Millennials Come of Age as America's Most Stressed Generation emprendeGO - Un concurso de ideas innovadoras. Una apuesta por el emprendedor. Culture Code: Building A Company YOU Love Documentación clave - Descargas gratis de Plantillas y Modelos de Cartas - Suscríbete a la revista, te ahorrarás un 20% y recibirás 12 números por sólo 28,80 euros. Accede a nuestro Quiosco Digital y disfruta de la revista en tu tableta, estés donde estés. Lo mejor de Emprendedores en tu correo. ¿Te vas a resistir? Date de alta en nuestra Newsletter, y descárgate gratis el ‘Manual práctico del emprendedor’.
How Great Leaders Communicate Fan Page List - The List of Official Facebook Fan Pages & Twitter Users How to Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths Cassandra Daily In this month’s edition of First Fridays, we introduce you to Ivan Fatovic, the founder and CEO of Modamily, a new online community created to facilitate introductions between responsible, like-minded adults committed to co-parenting a child. Ivan was inspired to start the platform when he noticed a significant number of family members and friends delaying marriage and children to focus on their careers—a trend that’s not just happening within his social circle but is also becoming widespread among Generations X and Y. His belief is that co-parenting, in which two people who may never intend to marry or cohabitate agree to share responsibility for rearing kids, could protect children from growing up in households of discontent. If you had to choose one word or phrase to describe Modamily, what would it be? Co-parenting…helping people fulfill their dream of becoming a parent on their own terms. How do you define success for your enterprise? I wish I had the experience of being a parent.
9 Qualities Of Truly Confident People 7 Ways to Help You Finish Any Project Are you good at starting something new, but struggle to finish? If you are like me, you develop incredible plans. Big ideas. Remarkable dreams. It’s a great place to begin, but it’s not enough. The Tunnel of Awesome One summer my next door neighbor and I decided to build a tunnel in our back yards. An army shovel is basically a large spade with a short handle on it. His parents typically grew a vegetable garden every summer, but for some reason they didn’t that year. I know what you are thinking. Wrong. A Dying Dream We began what felt like the most important project of our lives taking turns digging with our much-too-small shovel. By lunchtime we were beginning to grow tired, and before dinner we quit. And we did what so many people do, we moved on to the next big thing. It was the first of many “incredible projects that would die without being completed. How to Become a Finisher When we start something new we often begin with an incredible amount of energy and enthusiasm. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
When a Valuable Lesson at Work Became an Invaluable Lesson in Life 21 Free Tools to Help Your Small Business Succeed As small business owners we are always looking for tools to help get the job done at a low cost. Well nothing beats free! It’s truly amazing how powerful some of the free online small business tools are out there. If you’re not taking advantage of at least a few of these resources then you are missing out. These tools cover a variety of topics but almost every business probably uses their services in some way. Enjoy and let us know what tools you use in the comments. 1. This powerful product ends the challenge of storing and syncing files and documents on different devices and computers. 2. Allows you to create and collaborate on documents that you can access anywhere. 3. Great for taking notes and drafting blog posts. Find reporters who are looking for certain information & quotes for stories in your field that you can help them with. 5. A well done and extremely comprehensive Q&A site where you will find answers from high-level entrepreneurs, ceo’s and executives. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.