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Tutoriels d'introduction

Tutoriels d'introduction
I thought I’d share with you how to make my fabric scrap “basket”. It’s VERY simple. I whipped out another two baskets in no time at all. Now I have all of my smaller scraps organized into small, medium and large groupings. Did I even mention I’m a Capricorn and like to be organized to a fault? Directions 1. 2. **I like my interior to fit and not be so rumpled from too much fabric, so this is why I cut my interior slightly smaller. 3. If you are using fusible interfacing I suggest fusing that to your fabric before cutting. 4. Note: You could also just cut a 4-1/2” squares individually out of each corner, it just goes a bit faster folding and cutting all at once. 5. 6. 7. Note: By “right sides together” I mean to have the fabric facing out on your exterior piece, and the fabric facing in on your interior piece. 8. 9. I suggest you start with a pin in the center, and then half way between that and your edge seam, as shown in the second picture above. 10. 11. 12. 13. And you’re done! Related:  magaliarnaudcalloisSewing

Que Cache Ma Boite à Belette ? Denim Gadget Case This got featured on Gizmodo !! Click here to see it Over the summer holidays i've been doing a lot of stuff, and like a real man, i wore jeans. However the things i do are so awesome the jeans couldn't take it any more and big holes apeared at the knees. Usually this would be fine and i would just keep wearing them, but for some bizarre reason all the silly kids think its cool to wear pre-ripped jeans, so not wanting to look like lesser men i went out and bought some new man-jeans. So i decided to put my old jeans to a good use and make an iPod case, i wanted to keep the coolest part about jeans which is the leather label on the waistband. Why you should make one now: ToughDurableAwesomeManlyHas a built in belt loopSchool is starting, you need a case.You can modify the sizing for any gadget you want ! Check out the pictures below, it looks awesome and you wont find a manlier case until you make one out of stone (or fire)

Créations et Savoir-faire et Marie-Claire Idées : Bienvenue sur le site du salon du loisir créatif ! Threading My Way: Denim Fabric Baskets Tutorial... A few days ago, I showed you these fabric baskets that I had made using the legs of an old pair of jeans. They are just so quick and easy to make. Here's the how to, so you can make your own denim fabric baskets using pre-loved jeans. Materials: Choose a section of the leg of the jeans where the top and bottom of your cut piece are the same width. If your jeans are shaped and you cannot get a piece that is the same width top and bottom, you will need to unpick one seam and cut the fabric. The instructions are for jeans that can be used without the need to unpick the seams. Small basket: 1 piece 7.5 inches x 8 inches - jeans leg for the outside of the bag2 pieces 8 inches x 8 inches - contrast colour for the lining2 pieces 8 inches x 8 inches - interfacing Medium basket: 1 piece 8 inches x 8.5 inches - jeans leg for the outside of the bag2 pieces 8.5 inches x 8 inches - contrast colour for the lining2 pieces 8.5 inches x 8 inches - interfacing Large basket: Instructions: Sewing the lining: ...

Le bricolage est vivement recommandé contre la morosité 31 Ideas For What To Make With Old Jeans Stéphanie bricole DIY Til We Die: Anthropologie "knock off" curtains from bed sheets! Start out by cutting your strips (mine are 5 inches wide) (I used a queen flat sheet, it's a great inexpensive way to get a large quantity of fabric) I just cut little inch long snips, and ripped the fabric into strips because I wanted that frayed edge! Here's what is looks like as you are ripping! You can either iron the pleats into the strips like this, then sew down the middle (takes forever) or you can use a pleater foot! I just took the guard off mine so I could pleat down the middle instead of just on the side. This is what the pleats look like out the back of my machine! I used this walmart brand flat sheet (they are like $4) for the curtain itself, (and a queen flat sheet is what I used to cut the strips from to make the ruffles, same brand) I used a seam ripper to open the end of the seam on the casing (at each end of the top of the sheet) to make a place for my curtain rod to go through One more view of the casing for the rod I ironed over 1 inch Bottom all done! see!

Un DIY pour vos escort cards en pinwheel - PrettySouthweds Ça y est, je me mets à faire des titres d’articles copyrightés wed’blog! . Pour vous expliquer plus clairement tout ça, voici la méthode pour faire des moulins à vents qui pourront par exemple vous servir à mettre les noms de vos invités pour votre plan de table. Et voilà! Mais c’était quand même un peu long pour un titre! Voici donc ce DIY en images, proposé par Project Wedding. Petite explication en français dans le texte: on prend des carrés de papier, si possible imprimés sur une face et unis sur l’autre (pas obligatoire mais c’est juste plus joli)on les plie pour faire apparaitre les diagonales du carré, puis on coupe la diagonale à moitiéon rabat ensuite les côtés coupés vers le centre puis on colle au centre (ou on met une attache parisienne si on veut que nos moulins puissent tourner)on attache une petite étiquette à chaque moulin avec le nom des invitéson met tout ça sur un joli présentoir et ça nous donne un plan de table original (oui, j’ai cherché pour moi à la base!)

Neroli Blossoms: Anthropologie Cirrus Duvet DIY Tutorial I have an early Christmas present for you, I finally finished writing the tutorial for the Anthropologie Cirrus DIY duvet cover that I made this summer. Yay! So without further ado, here is my tutorial for the duvet cover: Anthropologie Cirrus Bedding My version This tutorial is made to fit a full/queen sized comforter measuring 88 x 88 inches. Materials: 2 king size flat sheets 1 queen size flat sheet (for reverse side of duvet) matching thread sewing machine double needle – optional some sort of closure, I used 3 yards of lace to create ties but buttons or snaps can be used Sheets at Target about $15-$20 each depending on size Part 1: The Front Panel - First measure the duvet that will fit inside the cover to determine the size. - Wash and iron/steam the sheets to prepare them I found the easiest way to get the wrinkles out is to hang the sheets up and steam them. - Sew the 2 king size sheets together lengthwise - Divide the panel into 8 section horizontally, about 11” apart. Part 2: The Strips

La récup' dans la déco, le détournement d'objets /  WoDesign Avec un peu d’imagination et quelques vieilles planches qui ont vécu il est possible de créer de belles ambiances. Pour preuve les photos qui vont suivre, elles démontrent parfaitement que la décoration est une affaire d’accords, de tonalités, un peu comme une partition de musique en fait, peu importe finalement les matériaux utilisés, le tout est d’avoir l’art et la manière de les accorder pour donner tout son sens à une pièce. L’imagination est aussi une des clefs d’une décoration réussie, car il faut bien le dire, il en faut une bonne dose pour voir dans quelques vieilles planches désuètes, quelques morceaux de bois ou dans des palettes, la possibilité de les transformer en quelques choses d’utiles ou de décoratifs. Mais ça fonctionne pourtant bien. Le détournement d’objets est aussi dans l’air du temps, comme le témoignent les bureaux jumeaux : une simple table séparée par une bibliothèque, astucieux et pratique. Sources : The style divison, apartment therapy, then let it be
