Culiacan, which specializes in songs that glorify Mexican drug kingpins. Quintero lives in Los Angeles with his family and he’s a star in his increasingly popular musical genre, which is a little like the gangster rap of Mexico. But, as filmmaker and photographer Shaul Schwarz shows in his feature-length documentary Narco Cultura, Quintero can’t shake the feeling that he’s faking it. Shaul Schwarz Edgar Quintero (with bazooka) and his band in Shaul Schwarz's Narco Cultura. So starts the most illuminating, if by no means the most shocking, sequence in Narco Cultura. The look on Quintero’s suddenly terrified face lasts a few seconds and encapsulates the theme of Schwarz’s movie: the discomforting co-existence in Mexican and Mexican-American life of the horrifying violence of the drug wars and its celebration in pop and movies. Matt McAllester is the Europe Editor at TIME.
Webber Represents Les 20 meilleurs blogs photo selon Life Le site du vénérable Time vient de lancer ses Awards des meilleurs blogs photo et autant vous le dire tout de suite, la sélection est superbe (l’inverse m’aurait étonné de leur part). Connus ou personnels, généralistes ou spécialisés, accessibles ou pointus, ces blogs sont à ajouter les yeux fermés à votre sélection de sites photo. Voici nos 9 favoris parmi de la sélection du Time ! In Focus Mais où est donc passé Alan Taylor, le créateur de “The Big Picture”, LA référence des photoblogs d’actu ? Chez Atlantic, où il fait à peu près la même chose, en un poil mieux. Notre avis ? American Suburb X Rendant hommage à un certain American History X, ce blog vous est sûrement connu, puisque nous avons parlé du projet de son fondateur pas plus tard qu’hier ! 500 Photographers Attention, ce photoblog s’arrêtera dans 11 mois. What’s the Jackanory? Lightbox Le photoblog du Time fait dans le très haut de gamme du photojournalisme et du fine art. BagNews Notes + Life 2011 Photo blog Awards
How to Take Macro Pictures -- National Geographic Get Wallpaper Photograph by John Kimbler, My Shot With its emphasis on detail, pattern, and texture, macro photography can yield rewarding and unique results. In this gallery, learn what makes a great macro shot and get tips on how to turn your extreme close-ups into compelling photographs. Here, a macro lens and diffused macro twin flash capture the intricate detail on a bee and flower. (This photo was submitted to My Shot.) Photo Tip: Macro photography is photography magnified. Get more photo tips » adorama Is there an audience for an $8,000 camera that only shoots in black-and-white? Mason Resnick got his hands on one of the first Leica M Monochrom cameras to land in the US. Here's his review of this fascinating, unique camera. Leica M Monochrom Key Features: 18MP 23.9x35.8mm, 18MP Dedicated Black-And-White SensorCenter-weighted TTL meteringISO range 320-10,000, “pulled” to ISO 1600.Aperture-priority and Manual ExposureHot shoeRAW (DNG), JPEG File FormatsViewfinder magnification: 0.682.5-inch LCD monitor with 230k pixel resolutionShutter speeds B, 8-1/4000 secNoise reduction available "$8,000 for a camera that only shoots black-and-white? In short: The Leica M Monochrom delivered the best black-and-white images I’ve ever seen from a digital camera. First, let’s talk about how almost all other digital cameras capture black-and-white, and compare that to the Leica M Monochrom. Here’s where the Leica M Monochrom comes into play. At least, that’s what is supposed to happen. In the hands
grafices 9 creative photo ideas to try in December | Digital Camera World - page 3 03 Shoot a studio portrait To light this striking portrait shot, photographer Dave Kai-Piper used only a Nikon SB900 Speedlight flashgun modified with an Orbis Ringflash adapter. The ringflash was attached onto the flash to help produce an even, soft light and pick up detail. “Randomly, this image was taken in a kitchen in Munich,” Dave reveals. “The shoot came about during a discussion about how simply you can take a fashion portrait.” Dave tethered his camera so that the images appeared instantly in Photoshop Lightroom on his computer. “However, I also decided to further enhance the gentle vignette in Photoshop in order to improve the overall effect.” Get started today… * Pose your model at a profile angle and light the face using natural or flash light. * Shoot in Manual mode and set the shutter speed to 1/200 sec. PAGE 1: Shoot a bokeh effectPAGE 2: Shoot the city drenched in rainPAGE 3: Shoot a studio portraitPAGE 4: Shoot an abstract image – then rotate it!
Cuando el amor falla, ¿por qué no salir contigo mismo? Estar en una relación puede ser bastante apestoso. Como si tu propia incapacidad de lidiar con el mundo que te rodea no fuera suficiente, activamente decides limitarte a las locuras de otras personas, lo que me parece una cosa extrañamente masoquista en la que se clavó todo el planeta. La fotógrafa Penélope Koliopoulou también encuentra interesante el concepto de las relaciones, y decidió explorarlo en un proyecto, Self Portraits, en el que posaba como ambas mitades de diferentes parejas. Le llamé para saber si una relación contigo mismo, incluso virtualmente, es o no una buena idea. VICE: Hola Penélope, buenas fotos. ¿Fue alguna película en particular la que te molestó? Lo que me fascina es cómo la gente se las arregla para unir sus mundos. ¿Crees que te enfocaste en ese lado? Sí, y hay algunas escenas que son bastante arquetípicas. ¿Basaste tus personajes en gente que conoces? Yo también lo hago. ¿Por qué decidiste hacer estos autorretratos en lugar de contratar gente?
Récupéré: Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама 100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. We spent countless hours scouring the web for the best content we could find and share with you, and today we'll help you expand your knowledge with 100 photography related tutorials! "There are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. Below are ten of the most popular and most widely respected composition rules." "Graphic illustrations [and explanations] of the difference between RAW and JPEG (also called JPG). A basic discussion of white balance and how to respond to different lighting situations. "Use a simple device to get perfect color in all of your shots" "What you need to know to get the most from today’s amazing high-ISO settings" "Low light photography can be a lot of fun.