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50 New Free High Quality Icons Sets - Smashing Magazine

50 New Free High Quality Icons Sets - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement Feel free to make yourself a cup of tea or coffee right now because you’ll be investing an hour or so in today’s post. We’ve published our last icons round-up1 six months ago and since then we’ve collected over 50 new free high quality icon sets that you can use for your projects. While most of the listed freebies may be used for commercial projects as well, some of them may not. However, you could use all of them in your private projects. Please always read the disclaimers carefully before using the icons — they do change from time to time. Free High Quality Icon Sets Free Cupcake Icon3 Available in a variety of sizes (16×16px — 512×512px), this cupcake icon from ArtDesigner is a sweet addition to your icon sets. Moleskine Icon5 Moleskine Icon is a beautifully crafted design by Michael Stezycki that comes in 7 different sizes ranging from 16×16 px all the way up to 512×512 px. Pentax K-7 Icon9 A high detail icon inspired by the Pentax K-7 camera. Symbol Signs and Icons

40 Essential CSS Templates, Resources and Downloads | Speckyboy Design Magazine Every web developer should have in their toolbox a collection of CSS tools and resources like the ones outlined in this article. A set of techniques that you rely on and that are always at the ready to cover any possible eventuality. You will find not a selection of the latest innovative CSS techniques (there are some) in this article, merely a collection of tools, resources and downloads that can be used by web designers for solutions to everyday CSS design and coding solutions. The resources below have been split into four categories: CSS Download Packages (all of the CSS resources offer multiple variations of each technique), Downloadable CSS Tools (the resources within this category offers specialized templates), Web, Mobile & Form Frameworks (+ tools and templates to help you get started with each); Feature-Rich and Outstanding Mobile & Web Templates and finally, a selection of tools to help with cross browser compatibility. CSS Technique Download Packages & Resources 15 CSS3 Buttons

Think CrazyFish After many weeks or months… i’ll reload! resurrect this blog. I use on many projects the ‘ devise ’ for authentication but also in one projects i use the ‘ resque ’ and ‘ resque_mailer ’ for queues then i found two errors: Devise expected to receive a ‘record’ but the ‘resque’ sends a ‘Hash’ When ‘resque’ call the ‘devise’ methods to send a e-mail that don’t render the e-mail layouts. I have created a patch for fix this errors in my github

Ana Scatena Google App Engine, JRuby, Sinatra and some fun! | Khaled alHabache’s official blog Yesterday I was experimenting with Google App Engine for a little project that I was working on. I literally started from ground zero and could do my thing after a long night. I’m blogging about it to share you the idea and save you some time googling solutions. So, here is the thing in brief: I wanted to some feed on and with new entries. Looks like a 10 minutes with Nokogiri and cron jobs. Here are the steps: Install JRuby, I’m using RVM on my machine: rvm install jruby-1.5.5 rvm use jruby Install needed gems, those versions are the ones which worked for me: gem install jbundle gem install appengine-sdk -v "1.4.0" gem install google-appengine -v "0.0.19" Create a simple app: appcfg.rb generate_app notifier cd notifier # Critical default settings: disable_system_gems disable_rubygems bundle_path ".gems/bundler_gems" # List gems to bundle here: gem "appengine-apis" gem "appengine-rack" gem "sinatra" gem "sinatra-reloader" gem "jruby-rack" , "1.0.4" gem "nokogiri" , "1.5.0.beta.3" <?

SIP application testing framework Welcome to SIPr SIPr, pronounced as Sipper is an open source SIP application testing framework with simple objective of making the life of SIP developer and tester easier. With SIPr you can not only create complex SIP and converged application call flows, but create them with ease. Our motto is - "Create any call flow - no exceptions" Show it to me Seeing is believing. What do I need to use it? SIPr test cases and controllers are written in pure Ruby, which is a joy to write, but you don't need to be a Ruby expert to use it. What is in the package? SIPr is a complete SIP stack with a multi-layered API. Freshly brewed... SIPr 2.0 launched Jun 24th, 2009 at 04:04 PM We are pleased to annouuce the general availability of SIPr 2.0 a major release in the direction of IMS and other important features as below. The downloads are available from Rubyforge Sipper project website for 2.0. Performance plans for SIPr 2.0 Jan 31st, 2009 at 04:52 PM Upcoming Release Dec 20th, 2008 at 05:35 PM Cost of a bug

Border-radius: create rounded corners with CSS! Home / CSS3 Previews / Border-radius: create rounded corners with CSS! The CSS3 border-radius property allows web developers to easily utilise rounder corners in their design elements, without the need for corner images or the use of multiple div tags, and is perhaps one of the most talked about aspects of CSS3. Since first being announced in 2005 the boder-radius property has come to enjoy widespread browser support (although with some discrepancies) and, with relative ease of use, web developers have been quick to make the most of this emerging technology. Here’s a basic example: This box should have a rounded corners for Firefox, Safari/Chrome, Opera and IE9. The code for this example is, in theory, quite simple: However, for the moment, you’ll also need to use the -moz- prefix to support Firefox (see the browser support section of this article for further details): How it Works border-bottom-left-radius, border-bottom-right-radius, border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius The Syntax:

Using Redis with Ruby on Rails Buy The Redis Book! Written by Redis creator, Salvatore Sanfilippo, and key contributor, Pieter Noordhuis, the Redis Book will show you how to work with different data structures, how to handle memory, replication, and the cache itself, and how to implement messaging, amongst other things! Buy the book Redis is an extremely fast, atomic key-value store. Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. The above quote was taken from the official Introduction to Redis page. Table of Contents Redis Data Types Below is a general overview of the data types available to you in Redis: As well as those basic types, there is also the ability to do PubSub with Redis. Installing Redis Installation is simple: curl -O tar xzf redis-2.2.2.tar.gz cd redis-2.2.2 make cp src/redis-server src/redis-cli /usr/bin Starting Redis Server If you’re running it on a server you’ll probably want to use your own config file: redis-server /path/to/redis.conf Sample useage:

