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QuizBean | Quickly Create Online Quizzes For Free <i>The Edupunks' Guide</i>: How to Do Research Online | Online Learning on GOOD It’s the best of times and the worst of times to be a learner. College tuition has doubled in the past decade, while the options for learning online and independently keep expanding. Anya Kamenetz's new free ebook The Edupunks’ Guide is all about the many paths that learners are taking in this new world, and we're running excerpts from the book all week. We're also asking GOOD readers to doodle your learning journey and submit the result by Sunday, September 11. There’s been a revolution in the way people spread knowledge. More and more people around the world are building on this knowledge revolution to explore new modes of learning and to transform what we mean by “education.” For many, the first step in an online learning journey is a simple Google search. Start with Google, the most-used search engine on the web. A successful online research session will leave you with 20 open tabs or windows at the top of your screen. Top Free Learning Resources Online

Teacher Resources: Quizinator for Teachers, Instructors, and HomeSchoolers - What is Quizinator ? Quizinator Explained in 100 words or less... Worksheets, study sheets, exams, and quizzes are basically collections of questions and answers, arranged in some particular order, and grouped by one or more categories. Quizinator acts as a online resource library that organizes and manages these collections of questions, allowing you to group and categorize them in whatever way suits your needs. When you want to create a new exam for example, select from your question library what you want, arrange the questions with drag and drop, and save. Everything is conveniently centralized online. You can manage and print your documents and library components anytime, from any browser. Three Reasons Quizinator is Great for Teachers and Instructors Teachers and Instructors often teach many different classes, at many different levels. Quizinator breaks all that information into a categorized library of questions and their answers. It's an unfortunate fact that some students cheat.

Socrative Vine for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store eQuizShow - Free Online Quiz Show Templates 8 excelentes herramientas web para crear video-quizzes para Flipped Classroom Traemos hoy una lista de OCHO recursos web que se pueden utilizar para generar interacción cuando nuestros estudiantes ven los vídeos. Mediante el uso de estas herramientas, podremos añadir características interactivas a los vídeos, crear lecciones y también diseñar determinadas actividades de diferenciación dentro del grupo. Algunas de ellas son bastante conocidas (edpuzzle, educanon), otras menos… 1- Vialogues: Vialogue (Video + Diálogo) es un video en línea con una función de discusión en grupo. Permite a los usuarios interactuar con los vídeos añadiendo comentarios con una marca de tiempo. Puede ser una gran herramienta para conseguir que el video suscite una discusión y un debate. los comentarios. 2- Edpuzzle. 3- Google forms. 4- Educanon. 5- Videonot. 6- HapYak. 7- Blubbr. 8- TedEd. YouTube, utilizando sus URLs para agregar preguntas en diferentes formatos. ¿Las has probado?

3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom - Project-based learning (PBL) — an educational approach in which students work together to solve real-world problems — is redefining how many kids learn. Vine, a social video app purchased by Twitter, is growing in popularity — and fast. What happens when the two collide? What Is Vine? Recently we took a more general look at Vine in the classroom, but in short, Vine is video’s answer to the popular photo-sharing app Instagram, with a bit of tumblr and twitter thrown in. This deceptively simple application allows users to capture and share six-second video clips–rather than pure gif animations–through social media. This is precisely some teachers have adopted Vine as an educational tool, especially in the PBL classroom. 3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom Vine and project-based learning classrooms might be a match made in pedagogical heaven–or at least #edtech heaven. How are teachers using Vine? 1. This approach lends itself well to simple how-to videos. 2. 3.
