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Life on Purpose: 15 Questions to Discover Your Personal Mission

Life on Purpose: 15 Questions to Discover Your Personal Mission

13 Questions To Help You Find Your Purpose In Life Many people frequently find themselves living one life, but yearning for something more. And that yearning usually doesn't just happen once; it often happens every couple of years. You may start feeling a stir inside that brings questions to the surface, like, "Who am I?" How you answer those questions can aim your life in a new direction. If you don't take the time to pause and reflect, you'll start feeling stuck, bored, blocked, out of the flow, depressed, frustrated or sad. During this time, you're being asked to tap into the invisible force that naturally guides everything to its highest level of creative possibility. But in order to co-create with this invisible force and get traction on your path, you must first uncover your deepest desires. I know it's easy to sweep your desires under the rug because you might not see how they could be possible. Lifting up the rug and uncovering your deep desires isn't hard or scary.

Wilderness Survival, Tracking, Nature, Wilderness Mind 3 Unexpected Ways to Find Your Life Purpose Do you feel lost or as if something is missing in your life? Maybe you want to make a bigger difference in the world than you feel you are, but you aren’t sure how. So many of us walk through life, feeling numb and desperate for a deeper connection, but aren’t sure how to get it. The two greatest days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out what your purpose is, but if you don’t know what your purpose is than you don’t know why you are here, and it can be hard to keep going. I know this feeling all too well. I used to suffer immense inner turmoil while trying hard to find my purpose. I struggled daily to figure out my purpose, but it wasn’t until I took a step back and realized that my purpose isn’t “figure-outable” from my head that I found a way to get there. We can’t think our way into our life’s passion and purpose, we have to do our way in. How to Find Your Purpose and Passion 1. The experience is the reward; clarity comes through the process of exploring.

How to Master a Subject Hi there, thanks for stopping by. If you're new here, and want information, tools and resources to mentor yourself, subscribe to my RSS feed or get my posts by email. Also visit the Start Here page to find posts that others found useful. Recently I had a blog post on How to Master a Subject. If you do not already know what your interests are, or if you want to test what you think, the first step in this process is to conduct a Personal SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats). Personal SWOT Analysis Answering the questions in the above table creates an inventory of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, which will determine possible areas to achieve mastery in. Please keep the conversation flowing, click on the comment link below and leave a note for me. Related Articles How to Master a SubjectHow to Fill the Information GapHow to Fill the Information Gap Part TwoHow to Fill the Information Gap (when you don’t know there is a gap) Part Three

6 pistes à explorer pour donner du sens à sa vie Comment donner du sens à sa vie ? En voilà une bonne question, non ? Je m’étonne d’ailleurs moi-même de ne pas avoir abordé plus tôt ce sujet sur le blog. Difficile en effet de se sentir heureux, épanouis ou d’être positifs, si on n’a pas une vraie bonne raison de se lever le matin. Je veux dire quelque chose qui nous anime vraiment quoi. Parfois, on a aussi juste complètement la tête dans le guidon. 1. Avez-vous déjà pris le temps de vous poser quelques minutes pour vous demander ce qui est réellement important pour vous ? 2. Comme le disait Friedrich Hegel : « Rien de grand ne s’est accompli dans le monde sans passion. » Peu importe ce que c’est, que vous adoriez le tricot, la peinture, la cuisine, la poésie, la lecture, la cartomancie, le chant, le tuning, la danse africaine, que vous collectionniez les nains de jardin ou que vous réalisiez des sculptures en allumettes… N’abandonnez jamais votre passion. 3. Comment trouver sa mission de vie ? 4. 5. 6. Pour aller plus loin Source

44 Skills Every Successful Person Should Learn I don’t support the idea of being a jack-of-all-trades. I’ve always believed in mastery and focus. I however think that people who want to be successful should consider learning certain skills that can serve as valuable assets at the workplace as well as in life in general. Here I’ve listed 44 skills that I believe can work as little supplements of success. I’ve also included links to some great sources of information that I’ve personally found useful. Speaking effectively. Many of the skills I’ve mentioned aren’t skills that you need to spend 20 years of your life to learn. The list is far from perfect so I would love to hear your tips too.