PDFKit Overview &amp; Advanced Usage Last week I had the pleasure of rewriting 4 years of legacy PDF::Writer code to PDFKit. Why? Well drawing pdfs in ruby using libraries like PDF::Writer is like composing a webpage with an Etch A Sketch. In short, its a damn chore that involves a bunch of code that mixes both data and presentation. Sure there are gems like Prawn that make this much easier, but nothing beats drawing your pdf code in native HTML and CSS, and that is where wkhtmltopdf comes in. Wkhtmltopdf is an open source project that uses the WebKit rendering engine to convert HTML to native PDF code. Installation Installing the PDFKit gem is a no brainer. $ which wkhtmltopdf /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf The Basic Requirements I knew that HTML to PDF generation has its drawbacks, specifically with common headers/footers and page breaks. The major reason to use PDFKit and wkhtmltopdf is that we can use the same templating system in Rails that we use to generate other views. The Main PDF Layout !!! Your PDF CSS

Fixes para Ruby 1.9, Rails 2.3.x e Unicode Ainda existem alguns problemas entre o Rails 2.3, o Ruby 1.9 e seu suporte a UTF-8 e a forma como ambos o ERB (Embedded Ruby, a engine padrão para templates que usamos no ActionView) e o adapter de MySQL tratam encoding. Notei isso quando testei meu próprio blog rodando sobre Ruby 1.9 e ele dá o seguinte erro quando tento carregar a aplicação em algum navegador: O erro aponta justamente para uma linha onde eu puxo dados de um activerecord. Check out all related links Esses erros estão sendo tratados em tickets no Lighthouse como o #2188 Encoding error in Ruby1.9 for templates e o #2476 ASCII-8BIT encoding of query results in rails 2.3.2 and ruby 1.9.1. Crie um arquivo como “config/initializers/fix_params.rb” com o conteúdo: Em seguida, crie um “config/initializers/fix_renderable.rb” com: Finalmente, crie um “config/initializers/fix_mysql_utf8.rb” com: O último fix é especificamente para MySQL, procure no Lighthouse sobre fixes para outros adapters.

CoffeeScript Basics – A Teach Me To Code Tutorial CoffeeScript is now going to be a default installation with Ruby on Rails. So, I installed CoffeeScript and NodeJS and have been playing with it for the last hour or so. Here are the basics you need to know to use CoffeeScript including functions, arrays, hashes (objects), control functions (if, else, unless) and loops. In my opinion it is friendlier than JavaScript and more terse, but I don’t feel like it’s a huge win over JavaScript. That being said, it is something I’m likely to use in the future. Download 168 MBDownload (iPhone & iPod) 87.3 MB 10 Tips for Optimizing Web Form Submission Usability Web forms play a big part in every day web use. If you build and/or run websites, chances are, you have a web form in it, whether it’s a simple contact form or a rich and robust web app. There are several ways to make sure your web forms are optimized for your users. Here are some tips for making sure that your form submission process is user-friendly. 1. It’s annoying as a user to submit a web form only to later find out that you’ve missed required input fields. A common convention for highlighting required fields is to have an asterisk (*) beside their label. The registration web form highlights required fields with an asterisk (*). 2. I’m sure you hate it when you make a mistake in a web form and all the error says is "You must fill out all of the required fields below," when they should really provide a more specific error message like "You forgot to enter your e-mail address." Yahoo!’ Read about best practices for hints and error-validation in web forms. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Executando arquivos direto do gEdit Uma funcionalidade que não tinha no gEdit e que eu sentia muita falta é a de executar o arquivo que você estava editando. Por exemplo, você pode estar digitando um HTML e gostaria de ver como está ficando, no navegador. Ou, estar fazendo um script em Python, Ruby ou PHP e gostaria de executar esse arquivo sem precisar sair do editor. Criei um comando para o "External Tools" — plugin muito interessante, por sinal — que roda comandos externos, como o próprio nome sugere. Se você TEM Ruby instalado, use este script: #! Se você NÃO TEM Ruby instalado, use este script: Agora, quando você estiver executando um arquivo .php, .rb, .py ou .htm/.html e quiser executá-lo, basta pressionar F5 e pronto! Update: Adicionado suporte a XML com comportamento semelhante de HTML. Update 2: Adicionado versão Python do script para quem não tem Ruby instalado. Veja também: fisl8.0, eu vou! Repensando a web com Rails

Do YOU know Resque? Do YOU know Resque? This guest post is by Dave Hoover, who authored the book Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman for O’Reilly, instigated the Software Craftsmanship North America conference, and is the Chief Craftsman at Obtiva. Dave began teaching himself to program in 2000, back when he was a family therapist. Dave lives near Chicago with his wife and three children. Web developers can sometimes forget the importance of doing as little work as possible during the HTTP request-response life-cycle. One nice thing about Resque is that it’s not dependant on Rails or any web framework. If I named this program idea_analyzer.rb and it was in my current working directory, I could run it like this: $ ruby idea_analyzer.rb I will learn ruby Analyzing your idea: I will learn ruby Asking for a job to analyze: I Asking for a job to analyze: will Asking for a job to analyze: learn Asking for a job to analyze: ruby Nice and simple. class WordAnalyzer end
