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Countries and Nationalities (with sound) - English Language

Countries and Nationalities (with sound) - English Language
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What The World's Families Eat in a Week Updated: May 23, 2016 10:44 AM EDT | Originally published: September 20, 2013 4:44 PM EDT American photographer Peter Menzel and writer Faith D’Aluisio have traveled the world documenting that most basic of human behaviors—what we eat. Their project, “Hungry Planet,” depicts everything that an average family consumes in a given week—and what it costs. The pair released their book “Hungry Planet: What the World Eats” in 2005, showcasing meals in 24 countries. More from TIME The Ayme family of Tingo, Ecuador, was pictured with a haul of vegetables. In 2013 and 2014, their “Hungry Planet” portraits were exhibited by the Nobel Peace Center to give viewers a peek into kitchens from Norway to Kuwait and China to Mexico, and to raise awareness about how environments and cultures influence the cost and calories of the world’s dinners.

Don't Give Up On The Newspaper Just Yet: 6 Addictive Activities Using Today’s News Headlines Don’t give up on newspapers just yet. Even if you are like me and never read the newspaper, you can still put it to good use in your ESL classroom. Here I’ve put together six great activities you can do using today’s newspaper. Not only will your students get a great language workout with these activities, they will have a great time and get some hands on language practice. So get ready for a special delivery in your classroom today. 6 Fabulous Newspaper Language Games that will Make News with Your Students 1Reading ComprehensionIn this simple reading comprehension activity, students will read headlines from recent news stories and match them to the correct article they title. So what is in today’s headlines? A ton of fun and opportunity for learning for your ESL students. Enjoyed this article and learned something? Want more teaching tips like this? Get the Entire BusyTeacher Library Instant download. Show me sample pages → Rate this article: was this article helpful?

Where did Halloween come from? Origins and why we celebrate on All Hallows' Eve Halloween, the ghoulish celebration of the all that is spooky and ghostly is peeping up around the corner at us once again. Millions celebrate Halloween all around the world, but where did the festival come from? Dog 'will have to be put down after its owner and his girlfriend had sex with it' Halloween falls on the eve of the Christian festival All Hallow’s Day, so is known as All Hallow’s Eve, Allhalloween or All Saints’ Eve. The origins of the festival date back to the time of the ancient Celts and the Celtic festival of Samhain in particular. Samhain – which is November in Irish, pronounced sow-in – was the festival that marked the end of summer and the harvest season. The Celts lived in Ireland, Britain and northern France and were pagans. The presence of these spirits made it easier for the Druids – Celtic priests – to make a prediction about the future. On Samhain, the Celts would burn animals or crops on the bonfire as a sacrifice to the Celtic gods.

Christmas Traditions, Christmas History, Christmas Around the World, The Christmas Story and Christmas Fun and Games! - whychristmas?com San Valentino: idee e attività per una classe di inglese | MLA blog A S.Valentino, nelle classi si respira un’aria d’attesa per questo giorno dedicato all’amore e ai rapporti affettivi, gli alunni sono in fermento, si scambiano idee su possibili regali, preparano messaggi, post e tweet da dedicare alle persone a loro care. Perché allora non pensare di proporre una serie di attività didattiche guidate su questa festività? La celebrazione di San Valentino offre al docente di inglese la possibilità di utilizzare video, materiali di lettura e di ascolto autentici e divertenti che contribuiscono a creare in classe un’atmosfera rilassata e “friendly”. Questo topic interessa ed attrae molto i ragazzi, soprattutto gli adolescenti, che sono quasi “naturalmente” motivati all’apprendimento di nuovi contenuti e allo sviluppo e potenziamento di competenze linguistiche. Il percorso didattico può analizzare la maniera di celebrare questa festività nel Regno Unito, negli USA, e sollecitare eventuali confronti con le usanze e abitudini italiane. Finalità formative:

Baking Recipes for Kids - Great British Chefs Want more recipes like these delivered to your inbox? Sign up to our newsletter now and we'll send you a hand-picked round-up of the best seasonal recipes and features from the best chefs each week. By entering your email address above, you are agreeing to be added to our weekly newsletter database. Thanks for subscribing Conflicts in Literature Shocking Surprise for Woman Expecting Identical Triplets Kimberly Fugate, exhausted after an intensive labor and grueling cesarean section delivery of identical triplets, was ready to breathe a sign of relief, but the Mississippi mother's doctor had a surprise for her. "They had got the three out and they said, 'More feet,'" Fugate said. "'More feet' ... that's all I heard and I said, 'Nooo!'" A fourth identical quadruplet had somehow been missed by numerous ultrasounds, managing to keep her existence hidden until she popped out behind three of her identical sisters last week at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. "It's one surprise after another," Fugate said. The Fugate four, named Kenleigh Rosa, Kristen Sue, Kayleigh Pearl and Kelsey Roxanne after family members, arrived three months earlier than expected, and just a day before their mother's 42nd birthday. All four are currently doing well in neonatal intensive care after being born nearly 13 weeks premature. "I haven't been able to hold them yet," Fugate said. Dr. Also Read