Après le stage : les ateliers • Institut Aristote Animés par Stéphane Dieutre les ateliers réunissent pendant 2H30, lors d’une soirée en semaine, des personnes qui souhaitent poursuivre et approfondir en groupe la dynamique initiée lors de leur stage. Programmés mensuellement, ils réunissent 8 à 12 participants issus de promotions différentes (seules, les personnes ayant suivi un stage ou un coaching Aristote peuvent y participer). La dynamique repose sur le partage des expériences entre des participants à différents niveaux d’avancement. Chacun peut y célébrer ses avancées, préciser son projet, mettre en œuvre son plan d’action et trouver des solutions. Selon les priorités et besoins des participants exprimés en ouverture d’atelier, un agenda sera défini qui pourra inclure les thématiques suivantes :

Prenez le temps de réfléchir au sens de votre vie 4 mars 2012 Notre société vit à un rythme de plus en plus effréné. Suite aux évolutions technologiques, tout s'accélère : les transports, l'information, les modes de vie, et même les changements climatiques et les bouleversements sociaux. Nous recevons un flux d'informations toujours plus important : par la presse, la radio, la télévision ou internet. Dans le monde du travail, nous devons être de plus en plus efficaces et rentables. Cette accélération générale est nouvelle et stimulante. Mais l'homme doit veiller à ne pas se trouver emporté par un tourbillon qu'il ne maîtrise plus. L'homme a été créé par DIEU et envoyé sur Terre pour une raison bien définie. Pour que ce processus d'évolution s'accomplisse correctement, il est important que l'homme ait conscience de ce qui se produit dans sa vie. C'est pourquoi il est indispensable que l'homme s'efforce de consacrer volontairement un peu de temps et de disponibilité à cette réflexion.

Bring Your Life Into Alignment When you have a satisfactory answer to a big question related to the nature of life, the universe, and everything, the real challenge is integrating that answer into your daily life. How can you act in alignment with your most important values and beliefs? Accepting Misalignment The first step is to notice misalignment. Where are the misalignments? When you recognize some of these misalignments, accept them for what they are. Have you ever experienced that moment of clarity when you realized that you absolutely needed to transition out of your job or relationship, only to watch yourself delaying action for months? Don’t pretend. Next, work on accepting the consequences of your truth. Keep reminding yourself of the importance of alignment. Welcome the challenge that you’re facing. Turning Profound Answers Into Daily Practice Perhaps my #1 tool for turning profound answers into daily practice is what I call Daily Conscious Time. I usually do this in the form of journaling.

How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes How do you discover your real purpose in life? I’m not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you’re here at all — the very reason you exist. Perhaps you’re a rather nihilistic person who doesn’t believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning. Here’s a story about Bruce Lee which sets the stage for this little exercise. If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you must first empty your mind of all the false purposes you’ve been taught (including the idea that you may have no purpose at all). So how to discover your purpose in life? Here’s what to do: Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor where you can type (I prefer the latter because it’s faster).Write at the top, “What is my true purpose in life?” That’s it. For those who are very entrenched in low-awareness living, it will take a lot longer to get all the false answers out, possibly more than an hour. Give it a shot!

Découvrir un sens à sa vie avec la logothérapie de Viktor Frankl Le jour où je suis sorti de prison, quand j’ai vu tous ces gens qui m’observaient, un flot de colère m’a envahi à la pensée qu’ils m’avaient volé vingt-sept années de ma vie. [Alors je me suis dit:] «Nelson, quand tu étais en prison, tu étais libre; maintenant que tu es libre, ne deviens pas leur prisonnier.» (Nelson Mandela) À différents moments de notre vie, nous sommes confrontés à des crises et à des souffrances, grandes et petites. Ça n’est pas facile, mais il est possible de trouver un sens durable à notre existence à travers nos valeurs et nos actions. C’est ce que la logothérapie vous fera découvrir ! De la tragédie à la découverte Viktor Frankl, un psychiatre autrichien, fut l’un des rares survivants des camps de la mort nazis pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. À travers son expérience infernale de l’holocauste, il a développé une approche psychothérapeutique qu’il a nommée la logothérapie (logos signifie « raison » en grec.) Mais qu’est-ce que la logothérapie ? 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 4.
