FabLab South Africa
La rete è mobile - Casa & Design
Complimenti, il suo acquisto è andato a buon fine”. Quando il pc si congratula con noi per aver comprato il divano nuovo, è come uscire felici da un negozio. Solo che magari siamo a casa e in pigiama. è il design 2.0: perché oggi su internet si può comprare di tutto e arredare un’intera abitazione. Tanto che è quasi un paradosso chiamarla realtà virtuale: sembra più vera di quella vera. La tendenza è chiara: anche se c’è la crisi, anzi forse proprio per la crisi, è boom dell’e-shopping: si trova tutto, subito e a prezzi scontati.
The Fab Charter
What is a fab lab? Fab labs are a global network of local labs, enabling invention by providing access to tools for digital fabrication What's in a fab lab? Fab labs share an evolving inventory of core capabilities to make (almost) anything, allowing people and projects to be shared What does the fab lab network provide? Operational, educational, technical, financial, and logistical assistance beyond what's available within one lab Who can use a fab lab? Fab labs are available as a community resource, offering open access for individuals as well as scheduled access for programs What are your responsibilities? safety: not hurting people or machinesoperations: assisting with cleaning, maintaining, and improving the labknowledge: contributing to documentation and instruction Who owns fab lab inventions? Designs and processes developed in fab labs can be protected and sold however an inventor chooses, but should remain available for individuals to use and learn from How can businesses use a fab lab?
Culinary and Event Management
Tekla Labs
Fear Not
By Andrew Silberman Model by Louise Rouse. Photography by Julio Shiiki. Last month an Ax reader suggested I write an article that deals with fear. What are you afraid of? Ask someone that question and depending on how you vocalize it, it can sound dismissive, disarming or way too private to discuss. Some commonly expressed fears were not getting one’s point across, keeping one’s job, the economy not bouncing back, another earthquake, competitors hiring away our talent, and dealing with one’s boss. Everyone’s afraid of the wrong thing All too often, communication issues, especially between boss and subordinate, spring from unspoken, unacknowledged and sometimes, as seen in the Johari Window exercise I’ll walk you through below, completely unknown fears. (It’s not for nothing that we call this newsletter the “Ax.” First, you might want to know what you fear. Peering Into the Johari Window The manager who rained down anger on the two subordinates is coming from one of those two quadrants.
FabLab@School is a growing network of educational digital fabrication labs that put cutting-edge technology for design and construction -- such as 3D printers and laser cutters -- into the hands of middle and high school students. TLTL researchers have spent the last years developing low-cost tools, a curriculum, and a rigorous teacher-preparation program. The labs are the proving ground for much of the research going on in TLTL. There are currently FL@S installations on the Stanford University campus, in Moscow (Russia), Bangkok (Thailand), and in Palo Alto, USA. Minimum hardware resources needed to assemble a FabLab@School are: 1. Here are two commonly used laser cutter models in the U.S. Epilog LaserThe TLTL uses the Epilog Helix 45-Watt laser cutter Full Spectrum Laser The TLTL also uses a Full Spectrum Laser 40-Watt laser cutter Universal Laser Systems Another option is the Universal line of cutters 2. The GoGo Board is a kid-friendly robotics platform designed for K6-K12 education. 3.
Law, Fire and Public Safety
VOID - coffeemakescreative
VOID is a conceptional processing magazine for the iPad. It is aimed to bring coding closer to designers, with focus on enhanced user integration and personalization with a strong visual approach. The magazine app features sections where the reader is able to explore projects, learn about other processing artists, manipulate source code live inside the app and immediately see the changes highlighted in the code. Users can save their modified versions of a sketch, screenshots or short videos to a custom dropbox folder that is linked to the app. It is also possible to share this data via facebook, twitter and email. Idea, Concept and App-Layout: Natalie Hanke Camera and Postproduction: Daniel Oliveira Carneiro Music: Pivot — Make Me Love You VOID App Cover VOID Particle Intro, blending into the cover Sign in with your existing dropbox account or create a new one VOID Table Of Contents Article Page "Continuum" and image gallery VOID table of contents and Portrait Page of Daniel Shiffman
Stau Mobil
ADAC Maps bietet Ihnen eine Routenplanung für Autofahrer und Fußgänger, eine Umkreissuche sowie europaweite Informationen zu über 30 verschiedenen Infoarten, darunter Verkehrsflussanzeige, Verkehrs- und Baustelleninfos, Mitgliedervorteile, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Aktivitäten, Restaurants oder Wetter. Nutzen Sie das Routing mit Zwischenstationen: Im Menüpunkt Route können Sie nun bis zu drei Zwischenstationen festlegen. Die Infoart "Tankstellen & Preise" bietet Ihnen ab sofort die aktuellen, von der Markttranzparenzstelle gemeldeten Spritpreise, sowie die aktuellen Erdgas/CNG-Preise. Der StauScanner=============== Aktivieren Sie einfach unter dem Menüpunkt "StauScanner" die Funktion und tragen Sie durch Ihre regelmäßig anonym verschickten Positions- und Geschwindigkeitsdaten zur Verbesserung der Verkehrsflussanzeige und der Staumeldungen bei. Mitgliedervorteile=================== Hinweise======== Um ADAC Maps für Mitglieder vollständig verwenden zu können, müssen Sie Mitglied im ADAC sein.
d.school: Institute of Design at Stanford
Staulive Lite
ADAC Maps bietet Ihnen eine Routenplanung für Autofahrer und Fußgänger, eine Umkreissuche sowie europaweite Informationen zu über 30 verschiedenen Infoarten, darunter Verkehrsflussanzeige, Verkehrs- und Baustelleninfos, Mitgliedervorteile, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Aktivitäten, Restaurants oder Wetter. Nutzen Sie das Routing mit Zwischenstationen: Im Menüpunkt Route können Sie nun bis zu drei Zwischenstationen festlegen. Die Infoart "Tankstellen & Preise" bietet Ihnen ab sofort die aktuellen, von der Markttranzparenzstelle gemeldeten Spritpreise, sowie die aktuellen Erdgas/CNG-Preise. Der StauScanner=============== Aktivieren Sie einfach unter dem Menüpunkt "StauScanner" die Funktion und tragen Sie durch Ihre regelmäßig anonym verschickten Positions- und Geschwindigkeitsdaten zur Verbesserung der Verkehrsflussanzeige und der Staumeldungen bei. Das Ergebnis können Sie live sehen, wenn Sie in der App die Verkehrsflussanzeige aktivieren. Mitgliedervorteile=================== Hinweise========