Setting up an asynchronous task queue for Django using Celery and Redis - Michał Karzyński
Celery is a powerful, production-ready asynchronous job queue, which allows you to run time-consuming Python functions in the background. A Celery powered application can respond to user requests quickly, while long-running tasks are passed onto the queue. In this article we will demonstrate how to add Celery to a Django application using Redis. Celery uses a broker to pass messages between your application and Celery worker processes. Prerequisites In this article we will add Celery to a Django application running in a Python virtualenv. This article was tested on a server running Debian 7, so everything should also work on an Ubuntu server or other Debian-based distribution. Update your system Let’s get started by making sure your system is up to date. $ sudo aptitude update $ sudo aptitude upgrade Install Redis The first piece of software we’ll install is Redis. $ sudo aptitude install redis-server $ redis-server --version Redis server version 2.4.14 (00000000:0) $ redis-cli ping PONG
Deploy Django on Apache with Virtualenv and mod_wsgi | The Code Ship
I have recently got into Django and built a small project with it which is this blog. Then came the time for me to deploy the project on an unmanaged VPS, the process went fine yet with a few problems here and there due to the lack of a definitive guide to deployment. So I ended up checking several sources to have everything work the way I wanted. In this post, I'll be sharing the whole process with you in detail and what will hopefully be helpful to the fellow newcomers. Prerequisites In this tutorial we will assume that we have a fresh Ubuntu server installation with Python already installed and nothing else. Installing Pip Pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages,basically a replacement for easy_install, many Python developers should be already familiar with it and have it already. $ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential Then upgrade to latest version $ sudo pip install --upgrade pip Setting up virtualenv $ pip install virtualenvwrapper Upload files
Alex Raichev > Blog > Adding Celery with RabbitMQ to a Django project on Webfaction
I recently added Celery with RabbitMQ to one of my Django projects on Webfaction. Along the way, i read lots of documentation, encountered difficulties, and got advice from the helpful staff at Webfaction. What worked for me in the end are the instructions below. May they might work for you too and save you some pain! I'll assume that you've already added Celery with RabbitMQ to your Django project in your development environment (encapsulated within a virtual environment) and have that working as desired. Now, let's add Celery with RabbitMQ to your production environment (encapsulated within a virtual environment) on Webfaction. Preparation Ssh into your Webfaction server. Install and configure Erlang From your Webfaction control panel, create a new application with App category: Custom, App type: Custom app (listening on port). Test Erlang Install and configure RabbitMQ Test RabbitMQ Install and configure Celery Test Celery That's it. Todo
Encoders and Decoders - Base64, URL, IDN, CP, UU, XML, Bin-Hex
c# - TripleDes class decryption issue
Install Windows 7 from a USB drive the very easy way - Bootable USB | Bootable USB
The fastest way to install windows 7 is from a bootable usb drive. You can cut the install time down to around 15 minutes compared with 30-40 via DVD if you use a fast drive. People still asking me to explain what is the best way to do this as many of the guides online are too complex, or require third party software which doesn’t always work as they supposed to. With this BootableUSB guide all you need to ensure is that your motherboard supports USB booting, and this is a common feature now for most of the computers. Today I am going to publish a step by step guide which works perfectly and doesn’t require any additional tools – I have been doing it for some time now to create bootable Windows install drives. You need to get hold of a fast USB 2.0 flash drive. What you need: – Windows 7 DVD install disc or ISO image – USB Drive (4GB+ and as fast as you can get) – Running Windows Operating system – Working set of hands and eyes – A few minutes of your life Next type Then type Type: Next type:
Creando un servicio web a partir de su interfaz WSDL
Fecha de publicación del tutorial: 2006-09-26 En este tutorial se resalta la importancia de definir la interfaz de un servicio web antes de implementarlo, y cómo hacer todo esto con Eclipse y Apache Axis v1. Por Javier Cámara ( Arquitecto de software en el BCS Competence Center de Software AG España. Introducción Una de las tareas más importantes a la hora de crear una SOA es definir su modelo de servicios: o sea, qué servicios hay y qué tareas en concreto hace cada uno. Más tarde o más temprano, en una SOA basada en servicios web este modelo se plasmará en documentos WSDL que definan en detalle las interfaces de cada servicio: operaciones, datos recibidos, datos devueltos y errores que pueden ocurrir. La mayoría de las herramientas de creación de servicios web, como Apache Axis o Visual Studio .Net, facilitan que primero se implemente el servicio (o un esqueleto del mismo), por ejemplo en Java, y a partir de él se genere automáticamente el WSDL. Instalar Eclipse
Installing PyGraphviz on Windows | ROPARDO s.r.l.
Django Extensions provides a bunch of management commands for the Django Framework. One of the most handy is the graph_models command. This command creates a visual representation of the Django models existing in the database. In order to use this command you need to have Graphviz and PyGraphviz installed on your machine. Download and install Graphviz from this link: I couldn’t install PyGraphviz using easy_install, because it depends on Graphviz, and easy_install doesn’t know where to find Graphviz. Download PyGraphviz(1.1) from this link: and extract it. Adjust “” file to reflect your Graphviz instalation. library_path='C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz 2.28/lib/release/lib' include_path='C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz 2.28/include/graphviz' Normally, you would run python install to build and install a python application, but in this case we need to do some extra work. to